
Effective Study Methods

How would you define your study habits during your time in high school or college? Inefficient, demanding, and accompanied by a serious loss of sleep? They were for me, for sure.

A critical step in the learning process that students far too frequently ignore is picking the appropriate study strategy. No matter how hard a student tries to study, choosing the wrong study approach can prevent them from making any genuine progress. Choosing the appropriate study technique for the circumstance will help students realize their maximum potential.

Rereading is not the best study strategy; there are far better ones. the techniques that the finest learning scientists in the world have created and studied. Surprisingly, not many pupils have ever heard of them. Because of this, using them efficiently will provide you not just an edge but also a huge advantage over the competitors.

The search for the ideal study strategy is ongoing. You cannot wait until the night before the test to take care of it. To learn what works (and what doesn’t), you should be continually enhancing your study techniques. Developing good study techniques can not only make learning easier but will also improve your results in high school and post-secondary.

Learn 10 effective study methods that will help you achieve your next test success.

Pre-test: Before studying the material, students should practice answering questions, even when they get them wrong. This will improve their future learning. According to research, studying for an exam for the same amount of time does not significantly increase test outcomes.

Stay Organized- Setting yourself up successfully and achieving your learning objectives will depend on you taking the time to get organized. Invest in a diary and utilize it to record upcoming due dates for assignments. To participate in class, make sure you have all the materials and equipment you need. To ensure that you are prepared to go right away in the morning, you might find it beneficial to pack your luggage the night before.

Log Notes- Keep your mind active during class by taking notes that you may review as you develop your study strategies. Right there in class, notes can assist you in retaining information for the long term. When you’re finished with tests and tasks, you’ll want to go back and study these notes. It could be helpful to summarize your notes after class so they are understandable and simple to read. Note or emphasize important points. You can ask your teacher for clarification if something doesn’t make sense.

Set Apart Time for Studying- Spacing out your learning periods is one of the most effective study techniques. You will be much more likely to recall material if you spread out your study time across several days rather than trying to cram everything into one extended session. This can aid in profoundly ingraining information so that you can remember it for a long time.

Arranging a Quiet Area for Study- It’s crucial to have a dedicated study space that is free from distractions and enables productive study time. You will be aware that you are there to learn if you are comfortable in your study space. Your general motivation to study will be aided by this way of thinking. Pick a study spot that is peaceful, well-lit, and away from busy areas. Don’t, for example, study at the dining room table if your family or roommates will be entering and exiting the kitchen often.

Quiz Yourself- Quizzing yourself or having someone else quiz you are an excellent retrieval exercise. By using this learning method, you may readily store information in your long-term memory and access it later. Writing down an answer to a question also helps you commit it to memory, which enhances learning.

Avoid Distracting Things- From cell phones to social media to pals, distractions are there everywhere. Understand what distracts you in class and how to avoid these distractions. If you anticipate being distracted, avoid sitting next to pals. Making sure you are paying attention to your teacher will be easier if you turn off your cell phone.

If you’re unclear, ask questions- If there is anything you don’t understand, raise your hand and ask a question. Write yourself a note to remind you to speak with the teacher after class if you don’t feel comfortable asking in front of everyone.

Taking Group Studies- You are more likely to stay engaged when working with classmates in an interactive setting. By doing so, you have the opportunity to challenge one another’s understanding of the subject matter and build one another up personally.

Putting it another way- A lot of us have read a few chapters in a textbook only to find that we didn’t remember a single idea or important detail. Use purposeful learning techniques to demonstrate to your pupils how to avoid this. There are several ways to do this, including connecting what is being taught to prior information, imagining how to convey the material to a 5-year-old, and reflecting on and asking questions about it.

Article by Sujata Bayan

5 Steps to Success

Successful people don’t do different things, they do normal things differently. It is very much evident that people who are excelling in their fields have a different approach to their quotidian day-to-day things. One such paramount thing is their morning routine. Do you want to perform exceedingly well in your field? Putting in some extra effort would make huge differences in no time. A structured morning routine will encourage you to set up your day realistically, which will promote mental and physical wellness. 

But before you get cracking with your everyday tasks, here is a simple list of things you can do to make the most of your day.

5 things to do in the morning for being successful:

  1. Clean your surroundings: First things first, clean your bed after waking up. This way your sleeping area would become clutter-free, and so be your brain. Sometimes you encounter inner resistance and laziness, there are days when you don’t want to leave your bed and even doing your bed seems a hefty task. But don’t succumb to your inner resistance, instead, take it as the very first achievement of your day. Completing this very first task will boost your morale to stretch your limits throughout the day. This brings you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction to fight your everyday battles.

 2. Self-affirmations would work wonders

Morning is the time when you can visualise some positive affirmations for yourself. This will create self-belief in you.

