
आम जनता को कब मिलेगी कोरोना की वैक्सीन?

भारत के प्रधानमंत्री ने शनिवार को हैदराबद, पुणे और अहमदाबाद में कोविड-19 के वैक्सीन निर्माण के प्रक्रिया का जायज़ा लिया। अहमदाबाद स्थित जाइडूश बॉयोटेक पार्क, हैदराबाद स्थित भारत बॉयोटेक लैब और पुणे स्थित सीरम इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ इंडिया में रिव्यू विजिट के दौरान प्रधानमंत्री ने विशेषज्ञों से टीकाकरण से जुड़े बारीक़ पहलुओं पर चर्चा की।

भारत समेत पूरा विश्व कोविड-19 की समस्या से जूझ रहा है और अब राहत की इकलौती उम्मीद वैक्सीन से ही है। अलग-अलग देशों में वैक्सीन के अलग-अलग चरणों का ट्रायल चल रहा है और एक्सपर्ट्स के मुताबिक जल्द हीं सफलता मिलने की उम्मीद है। संक्रमण के लगातार बढ़ते मामलों से त्रस्त आम जन के मन में सबसे बड़ा सवाल है कि आखिर उन्हें कोरोना से निजात दिलाने वाली वैक्सीन कब मिलेगी?

अंडर ट्रायल वैक्सीनों की फेहरिस्त में जो पाँच वैक्सीन सफलता के सबसे करीब है, हमने इस रिपोर्ट में उनपर तफ़सील से जानकारी देने का प्रयास किया है।


सूची में सबसे पहला नाम है MODERNA-mRNA 1273 का जिसका अमेरिका की ‘नेशनल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ एलर्जी एन्ड इन्फेक्शस डिजीज’ के सहयोग से ट्रायल चल रहा है। ह्यूमन ट्रायल के फेज में पहुंचने वाली ये कोरोना की पहली वैक्सीन है। तकरीबन 30 हज़ार अमेरिकी नागरिकों ने इसके ट्रायल के लिए अपना नाम दिया और कई स्टेज की ट्रायल्स के बाद आये आंकड़े उत्साहवर्धक है। बिना किसी साइड इफेक्ट वाली ये वैक्सीन ह्यूमन ट्रायल के दौरान 94.5 फीसदी तक कारगर रही। एक्सपर्ट्स के मुताबिक़ इस वैक्सीन के एक डोज की कीमत 35 अमेरिकी डॉलर यानी कि लगभग 2600 रुपये होगी। इस वैक्सीन के अमेरिकी बाज़ार में उतारे जाने के तारीखों का ऐलान होना अभी बाकी है।


इस सूची में दूसरी वैक्सीन है फ़ाइजर (Pfizer)। अमेरिकी फार्मा कम्पनी फ़ाइजर और जर्मन फार्मा कम्पनी बायो एन्ड टेक ने मिल कर इस वैक्सीन को तैयार किया है। स्वास्थ्य मामलों के जानकारों के मुताबिक इस वैक्सीन के सबसे पहले प्रयोग में आने की संभावना है। निर्माता कम्पनियों के मुताबिक ये वैक्सीन 95 फीसदी तक कारगर है और दिसंबर 2020 तक इसके 5 करोड़ डोज तैयार हो जाएंगे, वहीं अगले साल तक एक अरब तीस करोड़ डोज तैयार करने की योजना है। इस वैक्सीन के भारत पहुंचने को लेकर फिलहाल कोई स्पष्ट जानकारी नहीं है साथ हीं इसके भंडारण के लिए आवश्यक बेहद कम तापमान को हासिल कर इसके सुचारू वितरण को सुनिश्चित करने की प्रक्रिया का सामने आना भी अभी बाकी है।

