
Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve: A Paradise In Making

राजस्थान का कोटा शहर अपने ‘एजुकेशनल हब’ कि छवि के लिए पूरे भारत में विख्यात है और अपने इस छवि को बनाए रखने के लिए हर साल JEE और NEET के परीक्षा में अपने अद्वितीय परिणामों के माध्यम से दहाड़ता भी है, मानो कहता हो कि ये परीक्षाएं अगर एक जंगल है तो कोटा इसका शेर। इस जंगल में कोटा के बादशाहत को चुनौती देने वाला शायद ही कोई हो और इसलिए इसके दहाड़ की गूंज पूरा हिंदुस्तान सुनता है लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है कि कोटा में सिर्फ मेडिकल और इंजीनियरिंग वाले बाघ और शेर मिलते हैं। कोटा ने अपने आंचल में मुकुंदरा टाइगर रिजर्व के भीतर असली वाले बाघ को भी जगह दी है। आपको कभी कोटा के एजुकेशनल दहाड़ के अलावा असली बाघ के दहाड़ को सुनना हो, तो एक बार मुकुंदरा घूमना तो बनता है।
यहां आने के लिए आपको पहले कोटा के प्रसिद्ध हैंगिंग ब्रिज आना होगा जो कि कोटा से चितौड़गढ़ की तरफ जाने वाली NH-12 का हिस्सा है। हैंगिंग ब्रिज पार करने के बाद आपको बाईं ओर गरड़िया महादेव मंदिर का बोर्ड दिखेगा… वहां से करीब 5km भीतर के तरफ आइए और फिर कुछ दूर दाहिने तरफ चलने पर आपको मुकुंदरा टाइगर रिजर्व की चौकी नजर आएगी जहां आपको मामूली शुल्क पर टिकट लेना होगा और फिर आप कर सकते है बाघ का दीदार!
लगभग 760 वर्ग किलोमीटर क्षेत्र में फैले इस क्षेत्र का नामकरण मुकुंदरा के पहाड़ियों के नाम पर हुआ तथा इन पहाड़ियों का नामकरण कोटा के प्रसिद्ध प्रकृति प्रेमी हाडा शासक मुकुंद सिंह के नाम पर हुआ था। अभ्यारण्य की स्थापना सन् 1955 में हुई थी, तब इसका नाम ‘दर्रा वन्य जीव अभ्यारण्य’ था। साल 2004 में इसका नाम ‘राजीव गांधी नेशनल पार्क’ कर दिया गया और फिर 2006 में इसका नाम वसुंधरा सरकार ने ‘मुकुंदरा हिल्स पार्क’ रखकर राष्ट्रीय उद्यान का स्तर प्रदान करने का प्रस्ताव पारित किया परंतु इस प्रस्ताव को केंद्र ने मंजूरी नहीं दी। इसे राष्ट्रीय पार्क का दर्जा देने के लिए 9 जनवरी 2012 को अधिसूचना जारी की गई जिसमें जवाहर सागर अभयारण्य, चंबल घड़ियाल अभ्यारण्य तथा दर्रा अभयारण्य के कुछ भाग को मिलाकर राष्ट्रीय उद्यान बनाने की घोषणा की गई और 10 अप्रैल 2013 को इसे टाइगर रिजर्व घोषित किया गया। यह राजस्थान का तीसरा टाइगर रिजर्व है जो कि राजस्थान के 4 जिलों कोटा, बूंदी, झालावाड़ और चित्तौड़गढ़ में फैला हुआ है। यह राजस्थान का एक मात्र नेशनल पार्क है जो नदी के किनारे स्थित है और यहां का घना जंगल, पहाड़, सदानीरा चम्बल और प्रकृति की गोद में पलते सैकड़ों प्रजाति के वन्यजीव सहित बहुत सारे अन्य कारक ऐसे हैं जो इसे बाघों की बसावट के लिए सुरक्षित और मुफीद जगह बनाते हैं। इन्हीं संभावनाओं को ध्यान में रखते हुए 18 नवंबर 2018 को यहां रणथंभौर नेशनल पार्क से एक बाघ को लाया गया जिसके साथ ही मुकुंदरा के क्षेत्र में पहली बार बाघ की दहाड़ सुनाई दी, जिसका आयाम आने वाले सालों में और मजबूत होने की उम्मीद है।

Image Courtesy: Rajasthan Patrika

मुकुंदरा रिज़र्व का नजा़रा बरसात के महीनों में और सुंदर हो जाता है। यहां शुष्क, पतझड़ी वन पाया जाता है जिसमें तेंदू, पलाश, बरगद, पीपल, महुआ, बेल, अमलताश, जामुन, नीम, इमली, अर्जुन,कदम, सेमल, आंवला आदि के वृक्ष पाए जाते हैं। यह अभ्यारण्य धोकड़ा वनों के लिए भी प्रसिद्ध है। ऐसा नहीं है कि मुकुंदरा आकर आप सिर्फ बाघ के दहाड़ने कि आवाज सुन सकते हैं, यहां आपके दिल को जीतने के लिए एक से बढ़ कर एक आकर्षक चीज़े हैं। यहां के प्रमुख वन्य जीवों की बात करें तो यहां का ‘गागरोनी तोता’ काफी प्रसिद्ध है। यह एक विशेष प्रजाति का तोता है जो कि इंसान की आवाज की हूबहू नकल कर सकता है। इसका कंठ लाल रंग का होता है और पंख पर लाल रंग का धब्बा होता है। इसे हीरामन तोता तथा हिंदुओं का आकाश लोचन भी कहा जाता है। प्राचीन काल में इस तोते का उपयोग जासूसी करने हेतु किया जाता था। इसे वन विभाग ने झालावाड़ जिले का शुभंकर घोषित किया है। इसके अतिरिक्त यहां मुख्य रूप से घड़ियाल, भेड़िया, चिंकारा, सांभर, चीतल, नीलगाय, पैंथर, लकड़बग्घा, जंगली सूअर, तेंदुआ, दुर्लभ कराकल(स्याहगोश), लोमड़ी, खरगोश आदि जानवर भी पाए जाते हैं। यहां तकरीबन 225 तरह के पक्षियों की प्रजातियां भी पायी जाती है जिनमें अति दुर्लभ सफेद पीठ वाले व लम्बी चोंच वाले गिद्ध, क्रेस्टेड सरपेंट ईगल, शॉट टोड ईगल, सारस क्रेन, पैराडाइज फ्लाई कैचर, स्टोर्क बिल्ड किंगफिशर, कार्ड कार्ड स्कोप्स आउल, मोर इत्यादि प्रमुख हैं।
यहां स्थित अन्य प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थलों की बात करें तो रिजर्व में 12वीं शताब्दी का गागरोन का किला(झालावाड़), 17वीं शताब्दी का अबली मीणी का महल जो कि कोटा नरेश राव मुकुंद सिंह द्वारा स्थापित है, भैंसरोडगढ़ फोर्ट, 19वीं शताब्दी का रावठा महल(कोटा), गेपरनाथ, गराडिय़ा महादेव मंदिर, गुप्तकालीन मंदिर का खंडहर(भीमचोरी मंदिर), चित्तौड़गढ़ में हूणों द्वारा 8वीं-9वीं सदी में बनवाया गया बाडोली का प्रसिद्ध शिव मंदिर, मुकुंदरा पहाड़ियों में आदिमानव के शैलाश्रय इत्यादि हैं जो कि मुकुंदरा घूमने आने के क्रम में घूमा जा सकता है।

Image Courtesy: Pugmark

कोटा और उसके आसपास के क्षेत्रों में पर्यटन को बढ़ावा देने के लिए मुकुंदरा एक उपयुक्त विकल्प है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि अगर यहां वाइल्ड लाइफ सफारी को बढ़ावा दिया जाए तो अगले 5 वर्ष में करीब 2000 करोड़ की नई अर्थव्यवस्था तैयार कि जा सकती है जिससे शिक्षा नगरी के साथ साथ पर्यटन उद्योग में भी कोटा को आगे बढ़ाया जा सकता है।

अगली बार जब भी कोटा आएं तो जरूर जाइए मुकुंदरा… शांत जंगल के बीच चिड़ियों कि मीठी चहचहाहट, सन्नाटे को भेदने वाली बाघ कि दहाड़, सैकड़ों तरह के जीवों और पक्षियों की समरसता और राजस्थान के अतुलनीय गौरवशाली इतिहास की एक झलक सहित ढेर सारे अनुभव एक साथ आपको देने के लिए मुकुंदरा बाहें खोले आपके स्वागत के लिए इंतजार में खड़ा है।

A Report by Devesh Kumar for IHOIK 

Kota Doria: Taking the pride of city to new heights

Kota – the city situated on the banks of river Chambal is not only famous for its lip smacking delicious kachoris but also famous for a number of things that mostly remain unappreciated. Being known as the ‘Education Hub’ and being famous primarily for the coaching facilities, we remain unaware of a number of other things that make this city extra special.  One such unrecognized thing is a famous fabric known as Kota Doria (Doria means thread).

Kota Doria, itself gives us the illustration of its origin but according to some historians, Mysore, in Karnataka region was the first place where the art of making Kota Doria was invented. Artisans who practiced weaving this fabric were referred to as “Masurias”.

Image Courtesy: Internet

In the the mid 17th century during the Mughal era, these Masurias were brought to the town of Kota by Rao Kishore Singh of Kotah. As the Art of making the fabric was highly complex and only skilled artisans could do that, the fabric was also known as “Kota- Masuriya”, now now poopularly known as Kota Doria.

The fabric is a combination of cotton and silk. Cotton provides strength and durability, while silk ensures its softness and shine. The fabric is light, airy, comfortable and soft making it the first choice of numerous people residing in hot and humid regions.

Kaithoon, a small town in the district of Kota is the major hub of Kota Doria production. Though a few clusters of production are also found in the villages of Bundi, Baran and Kota.

The process of making the fabric starts with the preparation of the yarn followed by the preparation of the loom.

Preparation of the Yarn includes- Pirn winding, Wrapping, Dyeing, Sizing.

Preparation of the loom includes- Drafting, Denting, Piecing, Design setting and Weaving.

An eminent square pattern (known as Khats) makes the fabric more attractive and is also the patent design.  But as the fabric grew popular, many designers started experimenting with the fabric and now it is produced in many shades and patterns. In the earlier days, the fabric was used for making turbans and sarees but with time it is being used in making Suits, Kurta, Lehangas, Curtains, Pouches, etc. too.  In India, the Kota Doria saree is mainly worn by the women of the Marwari community.

Image Courtesy: Internet

To meet the needs of the demand of the Fabric, the use of power looms has also started over a period of 50 years. A power loom can produce approximately 20 sarees a day while it approximately takes a month or two to complete a saree on a handloom. Only a skilled and experienced person in the field of textile can differentiate the Hand loomed and the Power loomed Kota Doria.  The Government has also awarded the Geographical Indication (GI) to distinguish the fabric made on handloom and Power loom.

Kota Doria is one of the finest open weave fabrics in India and the fabric being airy, light and self- woven makes it one of the most loving fabric for People living in the hot and humid regions of India.


Is Commerce a safe career option?

What is Commerce?

“Commerce is a branch of any business which covers the economical part of the legal, social, political, technological and cultural system”.

In India, a big community of the students choose Commerce after 10th board for their bright future. The students who mostly want to work in the corporate world, choose this field.

There are many different career options in Commerce after 12th. Today we will discuss about those various options in this blog.

1. Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)

You can choose B.Com after 12th. There are many job opportunities in this field.

Job Profiles:
B.Com graduate can work as an/a
⦁ Accountant
⦁ Auditor
⦁ Consultant
⦁ Company Secretary
⦁ Business Analyst
⦁ Finance Officer
⦁ Sales Analyst
⦁ Junior Analyst
⦁ Tax Accountant
⦁ Stock Broker
⦁ Economist
⦁ Business Development Trainee

2. Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS):

Job Opportunities After BMS In India
1. Administration And Operations
2. Project Management (Executive Level)
3. Enterprise Management
4. Human Resource Management And Development
5. Customer Management
6. Data Management And Systems Analysis
7. Sales And Marketing
8. Financial Management
9. Communications Management

3. Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS):
Top 10 Career Opportunities After BBS Degree
1. Marketing
2. Advertising & PR
3. Human Resources
4. Banker
5. Insurance
6. Entrepreneur
7. Civil Services
8. Chartered Accountant
9. Company Secretary
10. Study MBA

There are same job opportunities with Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA)

Difference between BBA and BBS: The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is a three year undergraduate degree course in business administration, while, the Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) is a three year undergraduate degree course which facilitates the integration of academic knowledge and practical work experience.

1. Master of Commerce (M.Com):
M. Com Jobs
A large number of job opportunities which are available to the graduates of  M.Com course in the public & private sector are enlisted below:
⦁ Various Corporate Sectors in their Marketing and Accounts Sections
⦁ Finance, Commerce and the Banking Sectors
⦁ Research Associates with Economic Consulting Firms
⦁ Economic Consulting Jobs
⦁ Customs Department
⦁ Import / Export Companies
⦁ Indian Civil Services
⦁ Indian Statistical Services
⦁ Indian Economic Services
⦁ Insurance Industry

M.Com Jobs for Freshers:
⦁ Money Manager
⦁ Cashier / Teller
⦁ Corporate Analyst
⦁ Executive Assistant
⦁ Risk Analyst
⦁ Investments Analyst
⦁ Accounts Assistant
⦁ Investment Banker
⦁ Assistant Accountant
⦁ Market Analyst
⦁ Accountant
⦁ Business Analyst
⦁ Securities Analyst
⦁ Financial Analyst

2. MBA (Master of Business Administration):
If you want to do MBA, you must hold the bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 3 years duration in any of the disciplines.
Job Opportunities:
⦁ Brand Manager
⦁ Account Manager
⦁ International Business Manager
⦁ Marketing Executive
⦁ Business Technical Consultant
⦁ Business Development Executive
⦁ Marketing Manager
⦁ Management Consultant

3. Chartered Accountancy (CA):

Practice CA
1.Chartered Accountant in practice
2.Cost Accountant in Practice
3. Company Secretary in practice
4. Advocate as defined by Bar Council of India
5. Actuary professional
6. Architect professional
7. Engineer (chartered)

International taxation (along with direct tax) consultancy for companies involving foreign party (associate, joint venture, subsidiary).
GST / Customs consultancy.

Management consultancy services:
1. Project Financing
2. Mergers acquisition
3. Valuation
4. Preparing consolidated financial statements for companies. (doing IND AS consultancy)

1. Statutory audit of Companies (governed by rotation )
2. Internal / management audit of companies
3. Cooperative audits
4. Forensic audit

4. Chartered Financial Analyst Program (CFA):
Types of Job Roles for Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
Financial Analyst
Research Analyst
Credit Analyst
Finance Manager
Equity Research Associate
Employment Opportunities for Chartered Financial Analysts

There are different types of firms that employ CFAs. A person with CFA certification can get employment in any of the following firms:
⦁ Wealth Management Firms
⦁ Portfolio Management Firms
⦁ Investment Banking
⦁ Equity Research
⦁ Private Equity
⦁ Credit Rating / Analysis
⦁ Corporate Finance Divisions

5. Company Secretary Program (CS):
Job Profiles:
⦁ Company Registrar
⦁ Legal Advisor
⦁ Corporate Policymaker
⦁ Chief Administrative Officer
⦁ Principal Secretary
⦁ Corporate Planner
⦁ Chairman
⦁ Managing Director
⦁ Administrative Assistant
⦁ Administrative Secretary
⦁ Investor Capital Market Relations
⦁ Contents Coordinator

A report by Shahriar Alam for IHOIK education desk

How to shape a career in banking?

There is a huge craze among the youth in regard with the banking career. This career is most attractive in terms of stability, security, salary and other benefits. It is the fastest growing sector in India. Banks are termed as the backbone of Indian economy. There are 12 public sectors and 22 private sector banks in India. This sector will be providing a number of employment opportunities to the youth in the coming years.
After graduation with a good percentile, two posts are available for an individual:
Clerical post: In these, various categories such as clerk, clerk cum cashier, typist, steno and data entry jobs are included.

Eligibility criteria for a clerk:
Candidate should be a citizen of India.
Candidate should be graduate and passed intermediate with 60% or more marks.
For some banks, only the completion of class 12th is required and age limit for them is 25.
Age group of 18-28 is required for this job and there is some relaxation of age limit for OBC/SC/ST/PH category.
In public sector bank, INR 1,40,000 is the average salary per annum.
PO-Probationary officer – Candidates will be under probation i.e. their performance will be judged during their training period.

Eligibility criteria for bank PO:
Candidate should be a citizen of India.
Candidate must have an age between 21 to 30 years.
Candidate should have passed the bachelor’s degree with 55%-60% aggregate marks.
Knowledge to operate computers is a must in this job
In public sector, one earns INR 2 LAKHS per annum.

Competitive exam for getting a job in government bank:

Independent organization which conducts online exams to recruit officers, clerks, trainees in public sector of India.
Maximum banks hire candidates on the basis of this exam.
Exam is conducted in 3 phases – preliminary, mains and interview.
Hiring of individual on the basis of ranks and exams.

This exam helps to post the candidate in SBI and its associate banks.
2 kinds of posting for PO and clerical.

3- RESERVE BANK OF INDIA(RBI):Highest difficulty level exam.
It gives jobs to B grade officers.

It fills vacancies from all over India.
It has a moto of developing all the rural areas.
Both grade A and B officers get job via this examination.

To get job in private bank in India:
30% of private banks hire through IBPS and common written exam and rest by applying directly from official portal.
Some of the popular private banks in INDIA are axis bank, union bank, HDFC, ICICI etc.

Degree Courses in Banking:
BBA in Banking & Finance
BCom in Banking & Finance
BBA in Banking
BCom in Banking Management
BCom in Banking & Insurance
BCom (Hons.) in Banking and Insurance
BSc in Banking and Finance
MBA in Banking & Taxation
MBA in Banking & Finance
BCom in Bank Management
BCom in Banking & Insurance Management
BCom in Banking, Finance and Risk Management
MSc in Banking and Finance
PhD in Banking & Finance
Master in Banking/Finance/Insurance

Diploma Courses in Banking:
Advanced Diploma Course in Banking Services
Diploma in Banking and Finance
Diploma in Banking and Insurance
Diploma in Banking and Insurance Management
Advance Diploma in Urban Co-operative Banking
Diploma in Banking Laws
Diploma in Banking Management
Diploma in Home Loan Advising
Diploma in Banking Services
Post Graduate Diploma in Bank Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Banking
Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Financial Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Development and Investment Banking
Post Graduate Diploma in Islamic Banking and Finance

Certificate Courses:
Post Graduate Certificate in Investment Banking
Certificate Course in Banking
Certificate Course in Banking Management
Certificate Course in Patent Searching & Drafting

Candidates can also go for the following in-demand courses of banking sector in India:
Banking related laws.
Business Mathematics.
Marketing of Banking Services.
Computerized Accounting.