Self-care is the key to better health and wellness. Your state of mind in the morning can influence your whole day ahead. It’s quite natural that you doubt yourself and your capabilities sometimes, but starting your day on this note would make you feel gloomy and upset all day. Try to channelise your new morning energy into positive thoughts, you will gain the strength to tackle all the odds. A dramatic increase in self-confidence and efficiency can be achieved by this simple act. Repeat your affirmations daily with a firm belief and intention. 

3. Greet yourself

Most of us greet our elders and senior professionals, but we forget to greet ourselves or respect ourselves. While sitting on the bed or standing on the balcony, greet yourself aloud: “good morning to me. A beautiful day is awaiting me and I will accomplish all my tasks today.” 

Feel the positivity and warmth in your aura. The energy you feel when you realise your capabilities is surreal. Instead of seeking social validation and acceptance, start treating yourself the way you want to be treated right from the beginning of your day. You won’t need any external stimulation or materialistic things to make you feel happy.

Drink a full glass of lukewarm water or tea/coffee by the side of your window or on the balcony with your unfiltered thoughts. Nourish your individuality by paying heed to your notions in the early morning. You become what you visualise, hence start your day with a positive mindset.

4. Plan out your day 

There are fewer chances of slipping into your old habits when you have a list of things to do. Get up early in the morning, or at least wake up at a fixed time and save some extra time in your hands to organise your to-do list for the day. This way you can prioritise your important things and revisit your short-term goals. There are dime a dozen examples of achievers who got success by changing their habits.

Although it is possible that you might not be able to accomplish all your tasks, ticking off even a few things, in the beginning, is quite okay. Don’t overburden yourself.

5. Spend some time in nature: the antidote to exhaustion

Nature and music are the best healers. A recent study published in the International Journal of Mental health and addiction,2022 determined that mental health conditions like anxiety can be effectively cured by nature therapy. Go for some light stretching exercises or brisk walking in your garden area or porch along with motivational music or any music of your choice. Music and workout is the best fit to relax your mind and body.

Meditate and fit in a workout:

Data suggests that physically fit individuals have more productivity throughout the day. Your physical health reflects your mental health. Therefore, to be in the highest of your spirits, one must include workouts and meditation in their daily regimen.

Meditation and mindfulness relax your mind, resulting in positive affirmations. Take time to sit with your thoughts and visualise yourself to achieve your goals.

Each day brings new challenges and obstacles, but performing a retrospective by looking back at your previous achievements would encourage you for betterment. These morning routine tips are easy to follow, and religious follow-up of a morning routine can do wonders if you want to achieve great heights of success.

Along with these tips, we have gathered some scientific research that can increase your efficiency manyfold.

Avoid scrolling down your phone during the initial hours

Most people these days tend to check their phones as soon as they wake up. Scrolling down your phone leads to a waste of your crucial time which will put you on a guilt trip for the rest of day.

What are the ill effects of checking your phone first in the morning?

 Sleep cycle in terms of waves can be roughly represented as:

Delta waves(deep sleep) —– Theta waves(light sleep) —-alpha waves(just awake)— Beta waves(fully awake )

The human brain when switches from deep sleep to light sleep, makes a transition from the delta waves to theta waves, which then move and produce alpha waves when the person is just awake but the brain is not highly active. When the brain starts processing information and complex thinking, it reaches the beta stage.

By scrolling your phone first in the morning, your body makes a skip from delta(deep sleep) to direct beta stage( wide awake), leaving theta and alpha stages. This sudden transition can be risky in the long run as it puts an excess burden on your brain for making the quick switch.

According to the Scientific American reports, the theta stage has a very vital role as the mind’s free flow ideation and subconscious visualisation occurs in this state. Your subconscious mind plays a very important role in visualising your near future and becoming what you want to become.

Article by Alishka Kushwaha

How to Stop Procrastination

If you love pushing your tasks till the last moment and then panicking at the end, you know the hassle of trying to meet deadlines while handling your procrastination. Completing the task is one thing and gathering the effort and energy to begin it is another. If you are a chronic procrastinator, you understand the energy you have to put in to push yourself to complete a task. As you go through this article, you will know why you procrastinate while working and how you can deal with this habit of yours to ease your life.

Why do people procrastinate?

Procrastination begins when you have to complete a given task within the stipulated time, but you continue to delay it till the last moment. You know that if you start this task early, you will be able to complete it on time, but your inner self disagrees. People tend to procrastinate in their work because their desire to delay the task till the last moment outweighs their desire to complete the task. Some of the many reasons why people end up procrastinating include:

1. Lack of proper motivation and self-control. You begin to perform a task when you feel motivated and have a strong reason why you want to perform the task. Lack of motivation often leads to procrastination. You may realize that upon accomplishment of the task, you may get a reward, but the rewards aren’t motivating enough at times.