Sputnik V

इस फेहरिस्त में तीसरे स्थान पर है रूस की गामालेया नेशनल सेंटर ऑफ एपीडेमियोलॉजी एन्ड माइक्रोबायोलॉजी तथा रशियन डाईरेक्टरेट इंवेस्टमेंट फंड के संयुक्त तत्वधान में बन रही स्पुतनिक-V का। ये कोरोना पर दुनिया का पहला रजिस्टर्ड वैक्सीन है जिसे इसी साल अगस्त के महीने में रजिस्टर कराया गया था। निर्माताओं के मुताबिक ये वैक्सीन कोरोना रोकने में 92 फीसदी तक कारगर है। कुछ मामलों में वैक्सीन लगाने के उपरांत बुखार, थकान, सरदर्द जैसे साइड इफेक्ट्स भी देखे गए। हैदराबाद के डॉक्टर रेड्डीज लैब को भारत में इस वैक्सीन के ट्रायल की अनुमती मिली हुई है और भारत तथा रूस की सरकारें पूरी प्रक्रिया पर नजदीकी से नजर रख रहीं है। स्वास्थ्य मामले के जानकारों के मुताबिक इस वैक्सीन की कीमत अमेरिका के मोडर्ना वैक्सीन से कम होगी।


अब जानते हैं ऑक्सफ़ोर्ड यूनिवर्सिटी और स्वीडिश ब्रिटिश कम्पनी एस्ट्रॉजेन्का द्वारा बनाई जा रही वैक्सीन AZD1222 की। भारत में इस वैक्सीन को ‘कोविशिल्ड‘ नाम दिया गया है। इस वैक्सीन के निर्माण और ट्रायल की प्रक्रिया में पुणे स्थित ‘सीरम इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ इंडिया’ भी सहयोगी है। भारत में इस वैक्सीन के आख़िरी फेज़ का ट्रायल चल रहा है। भारत के साथ ही यूके, साउथ अफ्रीका, अमेरिका और ब्राज़ील में भी इस वैक्सीन का ट्रायल किया गया। ट्रायल से प्राप्त आंकड़ो के अनुसार ये कोरोना को अधिकतम 90 प्रतिशत तक रोकने में कारगर साबित हुई है, हालांकि इस वैक्सीन की औसत सफलता दर 70 फीसदी के करीब है। कई देशों में कई तरीके से हुए ट्रायल के वजह से औसत और अधिकतम सफलता दर के आंकड़ो में बड़ा अंतर नजर आ रहा है। जिन लोगों को वैक्सीन का पहला डोज आधा और एक महीने बाद दूसरा पूरा डोज दिया गया, उनमें वैक्सीन की सफलता का प्रतिशत 90 के करीब रहा पर जिन्हें एक महीने के अंतराल में दो पूरे डोज दिए गए उनमें वैक्सीन की सफलता का प्रतिशत गिर कर 62 रह गया। एस्ट्राजेन्का ने ब्रिटेन के ड्रग रेगुलेटर से 29 नवम्बर को वैक्सीन के आपातकालीन प्रयोग की इजाज़त मांगी है जिसपर आधिकारिक जवाब आना बाकी है। भारत में उपलब्धता की कतार में ये वैक्सीन सबसे आगे खड़ी हैं। सीरम इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ इंडिया ने इसके चार करोड़ से अधिक डोज तैयार कर लिए हैं। सीरम इंस्टीट्यूट के मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी आधार पूनावाला के मुताबिक इस वैक्सीन के एक डोज की कीमत सरकार को तकरीबन सवा दो सौ रुपये (3 अमेरिकी डॉलर) और आम जनता को तकरीबन 600 रुपये पड़ेगी। सीरम इंस्टीट्यूट पहले भारत के वैक्सीन जरूरतों को पूरा करेगा फिर इसे अन्य देशों को निर्यात किया जाएगा।


पूरी तरह से भारत में बन रही अगली वैक्सीन है कोवैक्सीन(COVAXIN). इसका निर्माण हैदराबाद स्थित भारत बॉयोटेक और ICMR की नेशनल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ वायरोलॉजी द्वारा किया जा रहा है। इसके पहले और दूसरे फेज के ट्रायल पूरे हो चुके हैं और तीसरे फेज के ट्रायल जारी हैं। इसके सभी स्टेज के ट्रायल्स अगले साल तक पूरे होंगे। भारत बॉयोटेक के एमडी डॉक्टर कृष्ण एला ने कहा है कि इस वैक्सीन के एक डोज की कीमत एक पानी के बोतल से भी कम होगी।