A report by Akanksha Sharma for ihoik education desk

What is in the affidavit submitted by MCI in Supreme court?

MCI has demanded the dismissal of the petition that asked for the setting up of exam centres abroad, stating that the students can return back to India under the ‘Vande Bharat Mission’. They also stated that delaying the exams further would result in disturbed academic schedule and would disrupt the upcoming academic session. As per the affidavit filed by MCI in Hon’ble Supreme Court, it is not possible to set up examination centres outside India, as it needs meticulous planning and arrangement of infrastructure amidst this pandemic is not feasible. However, MCI maintained the fact that as per the existing laws admission to medical courses can only be granted on the base of uniform entrance test.

This petition was filed by the parents of applicants residing in Doha, Qatar.
. This affidavit is filed in response to that petition. The decision of the Kerala high court has been challenged in this matter which had previously dismissed the plea demanding the setting up of exam centres in gulf countries. Justice L. Nageshwar Rao, Justice Hemant Gupta and Justice S Ravindra Bhatt had issued a notice regarding the same. Further hearing on this matter will take place on the 24th August.

In the affidavit filed by advocate Gaurav Sharma, MCI has stated that the current petition does not require the interference of the honorable Supreme court as the government of India has permitted the people living abroad to travel and reach India under the Vande Bharat Mission. Markedly, Supreme Court had also clearly mentioned about the availability of flights to return to India under the Vande Bharat mission in their last hearing.

The applicants have also mentioned all the difficulties that will be faced while trying to conduct the examination abroad. They quoted that NEET is a pen and paper exam and hence should be uniform and fair for all the applicants.


Postpone NEET & JEE: Big Names Join Campaign

As the exam dates are approaching and number of Covid-19 cases are on constant rise, students’ campaign to get the engineering and medical entrance examinations postponed is gaining momentum. The students, worried about their safety, turned to twitter in huge numbers. Multiple hashtag demanding the postponement on the ground of flood, pandemic and transportation problems, made to the trending list.

Students Protesting In Gopalganj, Bihar

The campaign has got it’s fuel as many celebrities, leaders from ruling and opposition parties, YouTubers and journalists have supported the demand in last few days.

Though the Education Ministry and the National Testing agency are seemingly rigid to conduct the exam, students are in no mood to step out amidst this pandemic.

Youtubers/celebrities are appealing the government via twitter and politicians are writing letters to the Prime Minister but at the same time future of lakhs of students is on stake.

We have handpicked some of the tweets for you, have a look:

Famous Yotubers Like Bhuvan Bam(BB Ki Vines), Ashish Chanchalani, Ajey Nagar(Carryminati) and Amit Bhadana requested the central government to prioritize the health of students.

After the entry of ruling party MP Subramanian Swami into the campaign, a number of politicians jumped into the scene. Chirag Paswan, MP from Bihar wrote a letter to the education minister stating the double trouble being faced by students of Bihar, as the state is badly hit by flood as well as Corona. Another Rajyasabha MP Sanjay Singh wrote a letter to Mr. Nishank, stating similar problems.

Leaders of different parties also turned up to twitter and asked the government to ensure safety of more than 25 Lakh students appearing for JEE and NEET. Manish Sisodiya, Education Minister of Delhi, blamed the central government for playing with the lives of students and asked the government to look for the alternative options for admission. Akhilesh yadav, former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh questioned the feasibility of transportation for such big number of students amidst this pandemic.


Swachh Sarvekshan 2020: Indore Tops Again, Patna most polluted

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has released the results of the fifth annual edition of nationwide cleanliness survey, Swachh Survekshan 2020. This was World’s largest cleanliness survey, which covered 4242 cities, 62 cantonment boards and 92 towns along with Ganga river, across the nation. Bounded by time, the survey was completed in the duration of 28 days. Swachh Survekshan is based on over more than five lakh documents captured along with more than twenty-four lakhs geotagged photos captured from the field. Survey witnessed the feedback of about 1.9 crores citizens, over 11 crore impressions on social media, more than 5.5 lakh sanitary workers linked to social welfare schemes and over 84,000 informal waste-pickers integrated into the mainstream. This survey was completely digitized and paperless.
Swachh Survekshan was introduced by the government with the objective of generating large scale citizen participation in the Mission, alongwith inculcating a spirit of healthy competition among cities towards becoming India’s cleanest city.
The announcement of results was made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Thursday at the Swachh Mohotsav event organised by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA).

Top 10 Cleanest cities – More than 10 Lakh Population

Top 10 cleanest cities with population between 1-10 Lakhs

Some other categories which draw your attention are :

⦁ Cleanest state with more than 100 cities – Chhattisgarh
⦁ Cleanest state with less than 100 cities – Jharkhand
⦁ Cleanest Ganga town – Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)
⦁ Maximum citizen participation in keeping city areas clean – Shahjahanpur
⦁ Cleanest megacity with more than 40 lac population – Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
⦁ Fastest-moving city in terms of cleanliness – Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
⦁ Self-sustainable city in terms of cleanliness (more than 10 lakh population) – Rajkot (Gujarat)
⦁ Self-sustainable city in terms of cleanliness (less than 10 lakh population) – Mysuru (Karnataka)

Apart from the cleanest city ranking, eyes were also on the cities which landed on the bottommost part of the list.

Top 10 dirtiest cities – More than 10 Lakh Population

Top 10 dirtiest cities with a population between 1-10 Lakhs

What makes Indore the cleanest city in the country?

Indore stands clean on the top of all cleanest cities of India. Indore bagged the cleanest city title again for the fourth time in the row. Let us try to understand all the measures and efforts put in by Indore which helped it outshine the rest.

⦁ Indore’s Municipal Corporation maintains direct communication with the citizens for awareness and to build the habit of cleanliness among the masses. Corporation also includes some NGOs to enhance this task.
⦁ District administration has set up a command centre for tracking garbage collection of the city. Also, garbage collection vehicles are constantly tracked by the GPS system.
⦁ The large public dustbins have been removed and the garbage is collected from door to door.
⦁ Support of school children are taken for creating awareness about cleanliness and some are made brand ambassadors for the same.
⦁ Cleaning the roads at night rather than in the morning has helped in creating a sense of cleanliness among the public when they come for a walk in the morning.

⦁ Imposing fines on people disobeying the ecosystem is also taken in account by the Indore Administration.

Indore has set an example for the entire municipal bodies and the public to follow and sustain cleanliness in their respective cities and surroundings. The cities which ended at the bottom must look to Indore for improving their rankings in the future survey bound to held in 2021. This survey is the end result of the seriousness of both Municipal Corporations and the people. Everyone should come up and work for ensuring cleanliness in the country.

A report by Sumit Yadav

JEE Main and NEET 2020: Centre releases SOPs for NTA

The Covid – 19 cases are increasing abnormally every coming day. But even in this challenging situation the government has planned to conduct the engineering and medical entrance examinations. In this order, the first examination from NTA will be JEE (Main) which will be held between 1st to 6th of September. You might be worried about how will be the examination conducted in this scenario? Don’t worry, we have got you covered. Below listed is the SOP from the NTA.  The premier testing agency is planning to strictly execute the safety measures during the examination.

Image Source: aglasem

Important instructions for candidates

  1. As a precaution for COVID-19, the candidate must reach centre as indicated against Reporting/Entry time at centre.No candidate shall be permitted to enter after the Gate Closing Time.
  2. No candidate shall be permitted to leave the Examination Room / Hall before the end of the examination.On completion of the examination, please wait for instructions from Invigilator and do not get up from your seat until advised. The candidates will be permitted to move out one at a time only.
  3. All candidates are required to download and carefully read the Instructions and Advisory for COVID-19 given with the Admit Card and strictly adhere to them.
  4. The Admit Card and related details are in four pages – Page 1 contains the Centre details and Self Declaration (Undertaking) formbregarding COVID-19, page 2 has “Important instruction for candidates” and page 3 and 4 have “Advisory for candidates regarding COVID-19”. The candidate has to download all the four pages.
  5. The Admit Card is provisional, subject to satisfying the eligibility conditions as given in the Information Bulletin.
  6. Candidates are suggested to visit the examination venue, a day in advance to see the arrangements at the centre, so that they do not face any problem on the day of examination.
  7. If religion/customs require you to wear specific attire, please visit centre early for thorough checking.
  8. No Candidate would be allowed to enter the Examination Centre, without Admit Card, Valid ID Proof and proper frisking. Frisking through Handheld Metal Detector (HHMD) will be carried out without touching body.
  9. Candidates are advised to carry only the following items with them into the examination venue:
  10. a) Admit Card along with Self Declaration (Undertaking) downloaded from the NTA website (a clear printout on A4 size paper) duly filled in.

b)A simple transparent Ball Point Pen

c)Additional photograph, to be pasted on attendance sheet

d)Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml)

e)Personal transparent water bottle.

Guidelines issued by NTA

Before reaching the Centre, the candidates must enter required details in the Undertaking in legible handwriting, put their signature and paste the Photograph at the appropriate place. They should ensure that their Left-Hand Thumb Impression is clear and not smudged.

  1. Candidate must carry “Any one of the original and valid Photo Identification Proof issued by the government” – PAN card/Driving License/Voter ID/12th Class Board Admit or Registration card/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/ E-Aadhaar/ Ration Card./ Aadhaar Enrollment No. with Photo. All other ID/Photocopies of IDs even if attested/scanned photo of IDs in mobile phone will NOT be considered as valid ID Proof.
  2. The candidate must bring PwD certificate issued by the Competent Authority, if claiming relaxation under PwD category. The scribe must also carry his/ her own Self Declaration(Undertaking) regarding educational qualification, etc., passport size photograph, valid government identity and self-declaration (Undertaking) regarding COVID-19 (as per above format).
  3. For Drawing Test – Part III of B.Arch., the candidate must bring their own Geometry Box Set, Pencils, Erasers and Colour pencils or Crayons. The Candidates are NOT allowed to use water colour on Drawing Sheet.
  4. Candidates are NOT allowed to carry any personal belongings including electronic devices, mobile phone and other banned/ prohibited items listed in the Information Bulletin to the Examination Centre. Examination Officials will not be responsible for safe keep of personal belongings and there will be no such facility.
  5. Shoes/footwear with thick soles and garments with large buttons are NOT permitted.
  6. 5 Blank paper sheets for rough work will be provided in the examination Hall/Room. Candidates must write their name and Roll Number at the top of the sheet and must drop in the designated drop box without fail, before leaving the examination Hall/Room. Failure to do so may result in non-evaluation of your answers.
  7. Duly filled Admit Card at the end of examination must be dropped in the designated drop box. Failure to do so may result in non-evaluation of your answers.
  8. No Candidate should adopt any unfair means or indulge in any unfair examination practices as the examination centers are under surveillance of CCTV and equipped with Jammers.
  9. If at any stage, it is found that the candidate has submitted multiple Applications and/or appeared in more than one date/shift, then the candidature will be cancelled and legal action will be taken including debarring in all future examinations conducted by NTA.
  10. Candidates are advised to check updates on NTAs website regularly. They should also check their mailbox on the registered E-mail address and SMS in their registered Mobile No. for latest updates and information.

Advisory for candidates regarding Covid19

NTA will implement Social Distancing measures as per Government of India guidelines in current scenario of COVID-19 to ensure health and safety of the candidates. Adequate measures are implemented for safety of all without compromising the high standards, sanctity, and fairness in conduct of the examination. Candidates are also required to adhere to guidelines and new process for Social Distancing and hygiene to ensure safety &health of their own and fellow candidates.

safety purposes, NTA strongly advises candidates not to bring anything other than permitted items. However, in case of unavoidable situation, there will be arrangement to store the bags at centres at owner’s risk.

Preparation at centre

  1. Standard Operating Procedures for implementing safety precautions and for maintaining required standard of hygiene are getting implemented.
  2. Before each shift starts (and after last shift of the candidate) Seating Area will be thoroughly sanitized – monitor, keyboard, mouse, webcam, desk and the chair. All door handles, staircase railing, lift buttons, etc will be disinfected. Wheelchairs (if present at the venue) will be disinfected.
  3. Gap between 2 seats will be maintained as per GOI guidelines.
  4. Hand Sanitizer will be available at entry and inside the exam venue at various places for candidates and centre staff to use.
  5. Barcode readers will be available at the entry point to scan barcode on the admit card. The Lab number will be informed to the candidate at this point.
  6. Rough sheets will be kept at all desks before start of exam by invigilators wearing gloves to ensure hygiene.
  7. It is ensured that all the processes are touch free to ensure Social Distancing norms. Candidate to reach centre as per the Reporting/Entry time at Centre given in the Admit Card to avoid any crowding at the centre at the time of entry and to maintain social distancing.
  8. Candidate to reach the centre as per the reporting/Entry time given in the admit card to avoid any crowding at the centre at the time of Entry and to maintain social distancing.

Pre-Exam Preparation

  1. Candidate to check Reporting/ Entry time at Centre given in the Admit Card and to reach centre as per Reporting time only to avoid any crowding at the centre at the time of entry and to maintain social distancing.
  2. Candidate should fill Admit card as per instructions completely and properly.
  3.  In case of candidate with scribe, both the candidate and the scribe must bring their own mask. Candidates will be permitted to carry only certain items with them into the venue:
    • Exam related documents (Admit Card, ID card, etc. Please refer Admit Card for more details)
    • A simple transparent Ball Point Pen
    • Additional photograph, to be pasted on attendance sheet
    • Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml)
    • Personal transparent water bottle

At time of Entry

  1. Candidates need to maintain a space of at least 6 feet from each other at all the time. Queue manager / ropes and Floor Marks will be arranged outside the centre, follow the instructions provided by centre staff.
  2. Lab number will not be displayed outside the centre to avoid any crowding at any one place in any situation.
  3. Candidates will be required to sanitize hands by washing with soap and with Hand Sanitizer before entry in centre. Hand sanitizer will be available at various locations in the centre.
  4. Candidate should bring duly filled in Admit card as per instructions.
  5. Candidate will be offered a fresh 3 Ply mask before entry. In order to stop chances of any UFM being used in the examination, the candidate is expected to wear the freshly provided mask at the centre. The candidate will be required to remove the mask worn by him/ her from home, and use the mask provided at centre only.
  6. Candidate should bring Identity Proof and other documents as advised under Point-11 &13 of IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES given on Page-2.
  7. Do not bring prohibited items to exam centre as there are no arrangements available for safe keeping your belongings. Please refer Point-11 of IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES given on Page-2 for permitted items.
  8. At the time of entry, the filled in Undertaking on Admit Card, and body temperature (using Thermo Guns) will be checked and centre staff will guide you to respective labs after scanning bar code at Admit Card. Candidates are required to strictly adhere to instructions provided by centre staff.
  9. Please observe that no-one will be denied permission to appear for examination, until he/ she violates the Covid-19 directives/advisories of Government (Central/State) applicable on the day of exam and instructions mentioned in the Admit Card.

    A report by Riya Vasudeva & Ashwini Gautam for IHOIK education desk. Inputs from NTA

Common Eligibility Test For Job Seekers

The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the setting up of a National Recruitment Agency (NRA) to streamline the recruitment to be all non-gazetted posts in the Central government and public sector banks.
As per the centre, this move will help to benefit the less privileged sections of the society and will help to reduce the burden on the students. This new agency will conduct the examination ‘Common Eligibility Test’ and will be an independent and professional organisation. The centre has sanctioned a fund of Rs 1517.57 crore which will be undertaken over a period of three years.

The proposal for the establishment of NRA was first given by finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman in the Union Budget 2020.

Existing set up

• An average of around 2.5 – 3 crore candidates appear for these exams every year and have to register for separate examinations conducted by different recruitment agencies despite of the fact that most of these examinations share a common Eligibility criteria.
• Not only this, a candidate pays a hefty amount as registration fee apart from the money spent on travelling and reaching the examination centres.

Changes in this setup

• A Common Entrance Test (CET) will be conducted to shortlist candidates for the Group B and Group C (non-technical) positions.
• The score of this examination will be valid for a duration of three years from the date of the declaration of results. The best of these three scores will be considered as the current score of the candidate.
• There will not be any restrictions on the number of attempts by a candidate subject to the upper age limit. However relaxation in the upper age limit shall be given to candidates of the SC / ST / OBC category.
• A separate CET will be conducted for the three levels graduate, higher secondary and matriculate candidates.
• Based on the shortlisting done by the CET, the respective agencies might undergo a final selection for recruitment through separate specialized tiers.
• The curriculum for this examination would be standard and hence would reduce the burden on the candidates by many folds.
• There would be a common portal for the registration of candidates wherein they will give a choice of centres and the centres will be allotted based on the availability.
• CET would be available in a number of languages facilitating people from different parts of the country to register for the examination.

• Help to reduce the time, money and efforts spent by candidates every year in registering for different examinations.
• This will help to reduce the hardships faced by women candidates who face difficulty while travelling multiple times to different examination centres.
• Ease of selection and job placement for the disadvantaged sections of the society.

Report by Riya for IHOIK Education Desk

Join Defence Forces As An Officer

“We sleep peacefully in our beds only because rough men stand ready to defend us from enemies day and night.” The ‘Rough Men’ are none other than ‘Our Indian Armed forces’. The career in defence forces promises one of the most spectacular and honorable positions in our country. The armed forces make their ordinary life less ordinary and more adventurous.They are the backbone of a country.

India has the world’s largest volunteer army. The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces and is looked after by the Ministry of Defence. It is led by the Union Cabinet Minister of Defence. The Indian Armed Forces consist of three professional uniformed services: The Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy. Additionally, they are supported by Indian Coast Guard, various paramilitary organizations and various inter-service commands and institutions .The Ministry of Defence is responsible for the management of armed forces in India. Recruitment to the Armed Forces is voluntary and open to all the citizens of India irrespective of their caste, class, religion and community provided the laid down physical, medical and educational criteria are met.

The following examinations offer you a chance to join Defence forces as an officer after successful completion of your 10+2 course.

1. NDA (National Defence Academy) and NA (Naval Academy) exam :

The NDA exam is conducted by UPSC for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of the NDA. This exam is a gateway for candidates looking forward to joining Defence Forces including Army, Navy and Air Force.
The examination is a two-step process where candidates first need to take the exam and then qualify the personality test or interview conducted by the Service Selection Board (SSB). UPSC is solely responsible for issuing guidelines for selection and the final conduct of the entrance examination.
This examination is for the students of 10+2 level.