You may also find yourself distracted through social media and electronic devices, and time management may be an issue for you. You may be addicted to your devices and spend hours scrolling through social media, doing nothing productive.

2. You are delaying the task to ‘feel good’ at the present moment and not bothering about the outcomes. You may sometimes enter an extremely comfortable space, such as sleeping or lying on a bed, and moving from there or making up your mind to work feels difficult. Your mind prefers to stay in a quiet and resting position avoiding all possible work.  

3. Your mood, at times, decides whether you wish to begin a particular task or not. Sometimes you may feel too low and end up procrastinating and not completing the task.

You may also avoid work simply because you don’t ‘feel like working.’ This happens when you let your mood take charge and decide if you ‘wish’ to work or not.

4. Overlapping lots of tasks, so you end up completing none. Sometimes you may have bundles of tasks aligned in front of you, so you won’t get the motivation to start. The pile of work seems so demotivating that people end up not beginning to work at all. Overburdening your brain with lots and lots of tasks may be one of the reasons why your brain decides not to work.

How to avoid procrastination

1. Gather motivation

The first and foremost thing that will take you a step closer to an accomplished task is motivation. When you motivate yourself to work hard towards achieving a goal, completing the task becomes more manageable. You may try thinking about the result that you may achieve after the successful completion of the task.


2. Divide the task into small chunks

Sometimes your brain avoids completing some work simply because it is time-consuming and lengthy. To ease the process, divide the task into small chunks. This will ease the process for you and lessen the burden on your brain. Once you see small chunks of tasks in front of you, you may get the motivation to complete the tasks one by one.


3. Reward yourself

Once you complete a specific portion of the work, reward yourself with a small treat, such as a bar of chocolate. This tricks your mind into thinking that it will get rewarded on completion of every bit of the work, and your working efficiency and capacity will be increased.


4. Prioritize your work

You may have multiple tasks in front of you, which may be why your mind is procrastinating. Prioritize your work according to its importance and then focus on completing the more important task first. This way, you will get rid of the most critical tasks first, and then you can plan to complete the remaining work later.


5. Keep all sorts of distractions away

Television, laptop, and mobile phones are the primary cause of distractions that will deviate your mind from the actual task. You may use these to relax in between work, but while you have made up your mind to work on a specific task, try to avoid all these distractions.

Social media is the most crucial factor that deviates your mind and divides your dedication and concentration.


6. Plug in soft, soothing instrumental music

If you can concentrate on your work with music playing, you may play soft instrumental music in the background as you prepare to accomplish your goals. Music helps to calm down your mind and helps you concentrate your focus on the object of importance.


7. Organize your tasks and plan your day

It has been seen that when you plan your day prior, your chances of completing work on time increase many folds. If you have a to-do list in your mind and a proper schedule, you may be able to concentrate better on your work. Don’t overburden your brain with a timetable or schedule that is impossible to follow. Set up realistic goals and tick down the objectives on your to-do list as you approach its end. A completing to-do list with points ticked off provides you with the motivation to work harder and tick off all the work listed.



8. Don’t stress your mind with the additional burden.

When your brain begins to panic about an incomplete task, completing it becomes even trickier. It’s ok if you have procrastinated the entire day and are now deciding to complete the work. Leave stress and any tension regarding the work and its deadlines aside and focus on what can be done next. Don’t make yourself feel bad when you find yourself procrastinating. This will worsen the situation for you. Focus on finding the solution rather than crying about the problem.


Procrastinating till the last minute not only makes the situation difficult for you but also lands you in a situation where you complete a certain amount of work within a few hours that you would have otherwise done in a few days. This results in increased tension to accomplish the deadlines and also compromises the quality of work that you provide.


Procrastinating till the last moment and realizing that time just slipped off your hands makes the situation challenging. You may instead adopt measures that may help in developing motivation and self-confidence within you, so you complete the task available at hand. Remember that ‘early bird gets the worm.’ You may undoubtedly have an advantage over others when you complete a task on time and do not postpone it till the last moment. So stop procrastinating and get in action! Good things are waiting for you.

Article by Riya Vasudeva

Youth Day: Golden Teachings of Swami Vivekananda

“Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached.”

– Swami Vivekananda


On January 12, we celebrate Vivekananda Jayanti, commonly referred to as National Youth Day. National Youth Day, observed on the anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s birth, is all about remembering Vivekananda’s writings and incorporating his principles into our everyday lives. On this day, we honour the nation’s youth and exhort them to adopt Vivekananda’s principles and ideologies.