रेस में सबसे आगे चल रही इन पाँच वैक्सीन का भारत समेत तमाम देश बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रहे हैं। वैक्सीन के लांच की कोई तय तारीख नहीं है और यही बात प्रधानमंत्री ने मुख्यमंत्रियों के साथ हुई बैठक में दुहराई पर सीरम इंस्टिट्यूट के सीईओ आधार पूनावाला के अनुसार दिसम्बर में भारत के ड्रग कंट्रोलर जनरल से वैक्सीन के आपातकालीन इस्तेमाल की इजाजत मांगी जाएगी। इजाजत मिलने की स्थिति में सबसे पहले कोरोना से जंग में कार्यरत फ्रंट लाइन वर्कर्स, जो कोरोना मरीजों के सीधे संपर्क में आते हैं, को वैक्सीन लगाई जाएगी, उसके बाद सीनियर सिटीजन्स की बारी आएगी। पूनावाला आगे बताते हैं कि आम लोगों के लिए वैक्सीन के अप्रैल में उपलब्ध होने की उम्मीद की जा सकती है।

अलग-अलग प्रयोगशालाओं में अलग-अलग वैक्सीनों के पूर्णतः तैयार होने के बेहद करीब पहुंचने को मद्देनजर रखते हुए प्रधानमंत्री ने सभी राज्यों के मुख्यमंत्रियों को वैक्सीन वितरण का खाका तैयार करने के निर्देश दिए हैं। कुल-जमा लब्बोलुआब ये की अप्रैल के पहले आमलोगों को वैक्सीन मिलना सम्भव नहीं है इसलिए कोरोना से जंग में सावधानी ही हमारा हथियार है। मास्क और हैंड सैनिटाइजर के प्रयोग से कोरोना को हराना सम्भव है और जब तक वैक्सीन आ नहीं जाती हमें इनके प्रयोग को लेकर कृतसंकल्पित होना होगा। के लिए आशीष रंजन की रिपोर्ट

Colleges to re-open; UGC issues guidelines

Colleges and universities across the country were closed since March 16, 2020.

Now the University Grant Commission (UGC) has released new guidelines for reopening of colleges. It consists of several measures that need to be taken, from entry to exit and from hostel facilities to classrooms, everything will be monitored. Colleges and universities need to follow all the guidelines in order to reopen. The Colleges/Higher Education Institutions outside the containment zones may be opened in a graded manner after consulting the concerned State/UT Government.

For Centrally Funded Higher Education Institutions, the Head of the Institution can decide regarding the opening of the institution based on the prevailing conditions and then decide accordingly. All other Higher Educational Institutions, e.g., State Universities, Private Universities etc., can open the physical asses as per the decision of the respective State/UT Government.

Listed below are all the guidelines and the measures issued by UGC to be followed by the educational institutions:


  1. Universities and colleges may plan opening the campuses in phases, with such activities where they can easily adhere to social distancing, use of face masks and other protective measures. This may include administrative offices, research laboratories and libraries etc.
  2. Thereafter, students of all research programmes and post-graduate students in science & technology programmes may join as the number of such students is comparatively less and norms of physical distancing and preventive measures can be easily enforced.
  3. Further, final year students may also be allowed to join for academic and placement purposes, as per the decision of the head of the institution.

However, for the points mentioned above, it should be ensured that not more than 50% of the total students should be present at any point of time and necessary guidelines/protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are observed.

  1. For the programmes, other than those mentioned in paras 3.3 (ii) and (iii) above, online/distance learning shall continue to be the preferred mode of teaching and shall be encouraged.
  2. However, if required, students may visit their respective departments in a small number for consultation with the faculty members, after seeking prior appointments to avoid crowding, while maintaining physical distancing norms and other safety protocols.
  3. Some students may opt not to attend classes and prefer to study online while staying at home. Institutions may provide online study material and access to e-resources to such students for teaching-learning.
  4. Institutions should have a plan ready for such international students who could not join the programme due to international travel restrictions or visa-related issues. Online teaching-learning arrangements should also be made for them.