Exam details

NDA 1: March – April
NDA 2: August – September

Eligibility: age between 16 and half years to 19 years

Medium: bilingual

Mode of examination: offline


• General Ability (150 questions)
• Mathematics (120 questions)

Exam duration: 2.5 hours (for each section)

2. TES (Technical Entry Scheme):

TES stands for Technical Entry Scheme. As the name suggests it is a technical entry to get into Indian army as an officer. TES is an opportunity for the aspirants to join the technical branch of Indian army after 10+2.

Those who have passed 10+2 level exam with a minimum aggregate of 70% in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics are eligible for the 10+2 TES (Technical Entry Scheme) Course.
On successful completion of 4 years of the course cadets will be granted Permanent Commission in the Army in the rank of Lt.

Exam details
Exam 1: November – December
Exam 2: May – June

Eligibility: age between 16 and a half to 19 and a half

Both these entry schemes are suited for young Defence aspirants but getting recommended from SSB is the real job.

A report by Vaishnavi and Riya for IHOIK Education Desk

NTA releases JEE Main admit card, SC denies Postponement

National Testing Agency has released the JEE Main admit card on its official website today. The premier engineering entrance exam is scheduled for September 1-6, 2020.

The April edition of JEE Main got delayed due to Covid-19 pandemic and now the supreme examination body has planned to conduct it in two shifts on each scheduled day. The first shift will be from 09:00 am to 12:00 noon and the second shift will be 3:00 pm to 06:00 pm.

The admit card of JEE Main was to be released on August 14, but a group of students moved to the Supreme Court seeking postponement of NEET and JEE in wake of the steep rise in Covid cases and floods in parts of Bihar, Assam and Maharashtra. Earlier today, a three-judge bench of the apex court dismissed the plea seeking postponement, saying that precious year of students “cannot be wasted” and “this will put career of students in peril”.

In backdrop of the statements made by the supreme court during dismissal of the plea, NTA released the admit card of JEE Main.

Mode of Examination

1. B.E. /B. Tech. in “Computer Based Test (CBT)” mode only.

2. B. Arch: Part I(Mathematics) and Part II(Aptitude Test) in “Computer Based Test (CBT)” mode and Part III(Drawing Test) in “Pen & Paper Based” (offline) mode.

3. B. Planning: in “Computer Based Test (CBT)” mode only.

You can download JEE Main admit card by clicking here:

Teen-Parents Relationship: A roller coaster

Teenage is the onset of puberty. They go through a lot of physical and emotional changes which are beyond their comprehension. They pass through a period of stress & storm and feel they are on an emotional seesaw. One moment they may be happy after getting ‘chicken dinner’ or winning an argument but the next moment they may be disheartened for being unable to conform to their peer group. They are in a constant search of self. Due to these reasons, there is bound to be a change in relationships of teens with their parents.

1) Identity crisis and ambiguous status

Adolescents in this stage are in the identity crisis and parents usually add to their confusion and frustration by giving them ambiguous status. When they try to indulge in adult conservation and give suggestions, they are told that they are “too young” to do that. But when they procrastinate some work or refuse to clean their wardrobe, they are scolded for being irresponsible and are asked to act “according to their age”. This creates resentment in the mind of teenagers and leaves them with a big question, “Who am I?”

2) Love-hate relationship due to freedom vs control

Teenagers share a love-hate relationship with their parents as there is an increase in the child-parents conflict. According to them, their parents don’t know the modern world and try to impose their old school rules over them which triggers them a lot. They believe that their parents don’t understand them. They want freedom and rebel against any restrictions imposed on them. For instance, when they aren’t permitted for a night out at a friend’s house, they protest and argue to win over the situation. They are rigid and uncooperative.

Such conflicts often make them feel less close to each other. Parents often tense that their children aren’t growing up to the mark. They feel that they are disobedient, ill-tempered, have no value system and are irresponsible.

3) Generation and cultural gap

Adolescents are exposed to a different environment through school activities and peer groups. There is a change in their mentality, thoughts, values and belief systems. And due to the advancement in technology, they come across different cultures and believe in idealism. Generation and culture gap is another reason for deteriorating child-parent relationships. Children are impulsive and if parents refuse to accept their beliefs and try to take control over their mind, things do not work out!

4) Privacy

They aren’t as close to their parents as they were in early childhood. They don’t share everything with parents like before especially related to sex or girlfriends/boyfriends. Parents can’t accept the fact that their child thinks or talks about sex. They add to the confusion by scolding and criticising them instead of explaining them.

They become secretive and resist spending time with family members. They demand their privacy and like to stay in closed rooms and discover things on their own.

5) Studies and career

In India even before the child is born, he/she is earmarked for engineering or medical. Children do fantasize becoming a doctor/engineer but growing up, they explore other areas of interest. Some parents accept their choice but some parents are reluctant and don’t accept there is any scope for an art graduate. Although adolescents are quite impatient they always look for their parent’s advice regarding their career and streams. The collision between their interests and parents’ choice often land them in a state of stress and pressure.

Families who are friendly and entertain the opinion of everyone, their children are confident and don’t deviate from the path. However, in families, where parents exercise control over their children, adolescents are unable to develop confidence and suffer inferiority complexes. The parent-child relationship is very crucial. Parents must understand that there are various techniques of control over their children instead of beating them. They must also respect the boundaries and understand their interests. A friendly attitude towards them will always convince them than a stern voice giving orders.  Adolescence is the most crucial period of life, if nurtured and appreciated, they have a lot of potential to make a marked change in society.

An article by Ruqayya Asif.

12वीं गणित के बाद सर्वोत्तम कैरियर विकल्प

भारत में JEE (MAIN) के परीक्षा में पिछले साल तकरीबन 9.5 लाख छात्र-छात्राओं ने हिस्सा लिया। ये आंकड़ा यह बताने के लिए काफ़ी है कि भारत में 12 वीं में गणित के साथ पढ़ने वाले बच्चों की संख्या कितनी अधिक है। इन सारे बच्चों का सपना एक ही होता है… IIT, NIT या उसके समतुल्य इंजीनियरिंग संस्थानों में एक सीट हासिल करना। लेकिन इन सभी संस्थानों के कुल सीट और परीक्षा में भाग लेने वाले बच्चों का अनुपात अगर देखा जाए तो वो काफ़ी अधिक है और उसके ऊपर से अगर बच्चों के पसंद के ब्रांच और कॉलेज के हिसाब से देखा जाए, तो यह गणित और उलझी हुई और कठिन मालूम पड़ती है क्योंकि सारे बच्चे अपने पसंद के ब्रांच और कॉलेज में ही जाना चाहते हैं। साथ ही एक सच ये भी है कि भारत में उच्च स्तर के संस्थानों को अगर छोड़ दिया जाए तो अन्य जगहों पर इंजीनियरिंग और टेक्निकल विषयों की पढ़ाई की बेहतर सुविधा नहीं है। ऐसे में एक बहुत बड़ा सवाल ये होता है कि जिन लोगों को अच्छे कॉलेज में दाखिला नहीं मिल पाता है उनके सामने और क्या रास्ते हैं? क्या उन्हें दोयम दर्जे के कॉलेज में सिर्फ़ इसलिए चले जाना चाहिए कि इंजीनियरिंग के अलावा कोई और विकल्प मौजूद ही नहीं है!! वे बच्चे जो 10 वीं के बाद तो इंजिनियरिंग के लिए तैयारी शुरू कर देते हैं लेकिन बाद में उन्हें लगता है कि वो इंजिनियरिंग नहीं करना चाहते हैं, ऐसे बच्चों के सामने और क्या क्या रास्ते हैं? वास्तव में इस सवाल का शिकार हो कर हर साल बहुत से बच्चे सिर्फ़ इसलिए निचले स्तर के कॉलेज में दाखिला ले लेते हैं क्योंकि उन्हें कोई और रास्ता नहीं सूझता है। ये जानते हुए भी कि भारत के पहले और दूसरे टियर के इंजिनियरिंग कॉलेज को अगर छोड़ दिया जाए तो बाकी जगह बेहतर पढ़ाई के नाम पर बहुत तरह के धोखे होते हैं। लेकिन वास्तव में ऐसा नहीं है कि इंजिनियरिंग के अलावा और कोई विकल्प नहीं होता… ऐसे बहुत से अन्य रास्ते होते हैं जो दोयम दर्जे के इंजिनियरिंग कॉलेज में दाखिला ले कर रिस्क लेने से कई ज़्यादा बेहतर हैं। इन रास्तों के बारे में उन सभी बच्चों को जानना चाहिए जो ना चाह कर भी इंजिनियरिंग सिर्फ़ इसलिए कर लेते है क्योंकि उन्हें और कोई विकल्प नहीं सूझता है। यहां हम उन सारे बेहतर विकल्पों के बारे में चर्चा करेंगे जो 12 वीं में गणित के साथ पढ़ने वाले बच्चों के लिए इंजिनियरिंग के अलावा मौजूद हैं।

1. NDA (National Defence Academy) :

यह परीक्षा यूपीएससी के तरफ से हर साल 2 बार आयोजित की जाती है जिसमें 12 वीं के स्तर के गणित, अंग्रेज़ी और सामान्य ज्ञान के प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं। यह दो स्तर की परीक्षा होती है। पहले लिखित और फिर इंटरव्यू… इस परीक्षा के माध्यम से रक्षा क्षेत्र में आसानी से प्रवेश पाया जा सकता है।

2. TES (Technical Entry Scheme) :

12वीं के स्तर पर आयोजित होनी वाली इस परीक्षा के माध्यम से भी रक्षा क्षेत्र में प्रवेश पाया जा सकता है। लिखित परीक्षा तथा इंटरव्यू के बाद चयनित अभ्यर्थियों को 5 वर्ष के कोर्स के लिए चयनित किया जाता है। यह परीक्षा NDA के परीक्षा से कठिन होती है क्योंकि इसमें पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों का दायरा बड़ा होता है लेकिन यह एक ऐसी परीक्षा है जिसके माध्यम से रक्षा और टेक्नोलॉजी दोनों क्षेत्र को एक साथ साधा जा सकता है।

3. B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) :

भारत में बहुत सारी ऐसी यूनिवर्सिटीज है जो स्नातक डिग्री के लिए अलग से परीक्षा आयोजित करती हैं जैसे बनारस हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय (BHU), जवाहर लाल नेहरु विश्वविद्यालय (JNU), दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय (DU), अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम विश्वविद्यालय (AMU), जामिया मिल्लिया इस्लामिया विश्वविद्यालय (JMIU), अन्ना विश्वविद्यालय (AU)। यहां से गणित, भौतिकी अथवा रसायन में से किसी भी विषय से स्नाकोत्तर करके IIT-JAM जैसी कई परीक्षाओं में शामिल होकर अपने कैरियर को एक नई दिशा दी जा सकती है। यहां से उच्च शिक्षा के तरफ जाते हुए M.Sc और PHD जैसी बेहतर डिग्रीयों की सहायता से जीवन में ऊंचे मुकाम हासिल किए जा सकते है। NET-GRF जैसी परीक्षाएं इस क्षेत्र में आगे बढ़ने के लिए बेहतर माध्यम उपलब्ध कराती हैं, जो ज़िन्दगी को नई दिशा देने में सहायक है।

4. विमानन (Aviation) :

अगर आपको हवा में उड़ने वाली जहाज़ अपनी तरफ आकर्षित करते हैं, अगर आपके भीतर उसके बारे में जानने की इच्छा है कि ये सेवाएं किस तरह काम करती हैं और कौन-कौन लोग किस प्रकार से एक साथ मिल कर इन हवाई अड्डों तथा जहाजों की देख-रेख एवं सुरक्षित यातायात को निश्चित करते हैं, तो विमानन आपके लिए उपयुक्त विषय है। यह एक ऐसा क्षेत्र है जिसके बारे में भारत में अभी बहुत कम जानकारी है और बहुत कम लोग ही इस क्षेत्र में आते हैं। विमानन कंपनियों में काम करने के लिए 12 वीं के बाद इस क्षेत्र में आया जा सकता है और एक बेहद मज़बूत कैरियर बनाया जा सकता है। इस क्षेत्र में किए जाने वाले कुछ प्रमुख कोर्स हैं BBA (aviation), B.Sc(aviation), BBA(airport management) इत्यादि। इसके साथ ही बहुत से विषयों में diploma डिग्री लेकर भी इस क्षेत्र में कैरियर बनाया जा सकता है। इन सभी डिग्री के लिए विभिन्न कॉलेज और यूनिवर्सिटी के तरफ से परीक्षा आयोजित की जाती है जहां मेरिट लिस्ट और इंटरव्यू (कुछ जगहों पर) के आधार पर दाखिला दिया जाता है।

5. मर्चेंट नेवी :

12 वीं के बाद उन लोगों के लिए जिन्हें सागर के लहरों से प्यार है, जो जहाजों के साथ घूमना पसंद करते हैं और 9-5 की नौकरी में नहीं फसना चाहते, यह एक बेहद उम्दा कैरियर हो सकता है। इस क्षेत्र में प्रवेश पाने के लिए जो मुख्य कोर्स हैं वो है ‘B.Sc (nautical science/marine catering)’. इसके लिए आयोजित होने वाली सबसे प्रमुख प्रवेश परीक्षा है ‘IMU-CET’ जिसके माध्यम से CUSAT, AMET यूनिवर्सिटी चेन्नई, मर्चेंट नेवी एकेडमी दिल्ली, इंडियन मैरीटाइम यूनिवर्सिटी, जैसे प्रमुख संस्थानों में प्रवेश पाया जा सकता है और ज़िन्दगी को एक नई दिशा में बेहतर तरीके से संवारा जा सकता है।

6. डिजाइनिंग :

संभावनाओं से भरे इस क्षेत्र में आप अपनी रचनात्मकता को एक नई पहचान दे सकते हैं। इसमें कई तरह के कोर्स उपलब्ध हैं जैसे इंटरियर डिजाइन, टेक्सटाइल डिज़ाइन, ग्राफिक डिज़ाइन, कार्टून डिज़ाइन, ऑटोमोबाइल डिज़ाइन, इंडस्ट्री डिज़ाइन, फैशन डिजाइन, UX/UI डिज़ाइन इत्यादि। इन सभी कोर्सेज में प्रवेश पाने के लिए भारत में बहुत सारी परीक्षाएं आयोजित की जाती है जैसे CEED, NID-DAT, UPES-DAT, NIFT इंट्रेंस, SOFT इंट्रेंस, NEED, UCEED, FDDI, AIST तथा और भी बहुत सारी.. जिसके सहायता से भारत के बेहतरीन डिजाइनिंग संस्थानों जैसे FDDI, NID, NIIFT, NIFT, IDC मुंबई, pearl अकादमी, SID में प्रवेश लिया जा सकता है।

7. फोरेंसिक साइंस :

आपने बचपन में यदि सीआईडी वाले डॉक्टर सालुंखे को देखकर ये सोचा हो की एक लाश से वो इतनी जानकारी कैसे निकाल लेते हैं… क्या ऐसा सच में होता है? अगर ऐसा है तो आपको इन सारे सवालों के जवाब फोरेंसिक साइंस देगा! आज के समय में इसकी महत्ता काफी बढ़ गई है क्योंकि बहुत सारे क्राइम के मामलों में टेढ़े-मेढे सवालों का उचित व अर्थपूर्ण तथ्यों के साथ जवाब ढूंढने में इसकी मदद ली जाती है। आधुनिक तकनीक, मेडिकल साइंस और विज्ञान के कई नए सिद्धांतो को एक साथ मिला कर फोरेंसिक साइंस की नींव रखी जाती है, जो क्राइम वाले जगह से एवं मुर्दों के शरीर से कई तरह की जानकारियां एकत्र करता है और मामले को सुलझाने में मदद करता है। भारत में बहुत सारी संस्थानें जैसे IFS पुणे, IFS मुंबई, IFS गांधीनगर, LNJN, NICFS, IGIMS पटना इस विषय में स्नातक डिग्री (B.Sc forensic science) प्रदान करती हैं जिनमें अधिकांश कॉलेजों में बिना किसी प्रवेश परीक्षा के 12 वीं के अंक के आधार पर प्रवेश पाया जा सकता है।

इन सभी विकल्पों के अतिरिक्त उन सभी बच्चों के लिए अन्य और भी बहुत सारे रास्ते हैं जिन्होंने गणित के साथ 12 वीं की होती है। ये सभी रास्ते इंजिनियरिंग के अतिरिक्त वैकल्पिक कैरियर प्रदान करते हैं जिनमें एक उत्तम भविष्य बनाया जा सकता है। जो लोग मैनेजमेंट में जाना चाहते है उनके लिए होटल मैनेजमेंट, BBA इत्यादि बेहतर विकल्प हो सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर और उससे जुड़ी चीज़ों में रुचि रखने वालों के लिए BCA एक बेहतर विकल्प है। साथ ही वो बच्चे जिन्हें आंकड़ों और अंकों से खेलना पसंद है तथा गणित को व्यावहारिक ज्ञान से बढ़ कर एक प्रायोगिक विषय के रूप में देखते है उनके लिए B.Sc (statistics) एक शानदार कैरियर हो सकता है… जिसके लिए Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) के अतिरिक्त कई और बेहतरीन संस्थान भारत में मौजूद हैं। साथ ही प्रकृति और निर्जीव वस्तुओं अर्थात् अकार्बनिक पदार्थों में रुचि रखने वालों के लिए आपदा प्रबंधन, meteorology आदि प्रमुख विषयों के साथ स्नातक डिग्री एक अच्छा विकल्प है। अर्थात् जिन लोगों ने 12 वीं गणित के साथ किया हो उनके लिए इंजिनियरिंग के अलावा ढेरों ऐसे विकल्प मौजूद हैं जिनके साथ आगे बढ़ा जा सकता है और जीवन को नए नजरिए से देखा एवं समझा जा सकता है।

A report by Devesh Kumar for IHOIK education desk

SAT: Gateway To US Universities

Studying abroad is the dream of a number of individuals. Better facilities, better environment and a number of other factors influence the students to opt for courses in universities situated abroad. Here we are enlisting about one such examination SAT that licences you to study abroad and pursue your education further.

SAT stands for the scholastic aptitude/assessment test organized by College Board that provides you admission in the top universities of USA/Canada. All the top universities of these countries accept SAT scores to give admission to the students who aspire to pursue their graduation in foreign countries.

The scores of this exam are the minimum criteria to give you admission to a top foreign university. Along with the SAT score, the college you are seeking admission in will also monitor your high school GPA, the subjects you were taught, letter of recommendation from teachers, interviews and essays.

It usually depends on the college that at what score they will give you admission. But the higher you score, higher are your chances of securing seat in a good college and notably a scholarship.

Exam Pattern

SAT comprises of four sections: Reading, Writing & Language, Math (Without calculator) and Math (With Calculator). There is an optional essay section at the end which is the fifth section. The exam duration is 3 hours but if you are going with the optional fifth section, you will be allotted with an extra 50 minutes for that.