The government of India proclaimed January 12th as National Youth Day in 1984, and since then, the holiday has been observed annually in India to honour Swami Vivekananda’s birth date. One of India’s most influential social reformers, Vivekananda was adored by the populace. National Youth Day acknowledges Vivekananda’s significant intellectual and religious beliefs and recognises his accomplishments. Vivekananda’s life and mission served as an example for all.


Many Indians, especially young people, still hold Swami Vivekananda (1863 –1902) in high regard. He is one of history’s most inspirational figures. Swami Vivekananda, an activist for social change, struggled against numerous societal ills that plagued Indian civilization in the 19th and 20th centuries. He promoted a form of Hinduism for this reason, one that doesn’t make distinctions based on caste or gender but rather promotes principles for living a purposeful life. He established the Ramakrishna Mission, an organization devoted to promoting Vedanta philosophy and the yogic ideals of Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, and Raja Yoga, to spread the spirit of Hinduism throughout the world. As a result, Swami Vivekananda in a sense dedicated his life to first comprehending the world around him through the prism of Hinduism and then disseminating that knowledge for the benefit of humanity as a whole. Because of this, it’s critical to study and comprehend Swami Vivekananda’s teachings to gain a deeper understanding of the world and people.


Our aspirations for achievement and a more fulfilling existence are encouraged by Swami Vivekananda’s teachings. The life goals set forth by Swami Vivekananda for people across generations and beyond the globe are still relevant today. By adopting the teachings of Swami Vivekananda, as well as by imitating his struggles and successes, we can gain a lot of insight.


Some anecdotes from Swami Vivekananda’s life are shared with you. They will inspire you to aim higher and live fearlessly through the lessons drawn from the life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda.


1.    Keeping the end in mind


Success depends on having the ability to concentrate on a task. Teach your youngster to put his/her mind to do anything, no matter how difficult a task may seem, he/she will succeed in finishing it. According to Vivekananda, “Pick one to pursue. Think about it, dream about it, and make that one notion the centre of your existence. Leave all other ideas alone and let one concept fill every part of your body—the muscles, nerves, and brain. This is the path to achievement.”


2.    When faced with challenges, have courage.


Accepting that life contains both good and terrible is among Vivekananda’s most important teachings. And to get through the difficult times and into the good ones, one must be resilient. When you realize this, you’ll not only have the courage to confront the world, but you’ll also be more upbeat in the face of challenges and trials. Vivekananda concurred that facing your challenges head-on rather than running away from them is the only way to enjoy life to the fullest. Isn’t this a crucial lesson that we all need to put into practice right now if we want to make a genuine impact in this situation?


3.    Having Persistence Is Important


How frequently do we lose heart when faced with challenges and abandon our objectives? But Swami Vivekananda thought highly of people and thought that if people are persistent enough, they had the power to overcome any obstacle. According to Swami Vivekananda, if you are persistent enough in your efforts to achieve your goals, you will succeed. This is another one of his timeless teachings. Because of this, it doesn’t matter whether you keep trying despite failing repeatedly; eventually, you will succeed. 


4.    Having faith in oneself


According to Swami Vivekananda, you must first believe in yourself if you want to change the world. Every person should be empowered by Vivekananda’s teachings to realize their potential. Furthermore, just because you are different doesn’t necessarily make you right. Therefore, you must have confidence in yourself and persist in following the route that you believe is best for you, refusing to listen to others’ advice or compromise your convictions.


5.    To advance, you must struggle


Swami Vivekananda also imparted wisdom on the idea that if everything comes naturally to you, you would never realize your full potential. This mantra is the most effective Swami Vivekananda teaching for assisting you in realizing the actual meaning of life and your potential. To become the most authentic and ideal version of yourself, you must continually push yourself and your limits. So keep this in mind and attempt to get past a dead end the next time you encounter one.


6.    The ideal policy is one of honesty


The maxim “honesty is the best policy” is one that cannot be emphasized enough. This viewpoint was supported even by Swami Vivekananda. He asserted that regardless of the situation, we all need to be honest. It goes without saying that your actions will always have some repercussions, but you cannot embellish the truth or tell lies to make your life easier. The best way to live your life is to follow a road built on honesty, which is another important lesson that Swami Vivekananda taught.


7. Make no caste or religious-based distinctions


In contrast to caste, religion, or economic standing, a person’s activities establish his character. “True to your own nature is the greatest religion,” according to Vivekananda. To prevent discrimination based on background or caste, educate your child about this. She has to have the ability to appreciate and respect individuals based on their deeds and beliefs.


8. Put the truth first


Vivekananda persevered to defend the truth while being punished. He carried on doing this all his life. Tell your youngster that when he tells the truth, sometimes people won’t want to hear him or agree with him. In these situations, it’s critical to stand by one’s principles.