Institutional Planning:

  1. Institutions should prepare details of opening the campus in a phased manner with a complete roster for all departments and batches of students in different programmes.
  2. The institutions must ensure appropriate sanitization and disinfection process and procedures.
  3. It should be made mandatory for the Teachers, Officers, Staff and Students to wear the Id cards.
  4. The faculty, student, staff should be screened regularly to protect and avoid infecting one another.
  5. All preventive measures, preparedness and necessary support system to deal with the COVID -19 positive cases should be monitored and reported to local authorities on a day to day basis.
  6. Teaching hours in a day may be extended, as per requirements of the institution.
  7. Six-day schedule may be followed so that classes can be conducted in phases and the seating arrangement be made keeping in view the requirements of physical distancing.
  8. Universities and colleges may consider reducing the class size and break them in multiple sections to maintain physical distancing during the classes.
  9. Depending on the availability of space in class rooms or learning sites, up to 50% students may be allowed on a rotation basis to attend the classes.
  10. Faculty should be trained for online teaching-learning practices.
  11. The visitors should either not be allowed at all or their entry should be drastically restricted. The conditions of the entry for visitors should be strictly laid down and displayed on the entry point(s). Complete contact details of the visitors be maintained along with the names of persons whom he/ she meets.
  12. There should be adequate isolation arrangements for those having symptoms and also for those who test positive for COVID-19 (however the two need to be kept separately), either at the level of the institution or in collaboration with the Government authorities.

Safety Measures at Entry/ Exit Point(s):

  1. Adequate arrangements of thermal scanners, sanitizers, and face masks should be made available at all entry and exit points, including the reception area.
  2. Crowding must be avoided at entry/ exit points. Staggered timings of entry and exit with limited strength for different programmes should be followed.
  3. For ensuring queue management, inside and outside the premises, specific markings on the floor with a gap of 6 feet may be made and be adhered to.
  4. In case the institution has more than one gate for entry/ exit, all the gates should be used, with adequate care, to avoid crowding.
  5. Monitoring of the entry and exit of the students should be done.
  6. Screening of students, faculty and staff, wearing of face covers/ mask, sanitizing of hands etc. must be ensured at all entry points.
  7. Those having symptoms of fever, cough or difficulty in breathing should not be allowed to enter.

Safety Measures during Working Hours

Classrooms and other Learning Sites:

  1. Proper sanitization at all learning sites should be ensured. Cleaning and regular disinfection (using 1% sodium hypochlorite) of frequently touched surfaces (door knobs, elevator buttons, hand rails, chairs, benches, washroom fixtures, etc.) to be made mandatory in all class rooms, laboratories, (and also) lockers, parking areas, other common areas etc. before the beginning of classes and at the end of the day. Teaching materials, computers, laptops, printers, shall be regularly disinfected with 70% alcohol swipe.
  2. Sitting places in classes, laboratories, computer labs, libraries etc. should be clearly marked, keeping in view the norms of physical distancing. At least one seat should be left vacant between two seats.
  3. Wearing face cover/ mask is a must at all times and at all places inside the campus.

Inside the campus:

  1. Cultural activities, meeting etc. may be avoided. However, such extra-curricular and sports activities may be allowed where physical distancing is feasible and is in accordance with the Ministry of Home Affairs guidelines, issued under Disaster Management Act, 2005 from time to time.
  2. Adequate arrangements for safe drinking water should be made on the campus.
  3. Hand washing stations with facilities of liquid soap should be created so that every student can wash her/ his hands frequently.
  4. Regular and sufficient supply of face covers/ masks, heavy duty gloves, disinfecting material, sanitizer, soaps etc. to sanitation workers should be ensured.
  5. Wearing of face cover/ mask by all students and staff should be ensured.
  6. Proper cleanliness should be maintained inside the entire campus.
  7. Arrangements should be made for sanitizing the entire campus, including administrative and academic buildings, classrooms, laboratories, libraries, common rooms, toilets, water stations, furniture, learning material, teaching aids, sports equipment, computers etc.
  8. Physical distancing should be maintained at all places and crowding must not be allowed at any place under any circumstances.
  9. An adequate supply of water in toilets and for hand- washing should be ensured.
  10. Proper sanitization of buses, other transport and official vehicles of the institution should be done.
  11. Spitting in the campus must be made a punishable offence.
  12. Dustbins must be cleaned and covered properly.
  13. Dustbin for collection of used facemasks, personal protective equipment, hand gloves and their disposals should be ensured as per safety norms. Provision for proper disposal of used personal protection items and general waste should be followed in accordance with CPCB guidelines
  14. For air-conditioning/ventilation, the guidelines of CPWD shall be followed which emphasizes that the temperature setting of all air conditioning devices should be in the range of 24-30oC, relative humidity should be in the range of 40-70%, intake of fresh air should be as much as possible and cross ventilation should be there.