The SAT score is evaluated from the following two sections:

  1. Evidence-Based Writing & Reading (Score Range: 200-800)
  • Reading Test: It comprises of 52 questions with a time limit of 65 minutes.
  • Writing and Language Test: It comprises of 44 multiple choice questions with a time limit of 35 minutes.
  1. Mathematics (Score Range: 200-800)
  • Without Calculator: It comprises of 20 questions (15 MCQ + 5 grid-in) and has a time limit of 25 minutes.
  • With Calculator: It has 38 questions (30 MCQ + 8 grid-in) and has a time limit of 55 minutes.
  1. Essay (Optional) (Score Range:2-8)
  • The maximum time allotted for writing essay is 50 minutes.

Total Score range : 400-1600


There is no specific exam eligibility set by the College Boards.  Usually students of age group 17-19 appear for the SAT exam. There is also no such rule that you cannot appear for the SAT exam more than once…  You can enroll for the exam as many times as you want.


There are two ways to register for the SAT exam. The first one is by mail while the more convenient one is by doing the registration on the official website of SAT i.e. the online method.

  1. Online Method
  • Create your account at the College Board official website.
  • Submit all the details like your name, DOB, etc.
  • Choose your nearest test center.
  • Upload your photograph & pay the application fee.
  1. Mail Method
  • You need to collect “The Student Registration Guide for the SAT and SAT Subject Tests” from your school.
  • The guide has a registration form and a return envelope.
  • Demand Draft should be sent along with your form.
  • Mail your form and draft to College Board SAT Program P.O. Box 7502 London, KY 40742-7502

Mode of Exam

It is a paper-pencil test and is conducted in the offline mode.

Exam Fees

$52 $49 No $101
$68 $49 Yes $117


What are SAT Subject Tests?

SAT subject tests are given to get admission in a particular subject course. There are a total of 20 subject tests in general five areas – English, Mathematics, History, Languages and  Science. You need to pay some extra exam fee if you are giving the SAT subject tests.  Students can sit for three subject tests on the test day.

Registration Fee $26
Each SAT Subject Test $22 additional per test.
Language Test with Listening $26 additional per test.

All The Best!

A report by Shruti Rai for IHOIK education desk.

Dentists: Protectors Of Oral Health

With the dream of becoming a doctor and living a life serving others, BDS is the option that comes handy and helps you in accomplishing your dreams. BDS is not only about uprooting teeth and correcting smiles, it also trains an individual not only to treat patients with oral disorders and malfunctions but also imparts them basic knowledge of a general physician and hence entitles them to treat and attend on general patients as well. Playing with wax blocks and carvers, making dentures, cavity cutting and a lot of adventurous yet interesting things makes this a good career option.

BDS or Bachelor of Dental Surgery is one of the most popular and designated degree of dentists (doctors). The BDS  is the only educational and professional courses of dental surgery in India. It is equivalent to MBBS and earns you the title of a ‘Doctor’. In the medical educational field, it is the second choice of the students after the MBBS course.

In this course, the students are taught about the denture, dental problems and surgery. It is also a good job oriented degree courses and various opportunities are available in the hospital, pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing industries. The BDS degree is awarded on the successful completion of the four-year academic education and one year mandatory internship program in dentistry education leading to the Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree courses. After completing your BDS, you are qualified to practice as a dentist. The BDS is the degree given to a person who plays a vital role in the treatment of problems related to teeth. The dentist prevents, diagnoses and cures all dental and related diseases.

Aspirants who wish to pursue BDS must qualify the NEET exam scoring a minimum cut off percentile marks and scores in order to be eligible for admission in top colleges. Top colleges for pursuing BDS are:-

1.Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi

The institute located in the heart of New Delhi, Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences enjoys the best of what Old and New Delhi has to offer. It aims to emerge as an institute of regional and global excellence in the field of dental education, patient care and research.

Fees- Rs-30,000 per annum

2. Manipal College Of Dental Sciences, Manipal

 This institute formerly known as the College of Dental Surgery, is the first self-financing dental college in the private sector of India. The undergraduate program of four years followed by a one-year internship leads to a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) degree.

Fees-Rs 26,40,000 (5 years)

 3. Government Dental College, Mumbai

One amongst the premiere dental colleges in India, Government Dental College and Hospital imparts dental education and services to the country as well as abroad. The institute, which was established in the year 1938, is affiliated to the prestigious Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS), Nashik.

Fees-43,900 per annum

 4. Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai

 This institute is also affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, (MUHS), Nashik. The college is approved by Dental Council of India (DCI), Ministry of Health and Government of Maharashtra.

Fees-70,900 per annum

5. Government Dental College, Bangalore

 This college, which was started in 1958, is one of the first few dental colleges in the country post independence and the first dental college in Karnataka. Within a very short period of time, Government Dental College gained a lot of importance with its service to humanity mainly by providing the best dental education to its students. It is also catering to the needs of the population in and around Karnataka through efficient oral health care delivery.

Fees-49,350 per annum

Subjects taught

The BDS course focuses on providing a student with an all round knowledge. From the basic about human anatomy to the depths of Dental anatomy and histology… This course enhances your knowledge and helps to Grove yourself into a successful doctor.

Subjects for first year 

  • Human anatomy, embryology and histology
  • Human physiology and Biochemistry
  • Dental anatomy, embryology and histology : The most interesting yet the most annoying part of this subject includes carving tooth samples on wax block
  • Pre-clinical prosthodontics : Not for evaluation. (A student is introduced to the basics of prosthodontics and hence faces a little difficulty handling the POP cubes and dental stone samples they have to make)

Subjects for second year

  • General Pathology and Microbiology
  • General and dental pharmacology and therapeutics
  • Dental materials
  • Pre clinical conservative dentistry : Not for evaluation
  • Pre clinical prosthodontics : Not for evaluation

Subjects for third year

  • General medicine
  • General surgery
  • Oral Pathology and oral Microbiology

Subjects for fourth year

  • Oral medicine and radiology (OMR)
  • Paediatric and preventive dentistry
  • Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics
  • Periodontology
  • Prosthodontics
  • Conservative dentistry and endodontics
  • Oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Public health dentistry

Career Options

After completion of the 5 year course of BDS one can go for following Career Options:

1. Join a PG Course After BDS to Pursue Higher Studies

2. MBA in Hospital Management

3. A career as a Dietitian

4. MPH after BDS: Masters in Public Health

5. Starting your own clinic

6. Work overseas

7.   Government job/ Army

8.  Clinical Researches

A report by Ayush Arya for IHOIK education desk.

Best Universities For Medicine: A Different League

We are very particular about studying Abroad which is, of course, natural as well as needed. Apart from the ranking of the university, we not only look upon the fee structure but also the environment of the campus which should be favorable for the Indian students. Although there are a lot of Medical Schools in the world, here are the Top 5 universities which are feasible and ranked as the best across the globe.

  1. Harvard Medical School

Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts and was established in 1782. Harvard medical school is the oldest institution of higher learning in The United States and among the most prestigious in the world. Harvard Medical School’s core mission is to alleviate human suffering by nurturing a diverse group of leaders in both clinical care and biomedical inquiry. Only 5-6% of those who apply are admitted to fulfil their dreams of research in medicine.


  • To apply in HMS you need to submit the AMCAS (American Medical College Application service) application (Non-refundable application fee $100).
  • HMS accepts applications from current students in good standing and graduate of accredited colleges who demonstrate aptitude in the biological and physical science during their undergraduate course, demonstrate fluent and nuanced facility in English as effective communication among the team.
  • HMS does not accept transfer students.
  • Some of the selection factors of HMS are: academic records, applicant essay, extracurricular activities, and experience in health field and community work.
  • Admission to Harvard Medical School is very selective. They seek students of integrity and maturity who have leadership potential and concern for others.


  1. Oxford University Medical School

The University of Oxford is a collegiate research university in Oxford, England, United Kingdom. Oxford University Medical School was established in 1936. It offers Bachelor of Medicine for a duration of 6 years which costs around 31.9 lakhs. The Oxford Medical School is traditional in its teaching and is therefore split into preclinical (1-3 years) and clinical (4-6 years) phases. Preclinical students are based at university science area and clinical students are based at John Radcliffe Hospital.


  • Candidates are required to achieve at least a grade A in both chemistry and at least one of biology, physics and mathematics.
  • All candidates must take the Biomedical Admission Test (BMAT) as part of their application and no student is admitted without interview.
  • University of Oxford Medicine course does not accept requests from students wishing to transfer from other universities to Oxford.


  1. University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine

The University of Cambridge is a public university in Cambridge, United Kingdom. The University grew out of an association of scholars who left the University of Oxford after a dispute. Medical School of University of Cambridge was found in 1842. The school is co-located with Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge biomedical campus.


  • Students from Cambridge University can enter the clinical school on completion of three years of pre-clinical training and a further interviewing process.
  • Applicants from outside Cambridge University are also invited to apply, provided they meet the entry requirements.
  • Applicants must have a level chemistry, and one of biology, physics, mathematics A or AS level. At least an upper second class honors degree in any discipline. The AS/A level subject requirements also apply to the IB.


  1. Stanford Medical School

Stanford University School of Medicine is in the medical school of Stanford university and is located in California. It traces its roots to the medical department of the University of Pacific, found in San Francisco in 1858. The Stanford School of Medicine has a long tradition of leadership in medical research, education and effective clinical therapies. Stanford provides scholarship ranging from 25-75% on tuition and course associated fee to candidates.


  • Average GPA required- 3.89
  • International students must have studied for at least one academic year at an accredited college or university in the United States, Canada or The United Kingdom prior to applying for admission.
  • Applicants are considered for admission without regard to any disability or region.
  • Applicants must demonstrate knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, laboratory or field experiments, behavioral or social science and communication.


  1. The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

The Johns Hopkins University is a private research university in Baltimore, Maryland. It is research intensive medical school of Johns Hopkins University and was found in 1893. The school of medicine shares a campus with the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. As a global health leader, Johns Hopkins benefits from the talents of a diverse community. In that spirit, the school of medicine encourages qualified international students to apply.


  • To be competitive for admission, you should have MCAT scores in the top 1% and powerful application that includes plenty of extracurricular activities and challenging coursework.
  • The application fee at Johns Hopkins University is $100 and tuition fee is $54900.

A report by Avantika Gurjar by ihoik education desk

Law As A Career In India: A Profession Of Pride

With the growing craze among the students to stand apart from the crowd and opt for a different career, the legal profession has become one of the fastest and the most profitable career in the recent times. There are a number of questions that bother the minds of students regarding law as a career… The probable job opportunities, some top colleges and universities, the examination criteria and a few misconceptions that refrain students from opting for law as a career and moving forward in this field. Let’s get a close look and try to find the answer to all these queries.

 At a very early stage, a candidate can apply for 5 years BA LLB  course offered by many top ranked Colleges all over india after their 10+2. The national level entrance examination CLAT, basically tests the student’s general English, aptitude, logical reasoning, etc.

If one wants to move forward in this field then he/she needs to have a membership in one of the local State Central Bar councils, all of which require an undergraduate law degree (LL.B., which is a minimum of three years of study ). The candidate must submit the application to the State Bar Council of India within the jurisdiction of which the applicant wishes to practice.

But this time period of three years might be different if you want to pursue the degree from far off countries. In December 2010, a motion came into effect which stated that all the law students who have graduated recently and even those who have previously cleared their law graduation but are somehow not registered with the state bar council, must sit for the bar examination. They will be allowed to practice in the courts and the tribunals in India only after clearing this exam.

Why should someone opt for a legal profession?

Before proceeding further, it’s very Important for a student to realize whether he/she is interested in law or not.

With this another question arises and that is how should a student know about their interest. So let us take this question first and then we shall move towards the options we have in this field.

Basically, this field will open your gates to deal with legal works and cases including bundles of documentations and paper work. It is important for students to realize their field of interest.

There is an old saying which goes like ‘If you have three friends ensure that one amongst them is a lawyer, other the doctor and the third one a banker.” Because any single day you may require to seek help from either of the three.

You can manage  to step into many fields like successful lawyer, politician, producer, manager, journalist or even a police officer; a law degree equips you for almost any profession that requires intellectual strength along with a practical approach. Most importantly, law is a professional course which helps a student to learn many skills like critical analysis, researches, drafts, arguments and sharing the thoughts and ideas.

So now as you know the importance of law and why a student should have a look in this field, let us look into the plethora of opportunities available for a student.

Career opportunities


An advocate practices law in the legal courts of justice. An advocate represents someone (an individual, a group or an organization) in the court room. They deal with true facts and evidences, cross examine witnesses and finally conclude that why the court should give the verdict in favour of or against someone.


A magistrate is a lawyer who is not a judge but who is authorized to hear and make a decision in certain types of cases. A Magistrate is a civil officer with power to administer and enforce law.

NOTE:- In order to be a magistrate it’s important to  have a minimum Graduate Law Degree (LLB), after which you become eligible to appear for competitive exams.

Attorney General

The Attorney General is the Highest legal officer of the Union Government and is appointed by the President of India. The attorney general gives advice on all legal matters which are assigned to him by the President. He appears before the Supreme Court and various High Courts in cases involving the Government of India. He is entitled to audience in all courts of the country & can take part in the proceedings of the Parliament & its committees, But

1.He is not entitled to the right to vote.

2.He is also allowed to take up private practice; provided the other party is not the State. Because of this, he is not paid any salary but a retainer to be determined by the President.

NOTE:- To be an Attorney General, a person should be qualified to be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court.

Company Secretary

He/She is the most important link connecting the shareholders, regulatory agencies and the board of directors. He/she also acts as the registrar of the company performing important secretarial functions like filing company returns with the Registrar of Companies and other authorities.

Legal Advisors

A Legal Advisor works in the legal departments of organizations. Legal advisors work as  consultants for a firm and suggest appropriate course of action in business and personal matters. They also check deeds, issue writs, collect information for affidavits and draft legal documents.


Solicitors explain the cases of his clients to the advocates. Solicitors never need to appear in a court directly. A Solicitor takes up cases related to his field of expertise.

Advocate General

Advocate Generals are analogous to Attorney Generals at the State level. Advocate Generals take up cases that are significant to a particular state and work with local District Attorney’s offices in the prosecution of these cases.

Notary/Oath Commissioner

A Notary or an Oath Commissioner is appointed on application to Central/State government to draw, verify, authenticate, certify and attest the execution of any document with legal validity.

NOTE:- A Notary must have an experience of at least 10 years in the profession of law.

District Attorney

A District Attorney is usually an elected official. Depending upon the size of the District, District Attorneys may have multiple branches that focus upon different types of crime such as domestic violence, homicide and a lot more.


People having good command over teaching can pursue  LL.M or even doctorate and have any job in any of the university or institutions with the law courses.


If someone has keen interest in a particular field, he/she can write books or even produce journals and legal commentaries related to that field. Moreover, he/she can also have a detailed analysis of the researches.

LPO – Legal Process Outsourcing 

In Legal Process Outsourcing, vendors or in-house departments of organizations outsource legal work from off-shore areas.

Top most Institutions

Topmost institutions offering courses in law are as follows:

  1. National Law School Of India, Bangalore
  2. National Law University, New Delhi
  3. NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad
  4. Rajiv Gandhi School Of Intellectual Property Law, Indian Institute Of Technology, Kharagpur
  5. National Law University, Jodhpur

The fee for LLB 3 years course involves lesser expenses in the range of 20,000 INR to 50,000 INR. But 5 years of BA LLB costs a little more i.e. approximately 3,00,000 INR. As such, there are no scholarship opportunities provided by most of the law colleges. So a student must first confirm this from the respective college authorities.


Now you have gained ample amount of knowledge on the career options and the top most Universities relate to the field of law, but still there are a number of perceptions in the mind of a student that need to be cleared.

 Students usually think that they have to choose either civil or criminal law after obtaining a degree.

Moreover once students own a legal degree, they make a conception that law is safe. Is it right to state that law is safe? Absolutely NO! The reason is quite simple. There are abundant number of lawyers chasing for really less number of jobs. Likely, Many colleges and universities try not to talk much about it on a wider range. There are bulk of students who are struggling with a tight job market. So it’s very important to know that hard-work along with smart work and consistency is a key to success for all the fields.

Then there is one more very common myth among the students i.e, when you enter and have a law degree then the probability of being rich is extremely high.

It’s not correct because firstly you are subsidizing those who graduated before you. When you end up landing in a private sector then somehow the seniority system restrains your mobility in the upwards direction. Secondly, when you have or are having your education in this firm, then the fee is quite high. Unfortunately a student lands up in going for a student loan and after having the degree, a student feels dissatisfied with the position offered but the salary is in good figures. This somehow makes a student hold to that job even at a low position.

One more common thought a law student has is that the law is alluring.

It is actually right to say that things when seen from the far point looks beautiful but when you step inside, reality hits hard. It is a disillusion which usually pops up in the developing minds of the teenagers. Working on land records, public utilization rate, plea bargaining a drunken driving charge or solving and answering the piles of documentaries  is not at all alluring.

And the final myth which is very common amongst the students is that they can save the world.

Undoubtedly when you step into this law World, you have the licence to a few things that may help you in saving the people of this world from a number of problems but you need to keep in mind that

Firstly there are a number of lawyers who are willing to do the same so this will automatically increase the level of competition but the main point is that the number of positions are very less which increases the competition level even more.

We discussed much about the students who want to pursue their career in this field but what about those who are looking out for some internships or work in this field?

First and the foremost thing to keep in mind is that practical knowledge can never be gained through books or videos. So basically, an applicant should Focus more on practical training in courts which will help him in getting more chances in law firms with professional and highly experienced lawyers. Though many of the Colleges impart practical legal education to final year students, it is the students who have to step forward and take an initiative in practicing more. Candidates who get their degrees from top universities get attractive job offers within the campus. Many of them even opt to start their own practice. All the law graduates who wish to register themselves in the courts have to register themselves in the Bar Council of India (BCI)

A report by Cheena Kachroo for IHOIK education desk

Top five Indian universities according to NIRF

National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) outlines a methodology to rank institutions across the country. The methodology draws from the overall recommendations and broad understanding arrived at by a Core Committee set up by Ministry of Education, to identify the broad parameters for ranking various universities and institutions. This institution releases rankings every year.  We have curated  in depth information about top five universities as per the NIRF ranking.

Indian Institute Of Science, Bangalore

One of the most seasoned organizations built up in 1909 is known for its exploration and advanced education in Engineering, Science, Management, and Design. At the university level and in general classification, it is positioned first for three sequential years. This university is research-oriented.

Admission Process:

Admission here is only through the entrance examination. The fee of Application form for UG is INR 500 and fir PG is INR 800.