9.    Life requires curiosity


To satisfy our curiosity about life, we must make an effort to obtain the greatest, most comprehensive solutions. A lot of lives have been changed by a curiosity about higher life realities. Keeping this in mind, appearances can be deceptive.


We should all aspire to live our lives in accordance with the teachings of Swami Vivekananda. You should always be at peace with who you are, and whatever you do in life. You must take time to reflect on yourself to understand what it is that you truly desire from life as well as to examine who you are and discover areas of potential. Since only you have the power to change yourself, according to Vivekananda, you must maintain self-control and continue to comprehend your deepest impulses.

Article by Sujata Bayan

विश्व हिंदी दिवस

हिंदी भाषा विश्व की प्राचीन भाषाओं में से एक है जो विश्व में चौथी सर्वाधिक बोले जाने वाली भाषा है। भारत की जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार 57% जनसंख्या हिंदी जानती है। भारत के अलावा हिंदी और उसकी बोलियां विश्व के अन्य देशों में भी बोली पढ़ी व लिखी जाती हैं। मारीशस, नेपाल, गयाना, फिजी और संयुक्त अरब अमीरात आदि देशों में भी हिंदी भाषी लोगों की बड़ी संख्या मौजूद है। हिन्दी की आदि जननी संस्कृत है। संस्कृत पालि, प्राकृत भाषा से होती हुई अपभ्रंश तक पहुंचती है। फिर अपभ्रंश से अवहट्ट से गुजरती हुई प्राचीन/प्रारंभिक हिंदी का रूप ले लेती है।

हिंदी भाषा के प्रचार-प्रसार और इसके बारे में जागरूकता फैलाने के उद्देश्य से हर साल 10 जनवरी को विश्व हिंदी दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है। इसका उद्देश्य हिंदी को अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर एक भाषा के रूप में प्रस्तुत करना तथा वैश्विक स्तर पर हिंदी भाषा को सम्मान और पहचान दिलाने के लिए मंच तैयार करना है। कभी कभी हिन्दी दिवस और विश्व हिंदी दिवस को लेकर बहुत से लोगों में असमंजस कि स्थिति उत्पन्न हो जाती है। दोनों ही दिवसों का उद्देश्य हिंदी भाषा का प्रचार प्रसार करना है लेकिन जानकारी के लिए बता दे कि राष्ट्रीय हिन्दी दिवस जहां 14 सितंबर को मनाया जाता है वहीं, विश्व हिंदी दिवस 10 जनवरी को मनाया जाता है।

अंतरराष्ट्रीय मंच पर हिंदी भाषा को पहचान दिलाने और प्रचार प्रसार के उद्देश्य से 10 जनवरी 1975 को महाराष्ट्र के नागपुर में पहला विश्व हिंदी सम्मेलन आयोजित किया गया जिसका उद्घाटन तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री श्रीमती इंदिरा गांधी ने किया था। इस सम्मेलन कि अध्यक्षता मॉरिशस के तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपति शिवसागर रामगुलाम ने किया था। इस सम्मेलन का उद्देश्य दुनियाभर में हिंदी को एक अंतरराष्ट्रीय भाषा के रूप में पहचान दिलाना था। इस सम्मेलन में 30 देशों के 122 प्रतिनिधियों ने हिस्सा लिया, 1975 से विभिन्न देशों जैसे- संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, यूनाइटेड किंगडम, मॉरीशस, त्रिनिदाद और टोबैगो ने विश्व हिंदी सम्मेलन का आयोजन किया गया।

विश्व में हिन्दी भाषा का विकास करने और एक अंतरराष्ट्रीय भाषा के तौर पर इसे प्रचारित-प्रसारित करने के उद्देश्य से विश्व हिन्दी सम्मेलनों की शुरुआत की गई थी। इसी क्रम में भारत सरकार ने फैसला किया कि 10 जनवरी को विश्व हिंदी दिवस के रूप में मनाना चाहिए और पहली बार 10 जनवरी 2006 को विश्व हिंदी दिवस के रूप में मनाया गया, तब से हर साल इसे इसी तारीख पर मनाया जा रहा है। भारत के विदेश मंत्रालय के तत्वाधान में पहला हिंदी दिवस नॉर्वे के भारतीय दूतावास ने मनाया गया, बाद में दूसरा और तीसरा हिंदी दिवस भारतीय नॉर्वे सूचना एवं सांस्कृतिक फोरम के तत्वाधान में लेखक सुरेश चन्द्र शुक्ल की अध्यक्षता में आयोजित हुआ। तब से हिंदी दिवस को वैश्विक रूप में अंतरराष्ट्रीय हिंदी दिवस के रूप में विश्व के कई देशों में मनाया जाने लगा। सभी देशों में स्थित भारत के दूतावासों में इस दिन 10 जनवरी को विश्व हिंदी दिवस पर कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन किया जाता है और हिंदी भाषी लोगों को आमंत्रित किया जाता है।

