CBSE reduces syllabus by 30% for class 9 to 12.
The Central Board of Secondary Education syllabus for class 9 to 12 has been shortened by 30 percent this year due to damage of academic time caused by Covid-19 pandemic. According to the Human Resource Development Minister, the reduction in syllabus has been done but the core concepts are still intact.
The Central Board of Secondary Education syllabus for class 9 to 12 has been shortened by 30 percent this year due to damage of academic time caused by Covid-19 pandemic. According to the Human Resource Development Minister, the reduction in syllabus has been done but the core concepts are still intact.
Since the beginning of this new academic session, conduct of classroom teaching has not been possible and it has affected approximately 25 Crore students across the nation. Sighting this situation, the HRD Minister invited suggestions for syllabus rationalization and around 1500 educationists put forth their opinions, based on which the curriculum committee, respective course committees and the governing body of CBSE finalised the new syllabus. CBSE released an official statement instructing the school principals to also explain the deleted topics to the extent required to connect different topics.
As per the revised syllabus released by CBSE for the session 2020-21, Anatomy of flowering plants, transport in plants, mineral nutrition and digestion and absorption are deleted from Class XI syllabus of Biology.
From class XII Biology, Reproduction in organisms, Evolution, strategies for enhancement in food production, ecosystem and environmental issues are deleted.
No Chapter is completely deleted from syllabus of Physics for class XI & XII
Frame of reference, motion in a straight line, x-t graph, speed and velocity, Kepler's law, Elastic behaviour, sheer modulus of rigidity, Poisson's ratio, elastic energy, heat engine and refrigerator are deleted from the portion of class XI.
From class XII, Carbon resistor, colour code of carbon resistor, series and parallel of resistance, magnetic field intensity due to magnetic dipole, torque on a magnetic dipole, para, dia and ferro magnetic substances, electromagnets power factor, wattless current, AC generator, AC transformer, displacement current, reflection of light, spherical mirror, mirror for scattering of light, radioactivity, alpha, beta and gamma rays, radioactive decay law, binding energy and Zener diode are deleted.
From chemistry portion of class XI Environmental chemistry is deleted and from class XII Metallurgy, Polymers and Chemistry in everyday life is deleted.
No changes has been made in the topics and chapters of Mathematics, unit-wise marks distribution and books.
The Core English course for class XI will not include exercises to write a letter to the editor, or apply for a job with a resume.
Similar Changes have been done in arts and commerce syllabi. Topics like federalism, nationalism, Secularism, demonetization, GST, partition, Zamindars & the state, impact of government policy changes on business with special reference to liberalization, privatization and globalization in India stands deleted.
Human eye, evolution, forest and wildlife, democracy, diversity, popular struggles and movements, and challenges to democracy along with some experiments which will be harder to conduct are removed from the syllabus of class tenth.
Click here to check the tweet by HRD Minister:
HRD Minister informed the students about the changes by a tweet from his personal twitter handle.
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