Courses Offered:

B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Tech, M.Mgt, M.Des, M.Sc.+ Ph.D, Ph.D

Exam Criteria:

JEE Main/ NEET-UG/ JEE Advanced/ GATE

Fee Structures:

UG Courses- Rs. 0.8 Lakhs Total Fee (Approx)

PG Courses- Rs. 0.4 Lakhs Total Fee (Approx)

MBA in Business Analytic- Rs. 3.2 Lakhs Total Fee (Approx)

Campus Area:

434 acres

Hostel Facility and Fee:

As we all know, every Central University has a hostel facility. But when we talk about the top universities, the hostels there are simply amazing.

Hostel Fee: INR 20K


Memorial Library, Central Computing Facility, Conference room, Auditorium, Laboratory, Research Facility, Lecture Halls, Publication Cell, Alumni Affairs Department.

Location: CV Raman Road, Bangalore Karnataka

Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi

Jawaharlal Nehru University was entrenched during the year 1969 in Delhi, the national capital of India. The college is licensed by NAAC with ‘A’ grade and is perceived by University Grants Commission. The open focal college is an individual from the Association of Indian Universities. This University is spread across 1000 sections of land with present-day framework offices. JNU offers UG, PG and Ph.D. Course Studies in Different Sectors. This university was granted the Visitor’s Award for Best University in 2017 by the President of India and is positioned sixth in the general classification and second in college classification by National Institutional Ranking Framework in the year 2017. A few notable alumni of Jawaharlal Nehru University are Baburam Bhattarai: 36th prime minister and former finance minister of Nepal, Nirmala Sitaraman: Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Sitaram Yechury: General Secretary, Communist Party of India, Ali Zeidan: Prime Minister of Libya and many such legends. JNU organizes different co-curricular and extra-curricular activities like Seminars, Blood Donation Camp, International Conference, Lectures, International Comparative Human Rights Practicum, Archives on Contemporary Exhibition, Youth Film Festival, Annual Yoga Competition, Annual Celebration, and so on.

Admission Process:

Entrance Exam Based (Interview for Masters & Ph.D.)

Courses Offered:

UG, PG and Ph.D. courses

Exam Criteria:


Fee Structures:

UG Courses – Rs. 500 Total Fee (Approx)

PG Courses – Rs 778 Total Fee (Approx)

Campus Area:

1000 Acres

Hostel Facility and Fee:

There are spacious, well-furnished hostels. Apart from hygienic foods, hostels provide recreational facilities that include TVs, indoor games, health clubs, PCOs, etc. Each hostel has its live-in wardens, a member of faculty who administers the hostels.

Hostel Fee: INR 5500

Location: New Mehrauli Road, JNU Ring Road, Delhi

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Banaras Hindu University was brought into reality during the year 1916 under the direction of Madan Mohan Malaviya in Varanasi city of Uttar Pradesh state. The university is a functioning individual from the Association of Indian Universities and is perceived by the University Grants Commission. The college is been certify by NAAC. This University organizes different extra-curricular activities such as SPANDAN: an Inter college youth celebration which incorporates occasions like writing essays, poems, debates, Painting, sketches, vocal music, Dancing, singing, drama, mimicry, etc.

Admission Process:

Entrance Exam Based

Courses Offered:

UG, PG, Diploma, Ph.D.

Exam Criteria:

BHU Entrance for UG & PG courses, NEET-UG / JEE Advanced / CSIR qualified student for Ph.D. Programme.

Fee Structures:

Less than 50k

Campus Area:

The main campus is spread across 1300 acres and South campus is spread over 2,700 acres of land.

Hostel Facility and Fee:

The institute has hostel facilities for both girls and boys and the rooms available in the institute are spacious and well equipped. They also have Wi-Fi facilities. The rooms are available on a single and sharing basis and the hostel mess meals provided are of good and clean quality and the hostel fee includes both accommodation and mess.

Hostel Fee: INR 7000


Library, Hostel, Sports Complex, Labs, Moot Court (Law), Cafeteria, Gym, Hospital / Medical Facilities, Convenience Store

Location: Ajagara, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University was established during the year 2003 in Coimbatore city of Tamil Nadu state. The college is working under the aegis of Mata Amritanandamayi Math Trust. The college is perceived under the University Grants Commission and licensed by NAAC with ‘A’ grade. The university also provides modern amenities for the students by creating a learning environment. This University was ranked 801-1000 on the planet by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2018. The college was positioned 168 in Asia in the QS World University Rankings and fourteenth in 2017 by Outlook India. The university is ranked fourth among Universities and National Institutional Ranking Framework in 2020.

Admission Process:

Entrance Exam Based

Courses Offered:

B.A, B.Tech, Integrated M.Sc., MCA, M.A, M.Tech, MBA, M.Sc, Ph.D

Exam Criteria:

B.Tech- AIEEE or JEE


M-Tech- AGET or GATE

Application Fee:

B.Tech/MBA- INR 1000

M.Tech- INR 960

Ph.D./MSW- INR 500

Fee Structures:

Less than 4 lakhs for all courses

MBA- 9.9 lakhs total (approx)

Campus Area:

900 Acres

Hostel Facility and Fee:

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham provides separate accommodation for both girls and boys on the campus. It provides all the basic facilities for the students and it enables the students to create a holistic lifestyle with all the activities like sports, extra-curricular activities and yoga. All the hostels are equipped with a solar system that provides hot water to the students till 8 am. There is a mess that provides clean and pure vegetarian food for the students.

Hostel Fee: INR 89500 to 140000 per annum


Computer Labs, Sports, Medical, Laboratory, Library, Gym, Cafeteria, Auditorium, Swimming Pool, Bank/ATM, Guest House.

Location: Amritanagar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India – 641112, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Jadavpur University, Kolkata

Jadavpur University is an open University which was built up in 1955. Earlier, it was known as Bengal Technical Institute. The University is affiliated to the Indian Universities Association and the National Assessment and Accreditation Council. The University has two Campuses. What’s more, the QS World University Rankings put the University at 74th place.

Admission Process:

Entrance exam based

Direct Admission for B.Sc Courses based on merit in the last qualifying exam.

Courses Offered:

UG, PG and Ph.D. courses

Exam Criteria:


Admission to UG and PG Courses will be granted based on the Entrance Exam conducted by Jadavpur University.

B.Sc admission based on merit in the last qualifying examination.

Fee Structures:

Less than 20k

Campus Area:

Main campus Jadavpur 58 acres

New Campus Salt Lake 26 acres

Hostel Facility and Fee:

The JU has 2 campuses – the main campus in Jadavpur and the Salt Lake campus in Salt Lake. On the main campus, the hostel situation is not so good and one has to share rooms with other roommates. Cleanliness of hostels in both the cases is almost same and sometimes not so good. If one finds a hostel in the Salt Lake campus, one gets a room without sharing, which is a plus point.

Hostel Fee: Rs75/year

Mess charges are around 1500-1800 per month.

Location: Jadavpur, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

A report by Salman for IHOIK education desk

An Insight Of AYUSH Courses

Talking about medicine in India and not considering the ancient but effective domains of treatment will be a great injustice. India has a great history of healing and implementation of medications using the more nature oriented forms of treatment like Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy etc.

When you dream of becoming a doctor, there comes a wide range of courses that may help to transform your dream into reality and take you on a journey towards a bright future.

AYUSH COURSES are one such way of accomplishing your dreams and turning the thoughts of owning a white apron into reality.

The ministry of AYUSH is headed by a Minister of State, currently held by Shripad Yesso Naik.

AYUSH COURSES aren’t confined to just Ayurveda. There is a lot more to them.

AYUSH COURSES are categorised as follows :

  • Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS):

It is a UG programme that deals with the use of ayurveda and it’s healing process. It also adds the information of modern medicine to a student’s knowledge. The traces of the oldest way of healing dating back to the Vedic era, are of AYURVEDA. It is basically based on the process of self healing. The biggest health organization ‘WHO’ promotes it.

Students having curiosity for the exploration in medicine, open big door of opportunities for them by opting to pursue BAMS.

Admission process : One must appear for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) and qualify it. Admission to BAMS course is through a centralised counselling based on the NEET merit list.

Cut off : Ranges between 350-490+ (General category), 330-490+ (OBC category), 280-350+ (SC category), 220-340+ (ST category).

Top colleges:

  1. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
  2. Shri Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University, Gurgaon, Haryana.
  3. Patanjali Ayurved College, Haridwar.
  4. Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi.
  5. Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune.

Average fee: INR 25,000 – 3.2 lakh per annum.

  • Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) :

5 years of academics offers a UG in homeopathic medicine & surgery. The base of this learning is “Healing is an internal process, can’t be done externally.” The medicine is composed of the products directly brought from the nature’s lap. It is mandatory for students to undertake the internships at hospitals which makes it a course of total duration 5.5 years.

Admission process– Majority of colleges take admission on the basis of results of 10+2. Some take entrances & for some other colleges, clearing the entrance exam is followed by group discussions or personal interviews. NEET Entrance Exam, PU CET, Common Entrance Test, AP Entrance Examination are some of the entrance examinations.

Cutoff (NEET):

Though there is a yearly variation in the cutoff marks depending upon the college you want to get into, depending on your domicile state to get assured seat, one’s marks should cross a minimum benchmark of 400 marks.

Top colleges:

  1. Swarrnim Startup & Innovation University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
  2. Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh, Punjab.
  3. Sanskriti University, Mathura.
  4. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Homeopathic Medical college, Ludhiana.

Average fees:

Govt. : INR 20,000 – 50,000/- per annum.

Private : INR 1,00,000-3,00,000/- per annum.

  • Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yoga Sciences (BNYS):

It’s a 4.5 years UG course for the study of Integrative medicine which includes both modern and traditional (naturopathy) art of healing.

Completion of a Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internship of 1-year duration is a must.

Admission process : NEET is one of the method of admission to this course, followed by a personal interview. Some colleges offer direct admission on the basis of results of 10+2.

Cutoff (NEET) :

Min. 119 marks(UR), 96 marks (OBC, SC, ST)

Top colleges:

  1. SDM College of Naturopathy and Yogic sciences, Kannada.
  2. JSS Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic sciences, The Nilgiris.
  3. ADN Medical College and Paramedical Sciences, Nagpur.
  4. CMJ University, Shillong.

Annual fee:

INR 50,000 100,000/- per annum.

  • Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery (BSMS):

It is the most ancient among all the AYUSH COURSES. According to this, all the functions of human body are controlled by seven elements : Saram (plasma), cheneer (blood), ooun (muscle), kozhuppu (fat), elumbu (bone), moolai (nerve) and inthiriyam (semen). These are activated by three “Mukkuttram” – vatha (air), pitha (fire or heat or energy) and kapha (water). The imbalance of any of Mukkuttram leads to disease and disorders. It also includes a  compulsory internship of 1 year.

Admission process– Student should clear NEET for admissions to this course.

Cutoff (NEET):

Roughly a score of near about 480+ marks for general category and near about 420+ marks for the other categories to secure admission in a government college is required whereas to get admission in a private college, the score ranges from 350-420 marks.

Top colleges:

  1. Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai
  2. Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai
  3. Government Siddha Medical College, Palani
  4. Sri Sai Ram Siddha Medical College, Chennai
  5. R.V.S. Siddha Medical College & Hospital, Coimbatore

Average fee:

The Fee in Central/State Government Funded Institutions are  around Rs.5000 to Rs. 10,000 per Annum. The course fee in other institutions under All India Quota varies between Rs. 50,000 to Rs.2 lakhs annually.

  • Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery(BUMS):

Fourth most popular medication method is Unani system. It originated in Greece and from there the system of medication was adopted by Middle-East and South-Asian countries. It is a 5 year UG programme. It is known for the treatment of weight loss, kidney stone, diabetes, psoriasis, arthritis and a number of deadly diseases by natural ways.

Admission process : KEAM (state level exam), CPAT, NEET offer admission in BUMS course.

Cutoff (NEET):

Different colleges offer admission at a different mark range. A minimum of 50% marks in 12th (PCB) is a must.

Top Colleges:

  1. Government Unani Medical College, Bangalore
  2. Luqman Unani Medical College and Hospital, Bijapur
  3. National Institute of Medical sciences, New Delhi
  4. Tippu Sultan Shaheed Educational Trust Unani Medical College, Gulbarga, Karnataka.

Average fee: INR 50,000 to 6.3 Lacs for three years.

Opting for any AYUSH COURSE brings pride and honour to heal people from sufferings and earns you with the title of a ‘Dr.’

A report by Sneha Verma for IHOIK education desk

Twelve Best Places To Visit In Kota: A Travel Catalogue

The cartographic coordinates of 25.18°N and 75.83°E, mark the existence of the city of Kota. Situated on the banks of river Chambal, Kota enjoys a lush green topography over the rocky and barren terrains of Rajasthan. The history of Kota dates back to 12th century AD, which gives the city a unique cultural, historical and architectural bliss.

Upon taking a wide tour of the city and it’s outer, we were able to catalogue the top twelve places to visit in Kota.

Garadia Mahadev

At about a distance of 25 Km from Kota main city on NH76, lies a holy shrine of Lord Shiva at the banks of river Chambal. At an elevation of 500 meters above the sea level, Garadia Mahadev offers an incredible view of Chambal taking an ‘S’ shape turn in her way to reach Kota. The untouched beauty of the land and water along with the view of beautiful horizon makes it a picturesque place.

Gaiparnath Temple

Away from the city lights, lies an old Shiva Temple in a deep gorge known as Gaipernath Mahadev. Situated in a deep trench, Gaipernath is blessed with several waterfalls gushing over the place. An unending path of stairs leads to the shrine of Lord Shiva, resting in the lap of waterfalls, huge boulders, and an ecosystem of its own. The best time to visit is in monsoons when the rain refurbishes the water reserves and greenery.

Kishore Sagar Talab

Kishore Sagar is an artificial lake with a history dating back to 1346. It was constructed by the Prince of Bundi, Dehra Deh. Boat rides in the lake serve to make the evening more beautiful. Evening lighting of the place makes it more attractive. The reflection of the city, which falls on the water at night, is eye candy for the visitors.

Jagmandir Palace

In the midst of Kishor Sagar Lake lies the beautiful Jagmandir Palace. It was built by the queens of Kota between 1743 to 1745. This redstone monument between the lake is a unique attraction of the city of Kota. It is built with the combination of Mughal and the Hindu architectural design, which provide it with unique essence. The night is marked by a mesmerising reflection of the lights of Jagmandir Palace forming upon the water of the lake.

Seven Wonders Park

Along the waters of Kishor Sagar Lake lies the famous seven wonders park. It has the replicas of all the Seven Wonders of the World erected on it. It also houses small and beautiful sheds build in native Rajasthani type of architecture, which makes this place more picturesque. Some Bollywood movies like Badrinath Ki Dulhania  and  the  series  of  Kota Factory have featured this park recently.

Chambal Garden

Located on the bank of river Chambal, it marks an excellent picnic spot in the city of Kota. The view of the flowing Chambers, the chimneys of the thermal power plant on the other side of the river and a lush green cover and bird diversity in the garden enhance its glory. Toy train rides give a complete tour of the garden. Being a part of National Chambal Ghariyal (Gavial) Sanctuary, it offers boat rides to have a close view of fish-eating reptiles (Ghariyal) in their natural habitat.

Garh Palace

Also known as City Palace, this palace is a complex representation of the cultural and architectural richness of the Rajput dynasty. It contains the suites and apartments built by different Rajput rulers at different times, therefore giving a vast tour of the past to present of Rajput dynasty in a single visit. Being attached to museums, this palace offers a cultural, historical and an educational tour to the visitors.


Abheda Mahal

Abheda Mahal is a medieval palace which served as a recreational spot to the rulers of Kota. It contains a lake in the middle which harnesses beautiful lotus and turtles. Reflection of Abheda Mahal forming on the lake is worth having eyes on while walking in its beautiful gardens.

Kota Barrage

Kota Barrage is a dam built on river Chambal and is situated quite close to the city. It is marked for peaceful evenings and offers a thrilling view of water gushing through the barrage gates with a great force and valour. Kota Barrage provides an incredible view of the city and flowing Chambal from the height.

Khade Ganesh Ji

Khade Ganesh Ji is a 600-year-old temple within city proximity. It holds the fact to be the only temple in India with the standing idol of Lord Ganesh. The occasion of Ganesha Chaturthi marks a very enthusiastic celebration in the temple when the procession is carried out with utmost spirituality and zeal. Temple attends a large number of devotees every year.

Chattaneshwar Mahadev

Situated in the laps of nature, a beautiful Shiva temple Chattaneshwar Mahadev is a tourist attraction spot known for its scenic beauty. This place holds special religious importance and experiences a crowd of numerous shiva bhakts all throughout the year. With a beautiful waterfall as its source of attraction, this place is a must visit for all specially during the monsoon season.

Chhatra Vilas Garden

Chhatra Vilas garden, popularly known as CV garden is a popular tourist attraction spot in Kota. With lush green grass and natural beauty this place also offers tourists with a treat to to some of the royal cenatophs inside the garden. A perfect place for family picnics and a center of attraction for historians and tourists, CV garden is not only a place for leisure but also historically significant and culturally rich.


A report by Sumit Yadav 

Evolution Of Social Media: fleets, Reels & Rooms

The continued growth of social media is the result of regular innovation and planning through the introduction of new features and updated formats of the existing features of the social media apps. The social media freaks are going gaga over the introduction of new features in the most popular social media platforms.

Latest data shows that more than half of total population on Earth use social media to connect to each other. Around 3.96 billion people across the planet, i.e. 51% of total global population use social media.

In this time of COVID-19 pandemic, when everything was getting out of hand, social media played a much needed role, to get everything to almost normal. From helping to spread minute by minute updates to the users, to introducing new and efficient features to keep everyone entertained during low times, many new ideas came up. Some of these new features are:

  1. Rooms (Facebook):

    Facebook launched its latest video conferencing feature, Messenger Rooms. This feature was announced by Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg in April 2020. Messenger rooms is basically a platform to create video group calls and invite upto 50 people to join the room. With no such time limit for the meeting termination, it gives a direct competition to platforms such as ‘Zoom’ which have grown much in popularity in last few months. This feature is open for all, which means that you don’t need to create a facebook account to use it. It is limited to Facebook as of now, but soon, this feature will be accessible via other applications like Instagram and WhatsApp. While in a room, you can use 360-degree views of exotic locations for backgrounds, and work with beauty filters too. You can use your rooms from your phone or computer.

    Fleets (Twitter):

    Twitter fleets were first introduced in Brazil. This feature is now available in India. Similar to Instagram stories, these tweets, known as ‘fleets’ will disappear after 24 hours. Also, likes, retweets and public replies are restricted in this feature. This feature was introduced, because many people felt insecure to tweet, because they felt that tweets are permanent, and all the people can like and retweet them, which are displayed permanently. Fleets will inspire more and more people to express themselves and tweet freely. This feature is available for both android and iOS.