Article by Devesh Kumar

UGC dismisses Online Education for Foreign Universities

The University Grants Commission (UGC) announced the draft regulations for the Setting up and Operation of Campuses of Foreign Higher Educational Institutions in India for the first time. On Thursday, UGC unveiled the draft norms, under which these varsities can also decide on the admission process, and fee structure and repatriate their funds back home. This is a step with the National Education Policy, 2020, which envisages a legislative framework to allow top global universities to operate in India.
UGC Chairperson M Jagadesh Kumar stated that foreign universities and Higher Education Institutions will need a nod from the UGC to set up their campuses in India. He noted that foreign universities with campuses in the nation can only offer full-time programmes in offline mode and not online or distance learning. He added further that these institutions shall not offer any study programme that jeopardises the national interest of India or the standards of higher education here and clarified that the initial approval will be for 10 years and will be renewed in the ninth year subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions. The commission has suggested maintaining the fees fair and transparent, even if these universities will be free to choose their admission standards and price schedule.
The foreign institution will be free to hire faculty and employees from India and other countries in accordance with its hiring standards. But, they have to ensure that the foreign faculty appointed to teach at the Indian campus shall stay at the campus in India for a reasonable period. Interested institutes have to lay out a plan that in the case of a course or programme disruption or discontinuation or closure of the campuses, what will be the alternative arrangements to safeguard the interests of the affected students, including reallocation to the course or programme
There will be two types of foreign institutions that are qualified to apply for opening campuses in India: universities that have achieved a rating in the top 500 globally or by subject, or institutions that are well-regarded in their home country. UGC will constitute a standing committee to examine matters related to the setting up and operation of campuses of foreign institutions in India.
The draft rules for Setting up and operating campuses of foreign higher educational institutions in India were made public by the UGC on Thursday and the final rules would be released by the end of the month after taking into account comments from all interested parties.

How Not to Overburden Yourself with Studies

Life is stressful enough without adding to it, but many people do just that in one way or another, often without even realizing it. Recognizing when you might be unnecessarily making things worse for yourself is the first step toward relaxing. The same goes for the life of a student as well. Every year, it seems like the start of the school year goes by so quickly.. But don’t worry; there are lots of strategies to help you avoid the anxiety and stress that deadlines might bring on. 

Instead of blaming yourself, why not find out what you can do to quit the self-destructive behavior and become your own best stress-relieving ally? Here is a list of tried-and-true advice to help you stay organized and focused as you approach your examinations and any upcoming assignment due dates so that you don’t put too much pressure on yourself with your studies

Set up a plan

Even if you are unsure of the precise dates of each exam, you should at this point be aware of the week(s) in which it is planned. You should also have a good notion of when essays are due. Plan your work schedule immediately to gain a good start. Give yourself a goal to meet each week, whether it is for reading, researching, writing, or revising, to ensure that you are on track to do everything in time for the deadlines. It’s a good idea to buy a wall calendar or notebook so you can mark down significant events. You will benefit from being able to easily understand how much time you have left and when you will work on what.

Perfection is unattainable

Despite the urge to be perfect, this belief is harmful to your whole outlook on life and is not beneficial. Working hard is great, but there is a big difference between giving it your all and trying to be flawless. Problems arise when we try to make everything ideal and things don’t turn out as we had hoped. Self-doubt begins to set in at this stage. Everybody makes mistakes every day, and no one is perfect or always correct. Getting things wrong has several benefits, including the opportunity to learn from mistakes, which can help you advance and improve.

The key is balance

One of the best traits in life is the ability to work hard. It displays your concern. But it’s crucial to pay attention to how you feel at the end of the day, week, or day of school. Keeping your life in balance and releasing pressure on yourself are both essential components of stress management. Self-care is the primary strategy for managing stress. When it comes to properly caring for yourself, doing something that makes you feel peaceful and happy can go a long way. A relaxing lunchtime stroll, a friendly conversation with a friend, a weekend swim, or even a bubble bath at the end of the day are all good options. Regardless of how you unwind, taking care of yourself will support a healthy amount of pressure. Stress and pressure frequently coexist in people’s lives. Pressure can contribute to both. By keeping a journal of your feelings, you’ll be able to identify the internal cues your body uses to say, “STOP… A respite is necessary.

