You Are A Warrior

Hello! Hope you are fine and into the play as a real warrior. Quarantine is a challenge! Yes! For me, you and everyone... But it's a tougher one for you, who can't simply "Netflix and chill". You are on your battlefield preparing for the ultimate shot. The shot which is probably considered having the capability to either make or break you. Well... I strongly disagree! Nothing except "you, yourself" can break you. You are a warrior and it's about the day and you are into the play for yourself. I still remember the NEET exam of 2018 which despite of me being over prepared made me drop a year more. After february when the syllabus gets completed and you are sort of free from the daily schedule you practice, things might take a bitter turn. The situation is almost the same. Having your exams postponed might bring a feel of joy, but it is the time to tighten your shoe laces and go for it with even more enthusiasm. "Hey! Is it going to be a zero session year? Will the dates extend even more? What should we do? How to overcome boredom?" are some of the queries which would be definitely be popping up your minds as a notification everytime you go through the sheets/DPPs. But, no one has seen the future. Inquiring more and more won't bring a favourable outcome. It's the time for you to be in attacking mode and most importantly, don't let stress defeat you. You are a warrior and can't afford to distress yourself! The main cause of stress as per my opinion is OVERTHINKING. Don't set targets for the whole month. Take each day as a target and achieve it. Enjoy the victory of everyday. Trust me, the moment I started being a true _Befikra_, things changed and with lesser preparation, I succeeded. Well, being a _Befikra_ definitely doesn't mean leaving it all and enjoying. It's just about being a warrior who doesn't has time to think about the results. Every day is a new target for you. Utilise it beautifully. Be in proper contacts with your mentors and keep yourself motivated. The mindset of yours affect your subconscious and ultimately the results. Be a warrior, fight with enthusiasm and you will definitely come out with flying colours.