  1. Hostels may be opened only in such cases where it is necessary while strictly observing the safety and health preventive measures. However, the sharing of rooms may not be allowed in hostels. Symptomatic students should not be permitted to stay in the hostels under any circumstances.
  2. Since residential students may be coming from different locations, they shall remain in quarantine and self-monitor their health for a period of 14 days before being allowed to attend classes or as per the policy opted by the State Government for quarantine (even if they bring a negative test report or the university/college plan to test them on arrival).
  3. There should be no crowding in hostel areas where students live in close proximity and share common facilities and utilities. Hence, their numbers need to be limited appropriately to avoid crowding. Also, hostel students should be called in phases.
  4. Thermal Screening of all resident students should be ensured.
  5. They will be referred to the nearest COVID treatment facility for clinical assessment and treatment.
  6. Density in dining halls, common rooms, playing areas should be limited, keeping in view the requirement of physical distancing.
  7. Hygiene conditions should be regularly monitored in kitchens, dining halls, bathrooms and toilets etc.
  8. Cleanliness is to be maintained in dining areas. Meals should be served in small batches, avoiding over-crowding. Take away options should be available for students and staff.
  9. It must be ensured that the meals are freshly cooked. A senior staff should monitor the same.
  10. Utensils should be properly cleaned.
  11. Wearing of face covers/ masks and proper sanitization of hands of the staff engaged for the preparation and distribution of meals should be ensured.
  12. Resident students and staff should avoid or limit visiting the markets. As far as possible, essential items may be made available within the campus.
  13. Hostels may define the number of students in dining halls at any point in time.
  14. Mess timings may be increased to avoid overcrowding.

 Regular Monitoring of Health:

  1. Every institution should regularly monitor the health of its students, faculty, and staff.
  2. Faculty, staff and students should also be sensitized on self-monitoring of their health.
  3. Faculty, Staff and students should submit self-disclosure, if any of their family members have been infected/availed treatment for COVID-19.

Measures for Containment:

  1. As soon as a student, faculty or staff is detected COVID-19 positive, such person should be immediately isolated as per the directive/advisory of the Government. Room-mates and close contacts should be quarantined and symptomatic ones to be immediately tested.
  2. Universities and colleges should have a ready plan to provide healthcare support to those resident students and staff who test positive and are isolated.
  3. The guidelines restricting social and physical contacts and mobility in such parts of residential places in the campus, where positive cases have been found, should be strictly enforced. Measures like holding no class, not leaving the rooms for hostellers, if applicable, no take away arrangement of food from mess etc. may be enforced, depending upon the severity of the situation.
  4. Universities and colleges should also plan in advance, in case shut down are ordered by the Government due to outbreak in campus or the surrounding region.

Sensitization of Students, Teachers and Staff:

  1. Awareness programmes regarding COVID-19 as to how the infection spreads, common symptoms, and precautions and measures required to contain its spread may be launched.
  2. Maintaining hygiene, e.g., how to wash hands, how to cough or sneeze into a tissue or elbow, avoid touching of face, eyes, mouth and nose should be regularly told to the students and the staff.
  3. The necessity of physical distancing, wearing face covers/ masks, hygiene etc. should be brought home to all.
  4. Activities to stay fit, physically and mentally, should be encouraged like doing exercises, yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, etc.
  5. To improve resilience and mental health, students should be encouraged to share their feelings with friends, teachers and parents, remain positive, grateful, and helpful, have focussed approach, take a break from work, eat healthy and sleep timely etc.
  6. Eating healthy food and fruits, avoiding junk food, frequently drinking warm water, adopting ways to increase immunity etc. should be encouraged.
  7. Students should be told to regularly sanitize their laptops, audio, video and other media accessories.
  8. Factual information regarding COVID-19 and consequences of infection, without making them stressed or fearful, should be disseminated.
  9. Posters and stickers should be pasted at appropriate places in the campus to create awareness about the risk of infection from Coronavirus.

10.. All support and facilities should be provided to persons with disabilities (Divyangjan).

  1. No discrimination based on caste, creed or gender should be allowed to take place.
  2. Sharing of books, other learning material and eatables be discouraged.