Establish a comfortable study atmosphere

If you intend to study at home, make sure your space is organized and your workstation is free of distractions. As the saying goes, a clear environment fosters a clear mind, which is exactly what you need when working. Additionally, if your study room is a place you enjoy being, you’ll have an easier time concentrating. To create your ideal study sanctuary, take a little effort like adding a potted plant and good lighting. Additionally, soothing music and scented reed diffusers can help you unwind and relax, which will help you focus on your task.

Take periodical pauses

Studies have repeatedly shown that regular breaks help pupils work more efficiently. By dividing up your revision or essay writing into small parts, you’re more likely to maintain attention and keep your mind engaged on the task at hand. You should leave your workstation for 15 minutes every 45 minutes of focused work. Your brain will appreciate it later whether you go outside for some fresh air, do some short cleaning, or stretch.

Eat healthily and drink plenty of water

Students frequently lose sight of their well-being during exam periods as they become too preoccupied with their work. Staying hydrated and avoiding junk food are the simplest ways to assist yourself in performing at your best. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to consume a large glass of water every couple of hours along with some wholesome fruit and nuts as you study. When you’re trying to be productive, the last thing you want is to feel angry and tired from eating foods heavy in fat or not drinking enough water.

Treat yourself

The secret to maintaining motivation when studying is to treat yourself. These can be little incentives, like a square of chocolate for every paragraph you write or an episode of your favorite Netflix show when you’ve mastered editing a particular subject. Consider rewarding yourself with bigger items, like a night out with friends or purchasing those pair of boots you’ve had your eye on for months, when you feel like you’ve been working very hard or when papers have been turned in and examinations have been completed. Never forget that just because it’s exam season, you still deserve to have fun.

Don’t stay up all night; you’ll regret it

You may believe that by working all night, you are keeping up with your academics. However, working all night and getting little sleep might harm your health and hinder your productivity. Staying focused and learning effectively depends on getting a good night’s sleep. When studying, memory consolidation during sleep is crucial for converting short-term memory to long-term memory. To ensure that you obtain the required amount of sleep each night, replace the extra cups of coffee with your bed.

Quitting self-imposed pressure is difficult. Perhaps you even worry that if you unwind a little, everything will fall apart. To feel better and lead a better life, you may need to put less pressure on yourself. Don’t forget that you don’t have to isolate yourself from the outside world and remain in your room if you have work to accomplish.

Article by Sujata Bayan

Scholarships in 2023: Scholarship opportunities for class 11 and 12 students

As per the latest data collected byUnified District Information System for Education (UDISE) in 2020-21, there is a high dropout rate of school students in India, especially at the higher secondary level, which is about 14.6 percent of the total number of students enrolled.

Why scholarships are needed in developing countries like India?

National Family Health Survey(NFHS)-5 conducted in 2019-21 indicates one of the most cited reasons is the cost of education in our country, with about 16 percent of boys and 20 percent of girls of the total dropouts affirming to relinquish their studies due to financial hindrance.

The demand for skilled and well-educated people in the workforce is increasing significantly, and quality of education has become an essential need of the hour.

Is financial constraint the only reason for school dropouts?

Many other reasons like the early marriage of girls, the compulsion to earn money for a living for boys and declining interest in studies are few to be named. However, the majority of dropouts are due to monetary insufficiency.

Scholarship schemes and their advantages

Scholarship opportunities act as a boon for young talented and meritorious students willing to continue their education despite having financial inadequacy. Many students from stable family backgrounds also try to get scholarships for getting a source of encouragement and easing out the load on their parents.

Types of scholarships: 

Various types can be distinguished based on merit-based scholarship, means-based Scholarship, and merit-cum-means based scholarship. Earlier, the Indian education system was quite dilapidated and had many shortcomings, but with the new education policy and new schemes, the Central Government as well as the state government has initiated various scholarship schemes to provide financial support for deserving students.

Advantages of scholarships:

• Scholarships help in empowering your academic and career growth by overcoming financial barriers.

•It encourages students to perform well for availing more financial assistance in near future.

•Scholarships on a merit basis leave a good impact on your future when employers see your records.

We have compiled the list of top scholarship schemes by the government and private organisations:

  1. CSIR innovation award for school children
  2. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalamscholarship, Ignite awards
  3. NASA Ames Space Settlement Contest
  4. Post-matric scholarship for minorities
  5. Post-matric scholarship for disabled children
  6. Financial assistance for wards of beedi/ Cine/ IOMC/LSDM workers
  7. CBSE merit-based scholarship for single girl child
  8. EWS scholarship
  9. Prime Minister’s special scholarship scheme for 10th and 12th passed students of J&k and Ladakh.
  10. NSDL siksha sahyog scholarship
  11. Albert Einstein International scholarship for school students
  12. RD Birla scholarship exam for school students
  13. Swami Dayanand scholarship program for Delhi/NCR students
  14. Begum Hazrat Mahal national scholarship for meritorious girl students
  15. Vahani scholarship for school students
  16. Kishore vaigyanik protsahan yojana
  17. SOF SEE(scholarship of excellence in English)
  18. Science Olympiad foundation scholarships
  19. TATA building India online essay competition
  20. Toppr Asha program
  21. Ryan merit cum means scholarship
  22. Aakash ANTHE program
  23. National child award for exceptional achievement
  24. National Talent Search Examination (NTSE)