  1. Reels (Instagram):

    Instagram Reels was started in India in June, 2020, after Tik-Tok was banned. This was the biggest chance for Instagram to gain more popularity in India. Instagram reels let users shoot video, apply filters, add music to it from Instagram albums and share them beyond Instagram platform. It allows users to create 15 seconds video and share the reels in explore section and even to non-followers. Instagram has partnered with prominent music labels to provide the best and wide collection on songs to its users.

With the introduction of these features, all these apps have become more inclusive and more interactive. the users are showing the expected enthusiasm and this opens the door to more such experiments by established social media giants.

A report by Muskan Dahiya for IHOIK Technical desk

Online Education In Corona Times: A Controversial Necessity

The Pandemic has not only affected the economy of the world but has affected the education system drastically. More than 1.4 billion students are not studying in the classrooms today. E-learning has paved its way much earlier than what we would have experienced in the upcoming digital world, of course, a few years later!

If we talk about the current scenario, it’s been 5 months of the pandemic and things are just getting worse. Still, most of the industries whether they are MNC’s or the shootings for the TV serials or web series have started again with all the essential precautions. Only the educational institutions are on the hold because of the option of Online Education which is equally efficient for the students. What matters the most is the quality of education, whether online or in the classrooms.

Coming to the part of challenges, every situation has its pros and cons. Online education also faces some obstacles for both the teacher and the students.

1. Internet connectivity: The students are out of their schools in around 167 countries. Every place and area is different and many without proper network connectivity. Students are having problems while studying due to major internet issues and are not able to attend their lectures effectively.

2. Dropout rates: Government declared schemes like Mid-Day Meal so that the poor people and below the poverty line also send their children to the schools which worked well. Now, since there are no schools that means no food which resulted in major dropouts this year. That means the food is the only bait for those people to send their children to study.

3. Electronic gadgets: Online education demands a gadget like a mobile phone or a laptop. Not all people can afford this. Recently, a father in Himachal Pradesh sold his cow which was the only source of income, for purchasing a smartphone so that his son could study. Not all the people do this and therefore stop educating their children due to the expenses involved in this. Therefore, a gadget is directly proportional to education in terms of online classes. This problem has not aroused in India but many other countries. While 92% of students in Switzerland or Norway have access to electronic gadgets, only 34% of students in Indonesia do.

4. Improvising skills: Teachers have a lifetime habit of teaching on the blackboards face to face and this Electronic teaching is a very new concept for them. It is very difficult for them to teach the students effectively when they do not have much knowledge about this new type of teaching. Without the absence of the physical presence of students or assets like blackboards, teachers find themselves much helpless.

Apart from the few demerits, if we look at a brighter side, we can see the coming generation which is fully digital. We have often heard and debated that E-education will take over the classroom teaching but this time it will happen much faster having an experience of months. Once we are adapted to this and we start to grow, we will be ready for this new type of learning.

If we talk about the status of online education in India, we can notice that students retain approximately 45-60% more material when studying online whereas only 15-28% when studying in the classroom that too if the class is a smart class. Also, online education saves 40% of the learning time of the students. But on the other side, according to the survey by Niti Aayog, 55,000 villages in India are lacking mobile network coverage which makes the people there hopeless to think about E-Education.

The road ahead will be smoother than this because we were not prepared this time. Zero training was provided to the teachers, unlike the US, no gadgets were given to the students, there were no arrangements and lack of awareness was there. These things were partially responsible for the dropout rates of the students this year. The options available in the online study material are outstanding. Whether we talk about re-reading or recording the lectures, it is estimated that it will be more beneficial to the higher class students.

A report by Shreya Kulshrestha

ICAR AIEEA: Doorway To Top Agriculture Universities

Since India is largely dependent on agriculture for its economy, studying its technical aspects is very important. Specialised courses are offered to aspiring individuals who wish to explore all possible innovations in the field of agricultural. These courses produce professionals who can apply scientific approach to the idea of farming. The individuals enrolled in the course learn various technical and practical methods related to agriculture, such as: methods to improve crop yield and reduce soil population.

The ICAR AIEEA or Indian Council of Agricultural Research All India Entrance Examination is conducted for filling 15% of seats in Bachelor’s degree programmes and short listing students for getting placed in doctoral programmes, Post Graduate and Undergraduate in agriculture and Allied Sciences.

On the basis of AIEEA UG, aspirants get an opportunity to be awarded with ‘National Talent Scholarships in Agriculture & Allied Science Subjects’ in different Agricultural Universities across the nation.

In 2019, 8,374 candidates attempted for AICE-JRF/SRF (PGS); 31,486 for PG course and 2,36,931 for UG course.


To appear n the examination, a candidate must have completed 12th or +2 Education from any recognised board in English medium with at least 3 subjects with mathematics, biology, physics or chemistry. The applicant must be an Indian only. The minimum age of the candidate must be at least 16 years. The minimum qualifying marks required in class 12th exam to be eligible for the  process is 50% for general, OBC or non-creamy layer candidates and it is just 40% for candidates belonging from Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Physically challenged category.

Exam pattern & courses on offer:

Duration of the exam is 2 and ½ hour that takes place once a year in online mode, conducted by NTA (National Testing Agency). Official website is Based on the score obtained in this exam, candidates can secure a total of 11 UG courses.

Courses available for students of Biology stream:

  • Agriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Fisheries
  • Forestry
  • Sericulture
  • Home science
  • Biotechnology
  • Food science

Courses available for students of Mathematics stream:

  • Agriculture Engineering
  • Dairy Technology
  • Agricultural Marketing & co-operation
  • Forestry
  • Food Science
  • Biotechnology

Admission and career opportunities:

There are around 102 ICAR institutes and 71 agricultural universities in the country. Top Institutions /Universities  accepting admissions in UG courses based on ICAR-AIEEA are SAUs (State Agricultural Universities), IARI (Indian Agricultural Research Institute), IVRI, (Indian Veterinary Research Institute), CIFE (Central Institute of Fisheries Education), NDRI (National Dairy Research Institute), RPCAU (Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University), CAU (Central Agricultural University), etc.

Studying agricultural research at ICAR makes a candidate eligible for Central and state government jobs that include

1. Indian Forest service (IFS)

2. Banking

3. Research

4. Engineering

5. Consultation

6. Corporate

7. Plantation

Apart from this, any government job that specifies graduation as the required qualification like civil services, defence services, banks etc., the Ag BSc graduates can equally apply like any other graduate. Moreover, there are large number of local, national and international private business organisations, manufactures and NGOs where agriculture products professionals can find a decent employment.

A report by Sakshi Saranya Rout for IHOIK education desk

A Sneak Peek Into The Life Of A Kotaite

Nothing comes without a sacrifice. Being an average kid, I have always wondered what special do toppers do. Why some people excel in every field and why some struggle for even the little things in life. A year in Kota taught me things that were priceless.

Kota, the place famous for its astounding results in two of most difficult exams of the country IIT JEE and NEET creates an educational environment for almost 1.5 Lakhs Students every year. But what does a Kota student do that gives him an edge over the others. Let’s see:

Their daily routine of an aspirant is pretty much involved in attending classes and solving problems. But the mental state is on a whole another level.

The day starts with a loud alarm and some post examination stress that comes along with the weekly test. Aside from the tiresome homework, getting up in the morning with around 4 hours of sleep is probably the most difficult task every Kotaite faces. We hurry to the classes with a breakfast of “Poha” and “Kachoris” which are immensely popular and available of every street.

We get to the class and get the seats; with our friends the latecomers are welcomed with class cheering “Aaaaaaaaooooooo” Then comes the exhausting part that requires 6-7 hours of classes. But fortunately, that’s equally the most fun part. The reason is ” The awe-inspiring teachers”. They are undoubtedly the best teachers one could ever get in life. The way they uplifted our spirits when we were demoralized was admirable. They would crack jokes, tell stories, techniques and methods for increasing productivity helps us in many aspects to life other than studies too. Their way of teaching which makes even the most dreadful chapters easy to understand is amazing. They would speak up about the problems they faced and how we may tackle them.  After 6 hours of classes the last bell seems to be a savior. It’s like ending of one phase.

Close to 2’o clock, the extreme hunger compels us to reach the mess as fast as we could. No matter how awful the food is, you’ll get used to it eventually and start appreciating the little “Specials on particular days.”

The afternoon sleep after the heavy lunch ends in no time and before you know it the work timing starts again.

Around 4’o Clock we are back to the study table. This time of self-study is something which remains with us for the entire life. During these days I learnt to be alone and not lonely. How to work in a closed room without distractions and not stressing about what people think or what they are doing. Being cut off from the world and giving more than 100%. It’s not about the studies it’s about pushing your limits.

Sometimes there might be days of feeling low and claustrophobic when we might question our decisions and no one to talk to but that’s what improves us in the long run.

A Samosa or Pani-Puri break helps a lot in focusing. Not to forget the group studies (that were not actually group studies but group joking sessions) and study break we took to visit the City Mall or eat Biryanis or watching movies once in a week. Those were some good times.

The dinner time is at approximately 8:30 PM, where we are hoping on the way there might be something delicious (but of course that’s not the case almost 90% of the time).

On the way back to the hostel with friends there aren’t conversations about Bollywood or Politics or Religious. In Kota it’s different, it’s about what teachers provide better notes who have better style of teaching what questions are challenging. And most popular “This inorganic chemistry is the worst”.

After bunch of discussions and goodbyes we reach our hostel and the same schedule is followed again. During nights you could find two types of people The Night owls and The Early Risers.

Being a night owl myself I assure you the late-night snacks has a separate significance (The Night owls will relate). It’s not until our eyes are tired and we can’t stand studying anymore we go to bed. Complete homework is a myth. No matter how hard you work there will always be a thing or two that you left off. But after working all day long the satisfaction when we’re off to sleep is immense. With another few hours of sleep, it’s morning again and “BACK TO THE ROUTINE”

And that’s how you transform an average student to an extraordinary rank holder. It’s true they say “NOTHING COMES WITHOUT A SACRIFICE”

Report By: Ayush Arya

Top Engineering Entrance Examinations in India

Indians and engineering runs  parallel to each other, a big percentage of youth is in the race to secure a seat in a good engineering college. JEE, which is conducted in two phases opens the gates of IITs, NITs, IIITs and GFTIs but as the competition is quite high, it is impossible to land in these premier institutions. For those who miss the cut by a little margin there are several other engineering entrance examinations which may take an aspiring engineer to an institute of high eminence. With thousands of aspirants running towards their engineering dreams, a number of entrance exams are held in India each year on national level, state level, and university level. With a lot of entrance exam offered, it is very important that students choose the right institute to pursue their dreams and make their future brightest.


BITSAT is conducted by Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani. BITSAT is a computer based test conducted annually for admission to integrated first year B.Tech and BE programmes offered by BITS campuses located at Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad. Application Form charges of BITSAT vary around 3000/- and the annual tuition fee ranges between 1,50,000-2,00,00.


VITEEE is conducted by Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) located in Vellore, Tamil Nadu founded in 1984. It is an online exam which provides admission on around 5000 undergraduate seats. It has it’s campuses in Chennai, Bhopal and Amaravati. Tuition fee (per annum) is about 1,70,000. The highest package offered is 39 lakhs per annum and the average package goes around 8-9 lakhs.


SRM Institute of Science & Technology conducts SRMJEE for admission to B.Tech pragrammes offered by its campuses in Kattankulathar, Ramapuram and Vadapalani in Tamil Nadu and Delhi-NCR for admission on around 7000 undergraduate seats. Direct admission is provided to the top 1000 IIT-JEE rank holders along with the merit holders of central and state board examinations. The tuition fee varies for different campuses around 1 lakh per annum.


Consortium of Medical, Engineering & Dental College of Karnataka conducts Undergraduate Entrance Test (UGET) for around 20000 seats available. It is a state level exam for around 181 colleges. The application form charges are under 2000 INR. Candidates are provided admission according to their domicile whether they are Karnataka Residents or Non Karnataka. To be eligible for any reservation one should be a Karnataka Resident.


Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (Bhubaneshwar) conducts KIITEE. It is a private institute deemed to be university established in 1992. It is held at more than 60 test centres across various states for admission on around 1200 seats. KIIT goes a little up in the matter of annual fee which is 3,50,000. The mass recruiting companies provide an average package of 4.5 lac per annum in KIIT.


Indraprastha University Common Entrance Test (IPU-CET) is a university level entrance exam organised by Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi. It is an online exam and more than 93 colleges are included. The application fee for IPU-CET is INT 1200. Although the placement rate varies every year, IPU has record of minimum 80% batch being placed. Some of the industry giants offer a package around 7 lacs.


University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Engineering Aptitude Test is conducted by UPES, a private university in Dehradun. It was established in 2003. It is first Indian university to be awarded QS 5 stars for 5 years. The Indian Nationals have to pay Rs. 1350 to submit a form and the foreign applicants have to pay USD 75. The placement records of university had too much up-down in previous years. In 2019 more than 2200 students got placed, moreover some batches even had a placement record of 100%. The median salaries offered was 4.5 LPA.


Symbiosis Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (SITEEE) is conducted by SIT. JEE Main and MHTCET (Maharashtra Common Entrance Test) qualified applicants are also eligible. This exam offers admission on 420 BTech Seats. SIBM Pune has a reputation for producing managers of high calibre.  Average salaries offered here in 2019 was 20.27 LPA. The application form charges are about Rs. 1000/-.


AMUEEE is an entrance examination conducted by Aligarh Muslim University (a public central university). It is held over a duration of 3 hours and comprises of 150 questions which all are objective based. Application fee charges are Rs. 700/- and the fee for B.E and B.Tech for a duration of 4 years is around 1.5 lacs. The Zakir Hussain College of Engineering and Technology (AMU) has secured enviable placement record with exceptional consistency.

Report by: Avantika Gurjar

City Guide: Kota

‘Kota’, the education hub and the city of dreams. Situated on the bank of enchanted river Chambal, which is rich in indigenous flora and fauna, this city is a well-developed and a smart city. Many people think that Kota is all about studies and coaching institutes, which is a misconception. There are a number of beautiful places to visit and explore in this city. This city provides the students with numerous facilities ranging from multiplexes to global food chains which include essential services like hospitals, stadiums, sports complexes, shopping hubs and a lot more.

Multiplexes in Kota:

An equilibrium between study and entertainment is a must in order to ensure proper mental well being of an individual. We all have our unique ways of refreshing our minds. This part of the blog is for those who use movies as a way of refreshing themselves. There are a lot of multiplexes here and they all are famous for different facilities provided by them. A list of Kota multiplexes includes:

PVR- Cinemall

Located on Jhalawar Road. (The only multiplex with recliner).

Fun Cinema, City Mall

Located in Indraprastha Industrial Area, Jhalawar Road. (most prevalent in people).

Gold Cinema

Located in Aakash Multiplex, Aerodrome Circle, New Grain Mandi.

INOX : Ahluwalias The Great Mall

Located in DCM Road, Ramchandrapura, Dhanmandi. (Best Multiplex in Kota).

Mayur Cinema – Nayapura

A famous theatre located at Chatra Vilas Garden, Near Agarsen Circle, Nayapura, South

Carnival Cinemas Natraj

Suitable for kids and located at Station Main Road


Shopping Hubs:

Every year this city attracts a crowd of lakhs of students. Therefore, there is a complete arrangement to help them meet all their demands. Kota provides a diverse and wide range of shopping hubs where you can shop according to your budget. Some of which include:

City Mall

Located on Jhalawar Road. A lot of stuffs might seem to be a bit expensive, but the quality is outstanding. You mostly get to shop big brands at City Mall.

Cine Mall

Like City Mall, this place also introduces you to a world where you find products from the top-notch brands. There are a number of shops in the basement of Cine Mall where you will find everything, ranging from clothes to shoes at a cheaper price.

Ahluwalia – The Great Mall of Kota

The biggest mall of Kota and a great shopping option for shopping freaks. Here you can find stores of popular brands. It is located at DCM Road, Dhanmandi, Kota.


You will also find V-Mart in Kota with a number of branches in different areas such as Dadabari, Rangbari, Talwandi, Kunadi and Maharana Pratap Circle.

Vishal Mega Mart

One cannot simply ignore this place. You can find all the items of your requirements at a very reasonable price here.

Friends Bazaar

This place is quite famous among the students. Clothes, electronics, and every other item of daily use is available here at the best price. It is located in Mahaveer Nagar, Kota.

Central Square Mall

This mall is more famous for electronic items, especially for second-hand phones. You can also buy a new mobile phone and other electronic goods from this place. Located at Ballabhbari, Gumanpura, Kota.

Indira market

This place is the local market of Kota. Many people might be unaware about the existence of this market. It’s a little crowded and you may even face problems while finding a suitable parking for your vehicles but you can buy a lot of things at a very reasonable price if you are good at bargaining. It is located at Ghanta Ghar.


Global Food Chain:

Missing the magical taste of food cooked by your mom? Don’t panic! Though it’s true that there can’t be any replacement to ‘Ghar ka khana’ but the global food chain in Kota tries their best to satiate your hunger and satisfy your taste buds. ‘Kota’ this city has the solution to your every single problem like a self-sustainable system. Students from different parts of the country come to this place. As we know, our country has a diversity of culture and food pattern, the global food chain in Kota provides you with thousands of options to convince your craving for food and savor. It includes :


A perfect place to dive into a cheesy experience of thin bread crust with toppings according to your taste.

No. of branches : 2

Location: 1. City Mall, 2. Aakash Mall.

Mc Donalds

Famous for their crispy fries, smoothies and lip smacking burgers with a number of options for vegetarians and non vegetarians.

No. of branches: 1

Location: City Mall

Burger King

As the name suggests, this place is famous for its fresh bread burgers and chicken bowls.

No. of branches: 2

Location: 1. City Mall, 2. Ahluwalia – The Great Mall of Kota


Customized crust between the cheesy bread makes it the perfect place to try something new.

No. of branches: 1

Location: City Mall

Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut offers you with the best pan Pizzas and on point flavors. Their variety of stuffed crust pizzas might leave you awestruck every single time.

No. of branches: 1

Location: Cine Mall

Cafe Coffee Day

The perfect place to grab a cup of coffee to refresh your mind after a hectic day of studies. Try having a new beverage every time you visit CCD until you find your best coffee type.

No. of branches: 3

Location: (1)Cine Mall, (2)Mahaveer Nagar, (3)Central Square Mall, Gumanpura.

Barbeque Nation

A restaurant that is slowly emerging as a popular choice for people with a table d’hôte menu where you have to pay a fixed amount of money and enjoy unlimited starters, main course, and deserts.

No. of branches: 1

Location: Ahluwalias Great Mall, Kota.


Government Hospitals:

It is hard to escape the clutch of misfortune. A well-known proverb circulates between us “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but there are emergency cases where you need urgent medical assistance. So providing you with a list of government hospitals for any unfortunate urgencies.