Role of Stakeholders:

Central/ State Government(s)

  1. The Government should help educational institutions to prepare an effective plan for reopening their campuses. The plan may vary from institution to institution, keeping in view the situation regarding spread of COVID-19 pandemic in a particular area/region/zone.
  2. The Governments may issue clear instructions to the universities and colleges to ensure the safety and health of all concerned. This may include instructions for wearing of face masks, physical distancing, and the number of students in a class, library, hostels, and dining halls etc.
  3. State governments, in consultations with higher education institutions, should prepare an estimate of requirement in each of their districts and zones, of disinfectants, facemasks and prepare a plan in advance for their procurement and distribution. Universities and colleges should ensure sufficient supplies of these items to their students, faculty and staff.
  4. Keeping in view the varying conditions in any state at district and zonal levels, the Government concerned should prepare a region-specific plan, instead of a uniform plan for the entire state.
  5. State health departments should remain in touch with the universities and colleges and work to ensure that the campuses are well prepared to maintain the safe and healthy conditions and also to deal with the COVID-19 related unexpected situations.
  6. The Governments should keep a constant touch with the universities and colleges regarding the status of COVID-19. The government may call information regarding COVID-19 related condition in the campuses and also call meetings at appropriate intervals with the Head of institutions through video conferencing.

 Head of the Institution

  1. Vice- Chancellors/ Principals may get Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) worked out in view of COVID-19 outbreak, in accordance with the Government orders and guidelines.
  2. A detailed institutional plan which may, inter alia, include sanitization, safety and health measures should be prepared and kept ready, before reopening of campus. Proper implementation of the institutional plan should be ensured and regular monitoring should be done with the help of faculty and the staff.
  3. Tie-ups may be established with nearby hospitals, health centres, NGOs, health experts for help and support in fighting COVID-19.
  4. A plan for all academic activities, i.e., the academic calendar, teaching-learning modes, examinations, evaluation etc. should be kept ready well in advance.
  5. A Task Group should be created to handle varied situations and issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Such Task Group may consist of senior persons from faculty and staff, students, volunteers from communities, NGOs, health organizations and Government officials etc. as the case may be.
  6. Teachers, students and staff should be made aware of all relevant plans and activities on the campus.


  1. Teachers should make themselves fully aware of institutional plans and Standard Operating Procedures.
  2. Every teacher should prepare a detailed teaching plan for the subjects taught by him/her, including time table, class size, modes of delivery, assignments, theory, practical, continuous evaluation, end- semester evaluation etc.
  3. Teachers should keep themselves updated with the latest teaching- learning methods and availability of e-resources.
  4. Teachers should make the students aware of the COVID-19 related situation, precautions and steps to be taken to stay safe and healthy.
  5. Teachers should monitor and keep track of the physical and mental health of their students.


  1. The parents should ensure that their children observe safety norms at home and whenever they go out.
  2. Parents should not allow their children to go out, if they are not feeling well.
  3. Parents may be advised that the ‘Aarogya Setu App’ has been downloaded by their children.
  4. Parents should sensitize them of healthy food habits and measures to increase immunity.
  5. Parents should ask them to do exercise, yoga, meditation and breathing exercises to keep them mentally and physically fit


  1. Self-discipline is most important to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic through social distancing and maintaining hygienic condition.
  2. All students should wear face covers/ masks and take all preventive measures.
  3. May consider installing ‘Aarogya Setu App’ in the mobile.
  4. It is important for the students to be physically and mentally fit to handle any exigencies. By remaining fit, they can take care of others also.
  5. The students must inculcate activities that will increase immunity-boosting mechanism which may include exercise, yoga, eating fresh fruits and healthy food (avoid fast food), sleep timely.
  6. Discrimination of fellow students in respect of whom there is a history of COVID-19 disease in the family be avoided.
  7. Give support to your friends under stress due to COVID-19 pandemic.
  8. Students should follow the guidelines, advisories and instructions issued by the Government authorities as well as by the universities and colleges regarding health and safety measures in view of COVID-19 pandemic.

In view of the present scenario and future uncertainties:

  1. The universities may adopt and implement these Guidelines in a transparent manner by making alterations/ additions/ modifications/ amendments to deal with particular situation(s) in the best interest of students, educational institution and the entire education system, except in respect of those guidelines that are mandatory.
  2. In case of educational institutions located at places where the Government (Centre/ State) have imposed restrictions on gathering of public, the institutions may plan accordingly. In any case, the above recommendations shall not cause any restrictions on the guidelines/directions issued by the appropriate Government/ competent authority.

With inputs from UGC circular