There are a lot more scholarships available, we are emphasising the details about the best scholarship programs based on fees reimbursement due to financial and need basis 

Post-matric scholarship for OBC and SC students

The objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to students belonging to OBC or SC caste. These scholarships are provided by the government of Delhi and the Ministry of tribal affairs respectively to provide financial assistance at the post-matric and post-secondary levels.

Eligibility :

The candidates must fall under the desired category and should be Indian nationals

The total family income of the candidate must not exceed 1,00,000 rupees 

Reward :

The reward for day scholars is INR 225,and for hostellers, it is INR 750 for 10 months.

Students also get benefitted from various allowances ad study tours.

CBSE merit scholarship for single girl child

 This scheme is aimed to encourage parents having only one girl child to promote their higher education.

 Eligibility :

Single girl child studying in CBSE schools in class 11 or 12.

Must have secured more than 60 percent marks in class 10, in a CBSE board school.

NRI students studying in CBSE schools can also apply if having Indian nationality.


A total amount of INR 500 is given for 2 years.

Students can apply on the CBSE scholarship portal online.


Kishore vaigyanik protsahan yojana (KVPY)

This scholarship is provided by IISc Bangalore (Indian institute of science) to students pursuing science in their 10+2 as well as graduate level up to Ph.D.

Eligibility :

Students need to qualify for the aptitude test and interview round conducted for KVPY.


A monthly amount of 5000 is provided till graduation level and 7000 for post-graduation level 


NSDL siksha sahyog scholarship for class 11 students

The main purpose of this scheme is to provide financial aid to economically poor but meritorious students. 

Eligibility :

Class 10 passed with a minimum of 60% 

Reward :

A total of INR 5000 is provided monthly


R. D . Birla scholarship exam for school studies

This exam filters the most talented students in the whole country and ranks them as genius, super genius, and brainiacs according to their performance.

Eligibility :

Students studying in any recognized board in India upto class 10 can apply


Genius -50,000

Super genius -75,000

Brainiacs -1,00,000


Begum HazratMahal National Scholarship for meritorious girl students

Earlier known as Maulana Azad National scholarship for meritorious girls belonging to minorities was launched by the late Atal Bihari Vajpayee at the National Conference for the educational and economic development of minorities in 2003at Delhi

Eligibility : 

girl students belonging to minority communities i.e. Muslims, Christians, Jains, Parsis, Sikhs, and Buddhists are eligible

Candidate must be studying in class 9-12 and must have secured at least 50 percent marks in previous exams.

Total family income should be less than 2,00,000.


The amount of the scholarship is Rs. 6000 for classes 11 and 12


SOF scholarship of excellence in English

It is an exam-based scholarship conducted in many countries.

Eligibility :

Students must have secured at least 90% in English and at least 85% in total for all subjects in the previous class.


A scholarship amount of 5000 plus a merit certificate is given to 120 students in India.


Financial assistance for wards of beedi/ Cine/ IOMC/LSDM workers- post matric 

This scholarship is provided by the Ministry of Labour & employment under the government of India.

Eligibility :

Wards of iron ore & manganese chrome ore mines(IOMC) workers, limestone & dolomite mines(LSDM) workers, and beedi and cine workers benefitted.

Monthly family income should be less than 10,000.


Upto Rs 15,000 is rewarded 

Students can apply online through the National scholarship portal.


Post-matric scholarship for students with disabilities

This scholarship aims to provide relief for students of class 11 to post-graduation level.

Eligibility :

Students with more than 40 percent disability and family income less than 2.5 lakhs per annum are eligible.


Maintenance allowance, book allowance, disability allowance, and other benefits.

FAQs regarding scholarships?

Who can apply for class 11 and 12 scholarships?

A candidate who is 10th passed is eligible. However, each scholarship program has a different set of eligibility criteria.


Is a good academic background necessary for scholarships?

A good academic background is a prerequisite for merit-based scholarship only. Other means-based scholarships don’t ask for very outstanding academic achievements.


How to avail of scholarships and which documents are needed?

Nowadays, all the scholarship programs need to be applied online in their web portal, e.g. National scholarship portal has many scholarship schemes funded by government authorities.


Documents that are needed mainly include family income certificates, caste certificates, and previous years’ mark sheets.

Article by Alishka Kushwaha