Rampura Satelite Government Hospital

Location: Rampura, Kota.

Maharao Bhimsingh Hospital

Location: Nayapura, Kota.

Sahari Prathamik Swasthay Kendra

Location: Near Sabji Mandi, Vigyan Nagar, Kota

Govt hospital

Location: Govind Nagar, Kota Industrial Area, Kota.

Vaidya Dau Dayal Joshi Government Ayurvedic Hospital

Location: Commerce College Rd, New Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Sector-A, Talwandi, Kota.

Govt Hospital Kunhari

Location: Ladpura, Kota.

Super Speciality Hospital Govt. Medical College Kota

Location: Ganesh Nagar, Kota.

ESI Hospital

Location: Jhalawar Road, Chhatrapura, Dhanmandi, Kota.


Government Colleges:

Kota is well known for institutes that provide the best ambience for entrance exams like NEET and JEE but as a district headquarter, it also has colleges for higher degrees. The list is quite long including

Government Medical College

Courses Offered: MBBS, MD Biochemistry.

Location: Rangbari Road, Kota.

Government Commerce College

Location: 65 A, Talwandi, New Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota.

Rajasthan Technical University

Courses Offered: Engineering and Architecture, Hospitality and Tourism, Medicine and Applied Science

Location: Akelgarh, Kota.

Government Law College

Location: Swami Vivekanand Nagar, Kota.

Government College Kota

Location: Nayapura, Kota.

Government Polytechnic College

Location: DCM Road, Kota.

University Of Kota

Location: Sector-C, Talwandi, Kota.


Sport Complexes:

Sports is an integral part of our day to day lives providing students with a way to refresh  and take a break from all the tensions that outweigh their mind. Some famous sports complexes of Kota are:

Singhania Badminton Hall

A place where you can polish your badminton skills with well maintained and clean environment provided with gym equipments.

Location: CV Garden Nayapura., Kota.

Badminton Court Complex

As it’s a little bit far away from the busy city side, very few people know about this place and visit this court. A basketball court is also present here.

Location: Chitargupt Colony, Dadabari, Kota.

Srinathpuram Badminton Hall

A well maintained badminton court and the best place to have a workout session.

Location: Shirinathpuram, Kota.

Umed Club

The club with an excellent dining and drinking place. Here you can get a coaching for playing tennis and cricket. They have a Deco Truff court of tennis with floodlighting facility.

Location: Nayapura, Kota.



Physical fitness along with mental well being makes us a perfectly healthy human. Taking care of the need of students for providing space to refresh minds and practice outdoor games, a number of stadiums and small parks are found in every colony. Some of the stadiums are :

International Cricket Stadium Kota

This was made as a fan park for IPL 2019 and people enjoyed the match of CSK and MI. The ground regularly hosts Ranji matches for the Rajasthan cricket team.

Location: Nayapura, Kota.

Shreenathpuram stadium

Location: Srinathpuram, Kota.

Major Dhyan Chand Stadium

A clean and big stadium where you can go for s morning and evening walk refreshing your mind with fresh air. This park has sufficient space for playing football, cricket, basketball, etc, and is oen for everyone. There is a badminton court as well as a temple inside the park.

Location: Dadabari, Kota

Mukherjee Stadium Kota

Location: Sector-C Talwandi, Kota.

Vijayveer Stadium

A beautiful place for jogging, walking and playing football and volleyball.

Location: Kunhari, Kota.

Jk Pavilion International Stadium Kota

The ground regularly hosts Ranji matches for the Rajasthan cricket team.

Location: Opposite Zoological Park, Kota.

Kota Stadium

It is also known as Umed Singh stadium. People come here for jogging, running, playing football, etc.

Location: Baran Road, CV Garden, Kota.

Raghav Stadium

A well maintained stadium, surrounded by greenery and plants. Ground for local tournaments.

Location: Dadabari Extension, Dadabari, Kota.

This is all you need to know about the various places and services that make Kota special. Hope this would help you explore the hidden aspects of this city and make this place a little more special for you.

Report by: Shekhar and Salman Raza


Importance of good company: Things to keep in mind while choosing a friend in tender age

“A man is known by the company he keeps.”

Growing up, we all have heard this from our teachers and parents a hundred times. But we never knew the actual meaning of it until we were called “good students” or “defaulters” according to the group we chose to be part of.

Remember, those warnings from teachers when we were caught using abusive words to conform to the social group, we were part of Remember, idolizing a famous artist just because ‘my group likes it’?

The early experiences of ridicule, failures, triumphs, learning are directly linked to the type of companions we chose.

As a social being, there is a great significance of interaction in our lives. We share our thoughts, ideas and information by interacting. Interactions are the reasons for inventions. To make life a happy journey, we share our insights with those around us. We may prefer companions according to our taste and they eventually become the reason of who we are and what we will become.

Why is a good companion important for you?

A good companion is like water to your life because:

  • Best Stress Busters: They are the ones who are always there to lift you up, no matter how gloomy you are! They will do everything to cheer you up. Their companionship gets you rid of all the stress and anxiety, the moment they say, “Aal izz well” while giving you ‘jaadu ki jhappi’
  • Honest Feedback: Whether you tried some new dish or wrote something, they are the ones whom you look up to for the feedback. Without any shadow of doubt, you know they will never sugarcoat things to make you feel happy rather will suggest where you can improve.
  • Secret Keepers: You pour everything in your heart and mind to them without any fear of feeling judged or exposed. Who is your crush, what are your family problems, difficulties in studies, they know it all! You trust them and know that they will never expose you and will take all your secrets with them to their tombs.
    Best Cheerleaders: Good friends make you realize your true potential and always encourage you to achieve your goals. Even when the whole universe is conspiring against you, they will never leave you and face the situation with you! They boost your confidence by acknowledging your strengths and help you overcome your weaknesses. They ‘push’ you to overcome all the obstacles and are the happiest when you win.
  • Favorite Teachers: Many will tell you that a particular thing is wrong, but it’s only your true friend who succeeds in convincing you why it’s wrong! They not only show you the right path but also walk along with you. They make boring subjects interesting with their quirkiness. They inspire you every day with their vision and loyalty.

Now when you know the importance of good friends, here are a few recommendations you must keep in mind while choosing one for yourself:

  • Similar Values: Be friends with those who have similar values as yours and are as motivated as you in life because their beliefs & behavior strongly influence you. You may enjoy the diverse values but like-minded friends are like home, your comfort zones.
  • Common Goals: Having similar goals in life makes your friendship stronger and healthy competition helps you achieve bigger in life. Their thirst of knowledge helps you become wiser. After all, ‘Birds of the same feather flock together’!
  • Good Character:  Don’t compromise with the character of the person whom you will call a friend. If they don’t respect elders and show mercy to animals, don’t be friends with them. Respect, honesty and kindness are the important aspects of personality. If they don’t possess any, remember they are not the one!
    Supports You: A true friend stands by you through all your ups and downs and assists you in whatever way he/she can. For instance, remember Kamlesh from the Sanju movie? He stood by him when all left and played a major role in enabling him to get rid of the drug addiction. Such friends never leave you and are to be treasured.
  • Listener: This is the most important trait to notice while searching for a friend, whether they are speakers or listeners too? Friendship is all about sharing and it should be both sided. If your friend keeps telling you about himself/herself and refuses to listen to you, are they even your friend? They drain out your energy levels, it’s better to get rid of them! Remember a real friend not only speaks but listens too!

Knowing what you must avoid while making a friend is equally essential because we are motivated by the type of people, we spend our time. Go over the following suggestions:

  • Don’t fall prey to peer pressure: This is the age when you will have a strong desire to explore new sensations out of the adventure. Due to limited experience and underdeveloped decision-making skills, you may become vulnerable to negative peer pressure. You will lose your individuality in the process of adopting the way your friend dresses or talks. You may end up doing things you aren’t ready to handle emotionally, including sexual activity, substance abuse, thefts, etc.
  • No to abusive friends: A company of a person who doesn’t respect your feelings, time and your boundaries will never become your good friend! They will be supremely critical to anything you do and will make efforts to bring you down. They will try to dominate you, and in the end, you will give up to them. So be aware of such companions!
    Don’t think gossipers will be your great friends: You may trust them but are they worthy of it? They will show their concerns to know all your secrets and shortcomings and the next moment, boom! You are exposed to the whole world. All they care about is the ‘masala’ they get for spreading rumors. Never reveal your secrets to them!
    Online friends are cool but may make your fool: With the advancement of technology, social media has made it possible for us to interact with millions globally. You can make friends easily but don’t forget they may end up destroying you in ways you can’t even imagine. Be mindful of the information you share online. Just because a friend is very sweet and frankly doesn’t mean you invite them to invade your privacy. Some friends may actually be very good but always look for real interactions.

Friendship is a very beautiful relationship. And this journey becomes lovable if you have got a true friend otherwise you will only get disappointments if you make a mistake in choosing your friend.

Happy journey!

Report by: Ruqayya Asif

Engineering Abroad: Five Dream Colleges

Being Indians, we are very particular about studying Abroad which is, of course, natural as well as needed. Apart from the ranking of the university, we not only look upon the fee structure but also the environment of the campus which should be favorable for the Indian students. Although there are a lot of engineering institutes in the world, here are the Top 5 universities which are feasible and ranked as the best across the globe!

California Institute of Technology:

Popularly known as Caltech, the university itself is a small world. This notable engineering research and education center, located in California, is the best for PCM students for graduation and further post-graduation. There are only a few Indians there because of the tough competition but they are highly welcomed.

Admission Process:

To apply for CalTech, the applicants need to complete the Coalition Application with Caltech questions and submit a $75 application fee, standardized test results, teacher evaluations which should be excellent, and a secondary school report.

Courses Offered:

For engineering, there are around 8 courses offered including Bachelor of Science in Materials Science, Bachelor of Science in Bio-engineering, Chemical, and Mechanical engineering. The curriculum consists of opting 3 terms of Mathematics and Physics, 2 of Chemistry, Biology, 2 lab courses, and 3 of Physical Education.

Fee Structure:

1st tuition fee:  INR 39.7L

Exam Criteria:

SAT: Accepted

ACT or TOEFL: Accepted

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Founded in 1861, MIT was originally a small association of problem-solvers and science lovers longing to bring their learning to some practical use. Today, MIT has converted into one of the top universities with approx 1,000 faculty members and more than 12,000 undergraduate and graduate students.

It is noticed in the past few years that every Indian getting admission there has an Olympic medal plus topping exams like IIT JEE with AIR 1 to 5.

Admission Process:

There is a unique online application system – MyMIT for the admission process. The application fee is $75. The selection depends on the answers given to the questions asked and written essays. The final criteria are the interview round, which is conducted locally by alumni or on applications like Skype.

Courses Offered:

There are a total of 17 engineering courses in the university including unique courses like Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Architecture (BSA), Bachelor of Science in Biological Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering, etc.

Fee Structure:

1st tuition fee: INR 41.9L

Exam Criteria:

SAT: Accepted

TOEFL: 90 & Above

University of Cambridge

The UK is one of the favorite overseas countries for Indian students in terms of Education due to the wide variety of subjects and extracurricular activities there. The University of Cambridge is also one of the renowned universities, considered to be the best one in the field of engineering.

Admission Process:

The completion of a UCAS form is required. Besides, a supplementary application questionnaire is to be filled and lastly, a written admission assessment is to be done to be selected. Of course, the final and the main step is the interview day having 1 or more rounds.

Courses Offered:

There are around 3 courses offered for Engineering like Engineering for Sustainable Development and Electrical Engineering.

Fee structure:

1st-year tuition fee: Ranges around INR 25.9L – 30.2L

Exam Criteria:

IELTS: 7.5 & Above

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Also called NTU Singapore, it is one of the world’s best young academies and is coming amongst the top 10 universities in the QS university rankings from the past 5 years.

Admission Process:

Application for undergraduate is done online during the application period. Once you receive a confirmation email, you got to pay the fee which is USD30 which is around Rs. 2250. Supporting documents are required later on.

Courses Offered:

There are around 9 Engineering courses which are mainly Electronic, Civil, Mechanical and chemical engineering.

Fee Structure:

1st-year tuition fee: INR 17.1L only.

Exam Criteria:

IELTS: 6 & Above

TOEFL: 90 & Above

PTE: 55 & Above

Stanford University

Established in California, USA, around 500 Indian students are enrolled in the campus of Stanford every year which implies that there is an excellent environment for Indian students.

Admission Process:

You apply by completing the Coalition Application along with letters of recommendation from teachers which should be outstanding, official school transcripts, SAT with Essays, and a non-refundable $US90 application fee which is Rs 6700.

Courses offered:

There are in total 26 courses available including 13 bachelor courses and the most famous engineering ones are mechanical engineering, engineering in architectural design, civil engineering, etc.

Fee Structure:

INR 41.9L

Exams Criteria:

SAT: Accepted

ILETS: Accepted

A report by Shreya Kulshrestha for IHOIK education desk


Joint Entrance Examination-Main: Doorway To Best Engineering Colleges

JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) – Main is an engineering entrance exam conducted by NTA (National Testing Agency). It is conducted twice a year and on the base of the score obtained in this, candidates can secure seats in NITs(National Institute of Technology), GFTIs (Govt. Funded Technical Institutes) and many private colleges of high reputation.  Every year, around 10 Lakh students appear for this examination but due to the tough competition, very few manage to get admission to their dream engineering college. JEE-Main is also a gateway to JEE Advanced which is conducted for admissions in IITs.

JEE Main has two papers, Paper 1 which provides admission in B.E./B.Tech courses and Paper 2 which is conducted for admission in B.Arch courses. Candidates can appear either in one or in both papers according to their choice. And from this year, i.e. 2020, one more examination has been added to this series for the candidates and that is B.Plan.


There has been a change in JEE pattern several times. In 2013, AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination) was replaced by JEE Main and IIT-JEE was replaced by JEE Advanced. Earlier, AIEEE was the examination that provided admission in NITs, GFITs (Government Funded Technical Institutes) and other private institutes. From September 2013, the IIT councils decided to conduct the exam in a two phase pattern known as JEE (Main & Advanced) for admission in IITs, NITs and GFITs.

Eligibility criteria

1. Candidate who have passed or are appearing in class 12th board examinations are eligible for JEE-Main.

2. Candidate must secure minimum 75 percent marks or should be in top 20 percentile of their respective boards.

3. A candidate can appear in JEE Main exam consecutively only for 3 years, beginning from the year when the candidate passes his/her intermediate examination.

Exam Pattern

Paper 1 of JEE Main which is for B.E./B.Tech courses is divided into three sections: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Each section comprises of 20 multiple-choice questions and 5 numerical based questions. A total time duration of 3 hours is assigned for the same. 4 Marks are awarded for each correct answer and 1 mark is deducted for each incorrect answer. Paper 2 is for the B.Arch course and it has 77 multiple choice questions from Mathematics, Aptitude, and Drawing. The B.Plan examination has 100 multiple choice questions from Mathematics, Aptitude, and Planning.

Steps of application

Visit the NTA website ‘’
Register for the JEE main exam by filling in all the required details
Upload all the mentioned documents in proper format
Proceed to pay the application fee.
Book your slots for the examination
Take a print out of the acknowledgement page for future references.

Colleges Offered

JEE-Main offers admission in a total of  NITS, IITs, and Government Funded Technical Institutes (GFITs) based on the rank obtained by the candidates in the entrance examination.

Also, some top private colleges provide admission to the candidates based on their JEE Main score. These colleges are as follows:

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala
Amity School of Engineering, Noida
BIT Mesra
CV Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar
Jaypee Institute of Technology, Noida
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara

Course Offered

The various courses offered in NITs, IIITs and GFTIs through JEE Main are as follows:

Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology (4 Years)
Bachelor of Planning (4 Years)
Bachelor of Architecture (5 Years)

Normal Cut-off Trends

Category Normal Cut Off (Excepted) Cut off 2019 Cut off 2018 Cut off 2017
Common Rank List (CRL) 89 89.75 74 81
GEN-EWS 78 78.21
OBC 74 74.31 45 49
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 44 44.33 24 27
Scheduled Caste (SC) 54 54.01 29 32
PwD 0.11 0.11


Mode of Conduct

Paper 1 of JEE Main Exam is conducted in the online mode, however, Paper 2 of JEE Main Exam is conducted in the offline mode(pen and paper mode).

A report by Shruti for IHOIK education desk

A World Beyond NEET: Career Options With Biology

As soon as students get their matriculation results or even before that, the thoughts of career options are on their head. Selecting a course where the interests of the ward as well as the future prospect is secure is a cumbersome task for students and parents.

If we look at the present scenario, we will find that if a student opt Biology in Science stream, the only thing that comes to mind is ‘NEET’, i.e. the medical entrance test. But, this is a myth and prejudice. There are ample career options else than medicine once you opt Biology for intermediate course. Here, we are listing in detail some other career options with bright future prospect.


  •  B.Sc. in Anthropology 

Anthropologists can start their careers in different sectors, like colleges, have, government agencies, NGOs, business, health and human services. These graduates can also get jobs at private businesses, community organisations, museums, independent research institutes, service organisations and media.

  •  B.Sc. in Veterinary Science

The career scope of veterinary science is large and is growing faster in this modern world era. Veterinarians work in private clinics, animal hospitals and laboratories.

  •  B. Pharma (Pharmacy)

Job Opportunities in Pharmacy field are huge. Due to the opening of large pharmaceutical companies, the future in the field of pharmacy is bright. Numerous jobs are available for pharmacists in government as well as private organizations.


  •  B.Sc. in Nursing

After finishing BSc in Nursing one can opt for MSc in nursing which will improve their prospects in the job market. One can specialize in psychiatry, Medical-Surgical, Community Health and Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The students can  join the top Nursing Colleges in Bangalore for further studies.

  •   B.Sc. in Physio-Therapy

After the completion of the course one may go for the higher studies as M.PT or PhD. To work with the hospitals, health organizations or individual practice, it is necessary to have the bachelor degree. One can work with the ministry of sports, stadium, hospitals, health societies or can do freelance practice.

  •  B.Sc. in Medical Science

Scopes: Lab Technicians, Lab Assistants, Medical Technologists, Lab managers.

  •  B.Sc. in Speech and Language Therapy

Career Scopes: Audiologists, Speech Pathologists, Clinical Supervisors

  •  B.Sc. in Rehabilitation Therapy

Job opportunities for Rehabilitation Therapists are available in special schools, community mental health centers, residential care facilities, adult daycare programs  and sports teams. Some Rehabilitation Therapists may choose NGOs working for rehabilitation of children, elderly people and disabled.

  • B.Sc. in Occupational Therapy

Career Options:

  • OT Technician
  • Consultant
  • OT Nurse
  • Rehabilitation Therapy Assistant
  • Private Practitioner
  • Speech and Language Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Lab Technician


  • B.Sc. in MLT-Medical Technology

Career Options:

  • Lab technician
  • Lab technologist
  • Lab supervisor
  • Lab manager
  • Lab assistant
  • Instructor/Tutor
  • Lab analyst


  • B.Sc. in Audiology

Career opportunity in MSc/BSc Audiology:

  • Acousticians
  • Audiological Scientists
  • Auditory Scientists
  • ENT / Audiological Physicians
  • Hearing Aid Audiologists
  • Hearing Therapists
  • Research Audiologist


  • B.Sc. in Genetics

Genetics is a wide field and it has applicability in cancer research, assessing newborn defects, Nutrigenomics, DNA sample analysis, etc. The field of genetics allows you to work in medical as well as scientific research.

  • B.Sc. in Microbiology

There are several job opportunities for those who want to pursue a career in microbiology. Microbiologists can find job opportunities in sectors such as government and private hospitals, food industries, research and development organizations, chemical industries and pharmaceutical industries.

  • B.Sc. in Bio-Technology

In-Demand Biotechnology Careers:

  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Biochemist
  • Medical Scientist
  • Biological/Clinical Technician
  • Microbiologist
  • Process Development Scientist
  • Biomanufacturing Specialists
  • Business Development Manager


  • B.Sc. in Bio-Chemistry

Jobs directly related to a Biochemistry degree include:

  • Research Fellow
  • Analytical chemist
  • Biomedical scientist
  • Pharma Associate
  • QA / AC Associate
  • Healthcare scientist
  • Clinical biochemistry
  • Food Safety Analyst


  • B.Sc. in Bio-Informatics

What are the job roles?

  • Professor
  • Science Technician
  • Research Assistant
  • Bioinformatics Scientist
  • Bioinformatics Analyst
  • Junior Research Fellow
  • Research Associate
  • Bioinformatics Software Developer


  • B.Sc. in Bio-Medical Science

Biomedical Sciences program:

  • Clinical Research Coordinator
  • Biostatics & Programming Manager
  • Clinical Data Analyst
  • Research Assistant
  • Lab Manager
  • Research Scientist
  • Medical Image Analysis Researcher
  • Pharmacist

Graduate Courses in Biology

  • B.Sc. in Botany

A Botanist can work as a Technical Assistant, Field Assistant or Scientific Assistant in both the private and government sectors. Various private firms like nursery farms and environmental consultancies are also a good option for a Botanist.

  •  B.Sc. in Zoology

There are numerous career opportunities for candidates completing their BSc, MSc,  and Ph. D. in Zoology in the public and private sectors. Candidates find jobs as  Animal Behaviourist, Conservationist, Wildlife Biologist, Zoo Curator, Wildlife Educator, Zoology faculty, Forensic experts, lab technicians, Veterinarians.

  • B.Sc. in Home Science

The professional career for home science is bright with a number of job opportunities. Graduates of home science can get to work at schools, colleges, welfare organizations, textiles, management, interior design, child care management, dietetics and nutrition, and more.

  • B.Sc. in Environment Science

The scope of environmental studies is very wide and it deals with many areas like:
i) Conservation of natural resources
ii) Ecological aspects
iii) Pollution of the surrounding natural resources
iv) Controlling the pollution,
v) Social issues connected to it
vi) Impacts of human population on the environment

  • B.Sc. in Food Technology

Career in Food Technology:

  • Food technologist
  • Nutritional therapist
  • Product/process development scientist
  • Quality manager
  • Regulatory affairs officer
  • Scientific laboratory technician
  • Technical brewer


  • B.Sc. in Agriculture

BSc Agriculture Jobs & Career Options:

  • Agriculture Officer
  • Assistant Plantation Manager
  • Agricultural Research Scientist
  • Business Development Executive
  • Marketing Executive


  • B.Sc. in Horticulture

A horticulturist can also choose his/her career in the education sector as a professor. Those holding PhD degree can apply for the examination conducted by the Agriculture Scientist Recruitment Board, ICAR, New Delhi.

Work Areas:

  • Field Work
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Teaching
  • Research Area
  • Farming
  • Projects
  • Irrigation Department


  • B.Sc. in Fisheries

Jobs: Farm Manager, Hatchery Manager, Fisheries Inspector, Aqua Culturist, Fish Exporter, Marine Biologist & Marine Scientist, Fish Trader, Fish Breeder, Hatchery/Farm Operator, Fisheries Extension Officer/Technical Officer, Feed Mill Manager, Processing & Production Manager, Fish Export Inspector, Export Manager.

  • B.Sc. in Food Technology

Career in Food Technology:

  • Food technologist
  • Nutritional therapist
  • Product/process development scientist
  • Quality manager
  • Regulatory affairs officer
  • Scientific laboratory technician
  • Technical brewer


  • B.Sc. in Radiography

Radiology Career Scope and Job Opportunities in India:

  • Radiology Technician
  • Radiologist
  • MRI Technician
  • Radiology Assistant
  • Radiology Technologist/Radiographer
  • Ultrasound Technician / Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
  • Radiology Nurse
  • CT Tech / CAT Scan Technologist / CT Scan Technologist


  • B.Sc. in Nutrition and Dietetics

Scope of the course:
Nutrition and Dietetics jobs require specialized and customized services for patients and clients. It is a highly lucrative and well-paid job. A dietician’s salary in India is quite high when one has achieved high prominence and excellence in the field.

Courses In Research Area:
If you are interested in research are then there are many options. There are some research topic related to Biology given below-
1. Behaviour
2. Biochemistry
3. Biophysics
4. Cell Biology
5. Computational Biology
6. Conservation Biology
7. Developmental Biology
8. Ecology
9. Evolution
10. Genetics
11. Marine Biology
12. Microbiology
13. Molecular Biology
14. Neurobiology
15. Physiology
16. Plant Biology
17. Population Biology

Some Others Options:

  1. B.Sc. in Physics
    2. B.Sc. In Mathematics
    3. B.Sc. (Analytical methods in Chemistry and Biochemistry)
    4. B.Sc. (Applied Chemistry)
    5. B.Sc. (H) Chemistry
    6. B.Sc. (Industrial Chemistry)
    7. B.Sc. in Textile Designing
    8. Astronomy
    9. Aviation
    10. Merchant Navy
    11. BPT (Bachelor of Physiotherapy)
    12. B.Arch

A report by Shariar Alam for IHOIK education Desk

CBSE 12th Results Declared, No Merit List This Year

Amidst the chaos created due to the global pandemic, 13th July, 2020 brought some relief for over 12 lakh students, as Central Board Of Secondary Education (CBSE) announced class 12 results on Board’s official portal. Students can access their results via Board’s official website,, SMS, IVRS and Digilocker app.

This year, a total of 12,03,595 students registered for CBSE 12th exams, out of which 11,92,961 students appeared and 10,59,080 students passed the exam. A Total of 88.78 percent students have passed this year, which is 5.38 percent more than last year, when overall pass percentage of students was 83.40.
Total pass percentage of boys is 86.19,  whereas girls, with pass percentage of 92.15, are leading this list by a considerable margin of 5.96 percent.

In institution-wise performance, Jawahar Navoday Vidyalaya (JNV) has topped the list with pass percentage of 98.70, followed by Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) with pass percentage of 98.62.

The CBSE has announced that no merit list will be released this year as the results are on assessment basis and not purely on evaluation.
According to CBSE, class 12 results of 400 students could not be computed as per decided assessment scheme, so, their results will be announced later.

Earlier on June 26, 2020, CBSE informed the Supreme Court that the results of pending examinations will be prepared as per the new assessment guidelines. The apex court approved the following set of rules for evaluation of papers in this unprecedented scenario:
• For student who appeared in all the examinations, results will be declared on the basis of their performance in examination.
• For students who appeared in more than 3 subjects, an average of best 3 subjects will be awarded.
• For students who have appeared in 3  subjects, the average of best 2 subjects will be awarded.
• For students who appeared in less than 3 subjects, the result will be calculated based on their performance in those subjects as well as previous assessments and internals.

CBSE has made it clear that if a student is not satisfied with the results or he/she is willing to improve his/her performance, the board will conduct special examination for the same when the situation gets better.

A report by Muskan Dahiya for IHOIK Education Desk.

ICSE 10th and ISC 12th results-2020 Declared

The ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) Class 10th and ISC (Indian School Certificate) Class 12th result 2020 were announced today, on 10th July 2020 at 3 pm by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE). A total of 2.07 Lakhs students appeared in ICSE whereas 88,409 appeared in ISC.

A change in trend was noticed in the pass percentage this year as compared to the last year. This year the pass percentage for ICSE is 99.34% which was 98.54% last year whereas the pass percentage for ISC is 96.34% which was 96.52% last year. Students can check their results by visiting the official website Students also have the option of getting their results via SMS. To check their results by SMS all they have to do is to send their 7 digit roll number to 09248082883.

CISCE had cancelled 6 papers of ICSE and 8 papers of ISC which were scheduled between 19th March to 31st March due to the COVID-19 outburst. It was later postponed to July, but due to the ongoing circumstances, it was decided that CISCE will declare the results opting for a new way of assessment. This is the reason why CISCE has not released the merit list this year.

The new way of assessment for ISC students was that the average of the best three subjects along with the percentage of marks obtained by students in projects and practical will be made in consideration for the marking of remaining papers. For ICSE, an average of best three subjects along with the percentage of marks of internal assessment will be the basis for the evaluation of remaining papers.

Further, if any student is not happy with the assessment, the option of giving a written examination will be available for them, once the situations gets in control. The window for rechecking is also open till July 16 at only for the subjects whose exams were conducted.

A report by Shruti Rai for IHOIK education desk

CBSE Scraps Class 9-12 Syllabus by 30%

The Central Board of Secondary Education syllabus for class 9 to 12 has been shortened by 30 percent this year due to damage of academic time caused by Covid-19 pandemic. According to the Human Resource Development Minister, the reduction in syllabus has been done but the core concepts are still intact.

Since the beginning of this new academic session, conduct of classroom teaching has not been possible and it has affected approximately 25 Crore students across the nation.  Sighting this situation, the HRD Minister invited suggestions for syllabus rationalization and  around 1500 educationists put forth their opinions, based on which the curriculum committee, respective course committees and the governing body of CBSE finalised the new syllabus. CBSE released an official statement instructing the school principals to also explain the deleted topics to the extent required to connect different topics.

As per the revised syllabus released by CBSE for the session 2020-21, Anatomy of flowering plants, transport in plants,  mineral nutrition and  digestion and absorption are deleted from Class XI syllabus of Biology.
From class XII Biology,   Reproduction in organisms, Evolution, strategies for enhancement in food production,  ecosystem and environmental issues are deleted.

No Chapter is completely deleted from syllabus of Physics for class XI & XII
Frame of reference, motion in a straight line, x-t graph, speed and velocity,  Kepler’s law,  Elastic behaviour, sheer modulus of rigidity, Poisson’s ratio, elastic energy, heat engine and refrigerator are deleted from the portion of class XI.
From class XII, Carbon resistor, colour code of carbon resistor, series and parallel of resistance, magnetic field intensity due to magnetic dipole, torque on a magnetic dipole, para, dia and ferro magnetic substances, electromagnets power factor, wattless current, AC generator, AC transformer, displacement current,  reflection of light, spherical mirror, mirror for scattering of light,  radioactivity, alpha, beta and gamma rays, radioactive decay law, binding energy and Zener diode are deleted.

From chemistry portion of class XI Environmental chemistry is deleted and from class XII Metallurgy, Polymers and Chemistry in everyday life is deleted.

No changes has been made in the topics and chapters of Mathematics, unit-wise marks distribution and books.

The Core English course for class XI will not include exercises to write a letter to the editor, or apply for a job with a resume.

Similar Changes have been done in arts and commerce syllabi. Topics like federalism, nationalism, Secularism, demonetization, GST, partition, Zamindars & the state, impact of government policy changes on business with special reference to liberalization, privatization and globalization in India stands deleted.

Human eye, evolution, forest and wildlife, democracy, diversity, popular struggles and movements, and challenges to democracy along with some experiments which will be harder to conduct are removed from the syllabus of class tenth.

Click here to check the tweet by HRD Minister:

HRD Minister informed the students about the changes by a tweet from his personal twitter handle.

JEE & NEET Postponed Till September

In the wake of Coronavirus outbreak, the Human Resources Development ministry has decided to postpone the Engineering and Medical entrance examinations, conducted by National Testing Agency.

Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank announced the postponement of JEE & NEET through a video tweet from his twitter handle. The JEE MAIN examination will be held between September 1, 2020 to September 6, 2020. JEE advanced exam will be held on September 27, 2020 and National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) examination will be held on September 13, 2020.

Earlier, a panel was formed  to check the possibility of conducting these examinations. The panel was supposed to submit its recommendations to HRD ministry by today evening. This panel was constituted after continuous outrage by parents and students on social media, seeking clarity over conduct of examinations. After extension of lockdown in a few states and cancelation of trains upto mid-August, conducting exams on pre-announced dates was a tough task.
The steep rise in number of coronavirus cases across the nation was continuously worrying the aspirants and they were requesting the ministry to postpone it. Hashtags like #PostponeNEETandJEE and #HealthOverExams made the headlines with more than half a million tweets asking for postponement and this compelled the ministry to reschedule the examinations.

The Union HRD minister wished luck to the aspirants and advised them to study up to their full potential.

NIRF Ranking 2020: Where does your dream college stands

Human Resource Development Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ announced NIRF ranking for Indian institutes on Thursday. The rankings which were scheduled to be announced in April were delayed due to Corona outbreak. Launched by HRD Ministry in 2015, this framework of ranking  national institutes has stepped in its fifth year. In the fifth edition, a total of 3,771 universities and higher educational institutions across the country participated in the ranking process and The rankings have been released for a total of 10 categories – Overall, Universities, Engineering, Colleges, Management, Pharmacy, Medical, Architecture, Dental and Law.

About NIRF:
NIRF stands for National Institutional Ranking Framework. This framework outlines a methodology to rank institutions across the country. The methodology draws from the overall recommendations and broad understanding arrived at by a Core Committee set up by MHRD, to identify the broad parameters for ranking various universities and institutions. After approval from MHRD it was launched on 29th September 2015 and the first edition of ranking was released in 2016.

The ranking framework evaluates institutions on five broad generic groups of parameters — Teaching, Learning and Resources (TLR), Research and Professional Practice (RP), Graduation Outcomes (GO), Outreach and Inclusivity (OI) and Perception (PR). Ranks are assigned based on the total sum of marks assigned for each of these five broad groups of parameters.

Here’s the list of top ten institutions from each category:

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai
Indian institute of Science, Bengaluru
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore
Jadavpur University, Kolkata
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Calcutta University, Kolkata
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

Miranda House, Delhi
Lady Shri Ram College For Women, New Delhi
Hindu College, Delhi
St. Stephen’s College, Delhi
Presidency College, Chennai
Loyola College, Chennai
St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata
Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Howrah
Hans Raj College, Delhi
PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Hyderabad
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, Tiruchirapalli
Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Indore

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bangluru
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata
Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, Lucknow
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, Kozhikode
Indian Institute of Management Indore, Indore
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi
Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI), Jamshedpur
Management Development Institute, Gurugram

Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi
Punjab University, Chandigarh
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Mohali, Mohali
Institute of chemical technology, Mumbai
National institute of pharmaceutical education and  Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Birla institute of technology and science, Pilani
Manipal college of pharmaceutical sciences, Udupi
National institute of pharmaceutical education and research Ahmadabad, Gandhinagar
JSS college of pharmacy, Ooty
Jss college of Pharmacy, Maysore

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
Christian Medical College, Vellore
National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences, Banglore
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore
Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research, Pondicherry
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
King George’s Medical University, Lucknow

Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, Delhi
Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Udupi
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai
A. B. S. M. Institute of Dental Sciences, Magaluru
Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Magalore
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education And Research, Chennai
Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai
SRM Dental College, Chennai
JSS Dental College and Hospital, Mysuru

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee
National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kozhikode
Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology University, Ahmadabad
School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, Truchirappalli
School of Planning and Architecture, Vijaywada
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

National Law School of India University, Bengaluru
National Law University, New Delhi
Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur
National Law University, Jodhpur
The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata
Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar
Symbiosis Law School, Pune
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiyala

VK Bansal: The Architect Of Dreams

This is a moment of profound grief and sorrow for all those who ever had a connection with Kota. The person who made Kota, ‘an education hub’, is no more with us. The architect of Kota coaching culture, VK Bansal Sir breathed his last today morning. He has left behind an unparalleled legacy of three decades. We pay tribute to the legend. Let’s have a look on his life’s journey…

Mr. Bansal was born to a sweet seller in Jhansi, India on October 26, 1946. After passing high school at the top of his class, he went on to study engineering at the Banaras Hindu University, graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering in 1971. Soon after graduating, Mr. Bansal was married and he moved to Kota, Rajasthan as an engineer at JK Synthetics, a chemical company. He wanted to be the Chief Engineer at the company, but destiny had some different plans for him. In the year 1974, Mr. Bansal was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy, which left him physically impaired; he could not even stand without support. And it eventually made him give up on his dream of becoming the Chief Engineer in the company.
In 1983, Mr. Bansal was advised to start teaching, as his new profession. In the beginning, he managed a few students and taught them at his dining room. Gradually, he gained popularity when his students started performing well. One of his students got through to IIT-Roorkie in 1985, and a similar feat was achieved in 1986. Soon Mr. Bansal found himself around more students than he could handle. In 1991, Mr. Bansal started the “Bansal Classes Pvt. Ltd.”, a coaching for the preparation of JEE Main and Advance. Bansal classes have produced JEE AIR rank 1 in the year 2000, 2002, 2007, 2008 and 2015.
Teaching is my breakfast, lunch and dinner. Teaching is my life. I cannot do anything apart from teaching. And since I cannot do anything other than teaching, I can do it the best. Nobody can work harder than me as a teacher. Anyone who is not disabled has a lot of other distractions in life, replied Mr. Bansal, when he was asked if he enjoys teaching.

He underwent bypass surgery and treatment of Dural Hematoma (bleeding in the brain). In Jan 2014, Mr. Bansal sent a CD narrating his life story in a seminar held in the Neurology Department of AIIMS New Delhi. He told that he had been writing for six hours daily, because of which the muscles of his hand are functional. Till 2012 he used to take lectures for 7-8 hours daily because of which his lungs and heart are functioning normally.

The success of Mr. Bansal led to the creation of many more coaching classes, many of them started by Mr. Bansal’s former employees.
The life and work of VK Bansal is motivating and inspiring to all the people around the globe. He wrote his own destiny and faced all the odds in life smartly and bravely. He is the Father of the Coaching hub of Kota, because of this legendary man Kota is known for its coaching facilities, environment and success rate throughout the Nation.